Page 38 - Studio International - June 1970
P. 38
rendering a definite state of mind and cor- can be evoked by different circumstances and 7
Vizualization of a Giant Soft Sculpture in the Form of a
relative subject. A practical and functional mood, happening to the same artist. Style, Shirt with Tie 1963
solution which may or may not draw on for good health, should react to circumstances, Crayon and watercolour
14 x 16½ in.
previous styles (mine or others'). A style even when these are not favourable. I never Coll: Mr & Mrs Michael Blankfort, Los Angeles,
period is preceded by analysis. Once begun, cease to draw when the results are dis- California
it assembles all relevant elements in a con- appointing and peculiar, and eventually 8
Proposed Colossal Underground Monument—Drainpipe 1967
sistency, as f.ex. the paper becomes the street arrive at new adjustments. Each style is a new Cut-out, pencil, spray enamel and watercolour
40 x 26 in.
(a floor—downward glance), or wall (a discipline, a new example, and grows from a
Coll: Mr & Mrs M. Riklis, New York
window—sidelong glance), or room (deep primitive stage through a perfect one, to a
glance), or unbounded atmosphere (deeper stage of decline. These changes of style are
glance). based on the facts of the artist's situation. It
The periods of the street, store and home are is not a matter of eclecticism or of mere
systematic explorations of, successively: Line/ demonstration of the artist's skill at variations.
Plane, Colour, Volume—an analysis of ele- And if the activity of drawing is truly rooted
ments of drawing, using correlative subjects in the artist's body—his particular vision and
in my immediate surroundings. other physical facts—the character of his
The view I have of style rests on the many gesture and his temperament—the whole
different experiments with style in drawing work will show a unity throughout the
made before 1958. Different styles, I observed, changes. q