Page 55 - Studio International - December 1970
P. 55

Supplement December  1970                                                           think  they're  decorative  and  they  mean-I

          Lithographs and original prints                                                     don't know if this is a correct rationalization
                                                                                              or not-but I think they mean two things: one
                                                                                              is simple data information, and the other is a
                                                                                              way of making another value out of the same
          Lichtenstein's graphic                    The artists  or designers of the thirties  didn't   colour-50  per cent  red  or 50 per cent  blue.
                                                                                              Actually, in these prints the dot colour had to
          works: Roy Lichtenstein                   have the same remove as I have. I mean they   be changed several  times.  The  red  dots  are
          in conversation with                      were more serious about it, and that results in   not  the  same  ink  colour  as  the  flat  areas  of
         John Co  plans                             a certain difference:  It's  not  that  I  am  not   inked red. In printing commercially, the pur­
                                                    serious, but if they were serious in one way, I   pose of the dots is to get a free pink out of the
          JC Most of the new prints seem to have direct   am in another. It's something like my Picasso   deal. However, because red dots printed with
          references-at one level or another-to specific   or  Mondrian  paintings-mine  are  not  really   · the same ink as that of the flat areas don't look
          aspects of modern art.                    like  either  of  these  two  arfists.  I  also  think   the same value,  the printer changed the dot
         RL Yes, the Cathedrals are meant to be     there is a great similarity between thirties' art   colour to make them optically match the flat
         manu­factured Monets and so are the        and much present-day  art. Both are concep­  areas.  Anyway,  the  dots  can  have  a  purely
         Haystacks. The modern prints-I mean the    tual and both do certain things which are so   decorative  meaning,  or  they  can  mean  an
         various ones of Peace Through Chemistry-are   much a,like in style. It's only that today most   industrial way of extending the colour, or data
         muralesque. They are a little like W.P.A.   artists don't employ the more obvious aspects   information,  or  finally,  that  the  image  is  a
         murals.                                    of the thirties' look. But the fact that there is a   fake. A Mondrian with a set of dots is obviously
         JC They also seem to be very Leger-like.   sort  of  thought-out�beforehand,  measurable,   a fake Mondrian. I think those are the mean­
         RL Yes, and they are a play on cubist com­  geometric,  repeated  and  logical  appearance   ings the dots have taken on, but I'm not really
         position. Of course, the imagery has also to do   to most current art is very close to the thirties'   sure if I haven't made all this up.
         with the thirties. The theme is hackneyed,   thinking. There certainly are many differen­  JC It·also seems to me that in your Cathedrals
         which is part of the idea.                 ces,  but it is very close in some ways,  so I'm   and Haystacks,  unlike the Impressionists who
         JC Why?                                    not  only  playing  on  the  thirties,  I'm  also   suspended  colour  in a  veil  of  choppy  brush­
         RL I thought something could be made out of   playing on present-day geometric art. Current   strokes,  you do the same with a  veil of hard
         these old images. I don't know exactly why   art is frankly decorative, at least a lot of it.   optical dots.
         they appeal to me, but I like the idea of a   JC In what sense do you use the word deco­  RL Yes,  it's  an  industrial  way  of  making
         senseless Cubism. At first Cubism had signifi­  rative-do  you mean it's pleasing, sensuously   Impressionism-or  something  like  it-by  a
         cance, it was saying something about vision,   pleasing?                             machine-like technique. But it probably takes
         about unity, especially the relationship of   RL Yes,  it covers  big walls  with all kinds  of   me ten times as long to do one of the Cathedral
         figure and ground. But following Cubism­   glorious  colours  and  shapes.  I  think  it's  a   or Haystack paintings as it took  Monet to do
         particularly in twenties' and thirties' art   question of the level of relatedness and the level   his.
         moderne, the style lost the point of Cubism   of meaning that distinguishes today's work  from   JC Unlike  the  paintings,  in  the  Cathedral
         completely, especially in the decorative arts.   the thirties and the thirties' work I'm working   prints the image is stabilized. I mean the view
         JC Your sculpture also refers to decorative   from, and say the thirties' work of Leger.   of Rouen cathedral is identical in each print.
         Cubism of the thirties.                    JC How  do  you  see  your  sculpture  in  the   RL Yes,  I think that changing the colour to
         RL Yes, I think I make images that are     context of this notion? I mean your sculpture   represent different times of the day is a mass­
         purely cubistic, but the Cubism doesn't really   isn't in actual fact so much copied as invented.   production way of using the printing process.
         tell you anything.                         RL Even though my work is similar to some   On the other hand,  the paintings in any one
         JC If you are using such cubist-derived forms,   thirties' sculpture, mine is really more derived   set  are  different from  one  another,  and  I'm
         is it only the image that is cubist, or the com­  from  architectural  details,  for  instance,  rail­  not too sure why I did them this way,  but I
         position as well?                          ings; and railings have a certain similarity to   planned them as four sets consisting of three
         RL The subject is Cubism and the image     a  lot  of  the  sculpture  being  done  today.  I   paintings in each set, although I may extend
         therefore becomes Cubism, but this has noth­  think the same is true ofmy paintings. They   one set to five paintings. Each set has different
         ing to do with the formal qualities of com­  also  refer  to  architectural  detail  and  deco­  images.  I  mean  there  are  no two  images  or
         position-its real relationships. This is a   ration, but there wasn't much serious abstract   colours  the  same  in  any  one  set.  Identical
         matter of whether the relationships are seen   painting that was this stylized. Mine are much   images  are dispersed in  the  various sets,  but
         and felt. No compositional devices really hold   more removed, even though I think one could   the colours are different.
         a work together.                           have  painted  like  this  in  the  twenties  and   JC Then  are  you  going  to  insist  that  the
         J C   What then makes your thirties images   thirties. I've never  seen any painting like the   paintings be kept in sets and not broken up by
         look as if they are made in the sixties ? The   Peace  Through Chemistry  image.  There  should   a purchaser?
         element of parody? Surely formal properties   have been images like this; it's a mixture of a   RL Yes.
         outside the question of parody link these   kind of W.P.A. mural painting and Cezanne   JC On the basis  that  the serial  idea is  more
         images to the sixties?                     or  Grant  Wood,  �ed  with  American  pre­  coherent with three images seen at once?
         RL Of course parody and irony are not      cisionist use of city imagery.            RL I  think  it explains  the serial  idea  much
         formal aspect�. But these are probably the   JC It also has overtones of  the thirties' poster   better, and a lot of the time the i;mage of the
         most obvious link to· the sixties; but also the   style.                             cathedral  is  not  very  apparent.  It  is  more
         direct­ness and the paint quality.         RL Right, this is probably a more immediate   apparent in one of the three than the others,
         JC But what I'm really getting at, I suppose,   source and  brings  in the simplicity  of  poster •   and this gives coherence to the other two. But
         is, what really differentiates one of your sculp­  reproduction.  I've combined  a  lot of images   the other thipg is that though Monet painted
         _tures from those of the thirties, apart from the   into what maybe thirties' murals  looked like.   his  Cathedrals  as  a  series,  which  is  a  very
         question of idiosyncratic placement of each   Then, of course, the dots I use make the image   modern idea,  the image was painted slightly
         element?                                   ersatz.  And  I think  the  dots  also  may mean   differently  in  each  painting.  So,  I  thought
         RL I don't know, I guess it's hard to say.   data  transmission.  Previously  they  meant   using three slightly different images  in three
         Maybe it's getting inside what the thirties'   something  more  to  do  with  printing,  now  I   different colours as  a play on different times
         style is really about that makes the difference.                                                                         263
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