Page 26 - Studio International - July August 1970
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New acquisitions at the Tate Gallery include and Reynolds more particularly, on the ground structures that have multiple form by giving shape
works by William Roberts, Pierre Roy, René that their transfer greatly detracts from the to change'.
Magritte (The Reckless Sleeper of 1927), Bernard prestige of the British Collection at the premier
Cohen, Peter Blake (a toy-shop window of 1962), institution. (From 'Studio Talk', p. 68, vol. xlvi) `N Dimensional Space' was the title of an exhibi-
Peter Phillips, Joe Tilson, Mark Lancaster, Mark tion at the Finch College Museum of Art, New
Boyle and Robert Morris. Alistair McAlpine has Two directors of important American museums York, until June 15. The show was subtitled 'An
donated works by Lynn Chadwick and William have recently tendered their resignations. John exhibition of holograms and lasers with an histori-
Turnbull. The Trustees purchased The Visit of 1967 Coplans, who was responsible for the organization cal examination of this incredible new technology'.
by Willem de Kooning from the recent exhibition of the Warhol retrospective, has ended a very A studio has been established in Ann Arbor,
of his work, and the artist himself has presented a active period as director of the Pasadena Art Michigan, by a scientist, Dr Lloyd Cross, and two
further recent painting and two drawings. Museum; and Jan van der Marck leaves the artists, Allyn Lite and Gerald Pethick, to aid and
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, on June encourage artists to experiment in holography, and
The Mark Rothko gift to the Tate was opened 15 after more than three years. 'After a largely ad- their results were included in the exhibition together
to public view at the end of May. The gift consists ministrative career', he wrote, `it will be a relief to with holograms by Robert Indiana, Bruce Nauman
of eight of the pictures, done in 1958-9, which devote myself to the critical and aesthetic aspects and George Ortman.
have come to be known as the Seagram murals. of art and to a closer study of the role and function
They hang in a room adjacent to work by Gia- of museums.' Grants made or promised by the Gulbenkian
cometti—like Rothko, a great admirer of the scale Foundation during 1969 included an unprece-
and light of the Tate's rooms. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, dented promise of £250,000 to the Tate Gallery to
has recently announced a 'master plan' for the total construct a gallery to house temporary exhibitions.
An International Art Fair was held in Basle from reorganization of the building and its collections. The Southern Arts Association and the Yorkshire
June 12 to 16. The Fair showed twentieth-century Due to severe pressures on the available space (dur- Arts Association each received £12,000, and
paintings and sculpture as well as outstanding art ing the past ten years the museum has never been £30,000 has been given to help establish a school
books published during the last ten years. More able to exhibit more than 4 per cent of its holdings of of Museum Studies at Manchester and Leicester
than 100 galleries and art book publishers American paintings, sculpture and drawings at any Universities. A grant of £6000 has been made
exhibited, including, from the UK, the Marl- one time), and a recent series of major donations towards the cost of furniture and equipment for the
borough Gallery, Annely Juda, Editions Alecto, which cannot at present be housed, are among the gallery and arts centre recently established at
and Petersburg Press. factors which have led to the decision to re- Kettle's Yard, Cambridge University. A grant of
organize completely. The plan is designed to £4000 was made towards the cost of establishing
The Pasadena Art Museum recently staged rationalize the sequence of collections and to facili- studios and workshops for artists at St Katherine
a major exhibition of the work of Andy War- tate traffic within the museum (annual attendance Dock, London.
hol. The exhibition concentrates on the serial 6 million). The complete Temple of Dendur, given
aspect of Warhol's art—the multiple flower images, by the Egyptian Government in gratitude for Norbert Lynton, until recently head of the
the soup cans, portraits, Brillo boxes, disaster American help in saving the Temple of Abu department of art history at Chelsea School of Art
paintings, etc. The show will travel to Chicago, Simbel, will be housed in a special glass structure and art critic of The Guardian, has been appointed
Eindhoven, Paris and London (Tate Gallery, Feb- with its podium situated in a body of water to Director of Exhibitions by the Arts Council of
ruary—March 1971), and will conclude its tour at simulate the Nile. A long mirror outside the en- Great Britain.
the Whitney Museum in New York during April closure will be used to reflect daylight onto the
1971. A 160-page book will complement the show. Temple. The magnificent Robert Lehman col- New, hitherto unexhibited graphics by Miro
lection, acquired last autumn, will be housed in a are being shown in a one-man exhibition at Palma,
special new wing incorporating seven of the most Majorca's recently-opened Sala Pelaires gallery,
important period rooms from the original Lehman this autumn. The gallery, which is large and well-
house on West 54th Street. Seen from the Central equipped, specializes in Spanish artists.
THE Park side, the Museum in its new guise will have a
Crystal Palace aspect. There will also be two 'year- Byam Shaw School of Art's new principal, in
round parks' within the Museum itself, enclosed in succession to Maurice de Sausmarez, who died
STUDIO glass structures which will facilitate climate control. last year, is Geri Morgan. Mr Morgan has taught
at Hornsey, Camberwell, and Byam Shaw, and has
`Visions, Projects and Proposals' is the title of exhibited at the Royal Academy and in Bradford
75 years ago an exhibition being organized by the Midland and Belgium.
Venice—The International Art Exhibition at Group for the Nottingham Festival, July 11-26, to
Venice, which closed on November 3, will remain be held at the Gallery and in the Nottingham Play- Roland, Browse and Delbanco, of Cork Street,
memorable in Italy, not only for the great moral house. Photographs, films, drawings, models and London, are celebrating their 25th anniversary
and material success attained, but also, and per- documentation will be used to illustrate sculptural with a distinguished exhibition of nineteenth- and
haps more, for the varied circumstances of a proposals in the Gallery, while a smaller section in twentieth-century drawings (until August 20). The
special character by which it was attended. First the Playhouse will be devoted to maquettes and exhibition includes notable works by Nolde, Marc,
of all, it was the first time that so many works drawings which are complete in themselves. It is Klimt, Matisse, Picasso and Pissarro.
of foreign artists, until now known only by name, also hoped to show three or four pieces, specially
had been gathered together in Italy.
constructed for the exhibition, in an adjacent out- Francis Bacon is to be accorded a major showing
Among those examined with special curiosity, door area. Earlier precedents will be represented at the Grand Palais, Paris. The exhibition, which
due to the fact that they displayed an artistic taste
by documentation of such projects as Tatlin's will include 100 or more paintings, will run from
very unlike our own, were the English, Danish and Monument to the Third International, Brancusi's End- October 1971 to January 1972. It is being organ-
Swedish pictures. Sir E. Burne-Jones with his less Column and Gabo's Monument for an Observatory. ized by M. Blaise Gautier, director of the Centre
Sponsa de Libano...Richmond with his Bath of
Among other artists to be represented are Claes National d'Art Contemporain.
Venus...Lawson with Sunset Effect, Thaulow with
Oldenburg, Herbert Distel, Richard Long, Tim
his landscapes, and the Americans, Whistler and Threlfall, Michael Pennie, Roger Fagin, David CAYC (Centro de Arte y Comunicacion) of Buenos
Alexander, with their portraits, may be singled Hall, Ed Herring, John Hoskin, Adrian Phipps Aires reports that during the coming months it will
out for especial mention. (From the Italian corres- Hunt, John Dee, Carel Visser, Martin Rous, Hugo put on exhibitions of work by D'Arcangelo,
pondent writing in 'Studio Talk', p. 184, vol. vi)
de Clerq and Ray Staakman. `Ecological Art' by Dennis Oppenheim (in
collaboration with John Gibson), 'Project Paricutin
50 years ago Concurrent with the 'Continuum' Show at the Volcano' by Peter Hutchinson (also with John
A portion of the National Gallery of British Art at Hayward Gallery will be an exhibition of Conti- Gibson), and a show of Conceptual Art organized
Millbank, popularly known as the Tate Gallery, nuum editions at the London Arts Gallery (open- by Lucy Lippard and based on those shows
was reopened to the public in July, and the ing June 24, for one month). The Continuum organized by her at the Art Museum of Seattle and
improvements effected both in the arrangement artists—Dante Leonelli, Bob Janz and Michael the Vancouver Art Gallery.
of the exhibits and in the decoration of the rooms, McKinnon—are preoccupied in their work with
have been received with general favour, though light and movement, and are able to apply Lisson Gallery, Bell Street, London W 1, has
strong criticism has been passed on the removal considerable technical skill and knowledge to works opened the Lisson Gallery Warehouse in nearby
from the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square of which have become increasingly architectural and Lisson Street, which gives the gallery an additional
certain works by early English masters, Hogarth environmental. They are concerned with `defining 2000 sq. ft and will enable it to show large works.