Page 40 - Studio International - June 1970
P. 40

The Airflow

     multiple of

      Claes Oldenburg

      Barbara Rose

      As a child, Claes Oldenburg's favourite toy
      was a maroon scale-model Chrysler Airflow
      with battery-powered headlights. The Prous-
      tian quality of Oldenburg's imagination
      imprinted this image, with its rich overlay of
      childhood memories, with particular vivid-
      ness. Since Oldenburg's practice is always to
      use the chance events and occurrences of his
      life as material for the content of his art, it is
      not surprising that he eventually chose the
      Airflow, an object so charged with personal
      associations, as one of his major themes. His
      friendship with the film-maker and sculptor
      Robert Breer, whose father, Carl Breer, de-
      signed the classic 1936 Airflow, reinforced
      Oldenburg's earlier associations. Through his
      friendship with Breer, Oldenburg was able to
      gain access to original documents and photo-
      graphs which could serve as a point of
      departure for his own technological fantasies.   ceded his celebrated  Store—the Street,  which   drawing, imitating the technological 'style'
      In dealing with the Airflow as a theme, Olden-  was shown at the Judson gallery and recon-  of mechanical drawing, conforms to our
      burg as usual engaged in role-playing. Indeed,   structed at the Reuben gallery in 1960. To   traditional ideas of graphic art : it is on a flat
      the choice of an assembly-line creation (which   begin with, Oldenburg saw the Street as full of   surface, has depicted contours, and conven-
      ironically found its ultimate destiny as a mass-  death, and the car as man's worst enemy. The   tional shading. Yet the clear plastic relief
      produced multiple) was deliberate. It allowed   lopsided misshapen reliefs of cars which ap-  covering it is just as much drawing as the
      Oldenburg to make the transition from  The   peared in the  Street  were distorted by angry   sheet of paper visible through the moulded
      Home,  the general environment in which he   expressionist drawing. It is interesting to note   shell. Lines, instead of being depicted, are
      created The Bedroom Ensemble and the various   that Oldenburg's original conception of the   literal—formed by edges of the different parts
      domestic objects that accompanied it, to  The   car as a  motif was as a graphic theme. The   of the car. Like Oldenburg's graphic work in
      Factory,  the imaginary milieu in which he is   Street figures and objects emphasized contour;   general, the Airflow multiple is involved with
      now creating colossal objects like the  Giant   they were like large drawings whose back-  reflections, transparency, tactile sensuousness,
      Lipstick and the Icebag, whose scale is so large   ground had been cut away. In the  Street,   scale, depth and mass. The difference, how-
      they must be commercially fabricated. This   Oldenburg brought drawing into real space   ever, is that in the drawings these qualities
      role-playing aspect of Oldenburg's career is   by hanging silhouetted shapes away from the   are depicted illusionistically, whereas in the
      central to his understanding of art as a kind   wall. The  Airflow  multiple completes the   multiple they are literally actual.
      of process which feeds off real-life experience.   process of making a graphic conception   One of the reasons Oldenburg was so fasci-
      In 1961, he set himself up as an ersatz small   entirely actual; in this sense it is the first   nated by the theme of the Airflow was
      businessman in The Store of Manhattan's   three-dimensional drawing. Behind the trans-  because he could accept it as a problem with
      Lower East Side where he impersonated the   parent plastic mould of the body of the Air-  built-in limitations. Since he was consistently
      butcher, the baker, and the tailor. Actually,   flow, a photographic blow-up of Oldenburg's   interested in the concept of 'style' both as
      the theme of the automobile appears in    original sketch for the Airflow  (which was to   an art-historical problem and in terms of
      Oldenburg's first environment which pre-   have been a soft sculpture) can be seen. This    personal expression, he enjoyed the challenge
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