Page 52 - Studio International - June 1970
P. 52

Some aspects of

      bourgeois art

      Jean Clay

      Tor economic science the decisive point is what   of the many factors which in Paris, in May   believe that capitalism can be made 'human'
      people do—how they act—and not what they them-  1968, provoked a 'biological', 'instinctive'   and 'liveable-with'. Attempts are made to set
      selves think about their actions.'        revolt, a breach which nothing has been able   young people to work picking up old tin cans,
      Trotsky                                   to heal.2   In 1968 creativity took to the streets;   to stop them asking questions about the
                                                it has never returned to the museums. People   mechanisms of production, or about the
      It is clear that we are witnessing the death   know now that collaboration with the domi-  logicality of a system which leads auto-
      throes of the cultural system maintained by   nant system on a 'cultural' level simply means   matically to the private ownership of the few
      the bourgeoisie in its galleries and its mu-  adding a bit of plaster to the great lie which is   pockets of breathable air and to the provision
      seums. The values and the commodities     maintained by the profit-making society.   of more or less air-conditioned storage for the
      which constituted it have now passed into the   This collaboration is demanded, solicited or   workers in vertical or horizontal low-cost
      realm of the inessential.                 enforced by the system itself, which regards   housing.
      The lifeless residue is put to use by the   as a menace any counter-society that rejects   As the Utopie group has demonstrated,4  the
      dominant system as an ideological screen for   its values. On its side it has its promotion and   notion of architecture is the perfect example
      the real mechanisms of the profit-making   distribution apparatus (galleries, museums,   of the kind of ideological manipulation which
      society. This is one of the innovations of neo-  televisions, etc.) and various forms of eco-  has no relevance to anything in everyday
      capitalism: as we pass from the producer   nomic blackmail. It distributes both fame and   practical reality. Practically all the building
      society to the consumer society', 'culture' is   money. It offers one clear choice; pariah or   that is done takes place without any contribu-
      becoming a more and more indispensable    welcome prodigal, puppet or beggar. Above   tion from the modernist architects and town
      ingredient in any commercial or political   all, it imposes a definition of culture as an   planners we read of in the specialist journals.
      attempt to drug the public. The programmed   inoffensive, marginal, decorative activity, a   The reformers and the other great men of the
      cretinization of the masses by the mass media   game, a pastime or a confessional, the past   history of twentieth-century architecture have
      is carried out, by preference, with the help of   tense of creativity; something which is to be   had absolutely no influence on the human
      a battalion of artists and intellectuals who   entered, almost at birth, in the immemorial   habitat, except in so far as their technical
      give an aura of spirituality to the product and   narrative of art history. And as for art   ideas fitted in with the process of industrializa-
      to the talk in which it is packaged. The whole   history, everyone knows who wrote it; as   tion and with capitalist values. Space has
      apparatus is concentrated around the 'avant   Edouard Sanguinetti points out, 'Bourgeois   never been defined in a new way—except in a
      garde'. Its members are invited to gesture   culture has passed on to us all the historical   few private houses by Frank Lloyd Wright,
      on the boards, to advertise motor-cars, to   inheritance of the past, but selectively,   Le Corbusier and Gerrit Thomas Rietveld,
      bear witness to the 'exquisite taste' of this or   distorting it for its own purposes.'3    which serve as model dwellings, lived in by a
      that representative of the monopolies, to   In short, the system makes a paradoxical   tiny minority. This was the misfortune of the
      cloak with the name of a convenient uni-  demand; it wants novelty, but only if it is pre-  Bauhaus; its high-minded Utopia gradually
      versal (`art' or 'beauty') the true nature of the   cooked, de-vitaminized, without its energy   turned into a system of norms for the con-
      relationship between the classes.         and its potency. The system transforms    struction industry. Walter Gropius in New
      Ideological manipulation is no more a static   thought into a mere object. It organizes the   York, building amid the urban chaos his
      phenomenon than history itself. It makes   steeplechase, but makes one condition : no   giant Pan-Am building, set up the tombstone
      progress. It becomes subtler. The concentra-  running off the course. Or again, for those   of his own ideas.
      tion of the apparatus is generally poorly   who have a Boy Scout mentality, the system   This might well be the time to realize that, if
      perceived by those who, in all good faith, are   propounds a utilitarian variant on the ide-  urban planning and control fail to establish
      pursuing their 'pure research'. They think   ology of leisure : 'Improve your environment'.   themselves in most capitalist countries, this is
      themselves 'neutral', but the system is al-  On the themes of pollution, the spatial   not the result of incompetence on the part of
      ready tugging at their sleeves and thrusting   organization of the city, the visual quality of   their practitioners; nor is it the result of
      them to the front of the platform. `The artists   everyday life, the 'integration of the arts',   public ignorance. Disorder is a logical
      are with us!' This confiscation of creativity in   even the design of the fork you eat your   feature of any system founded on quick
      order to beautify an 'obscene' society was one    oysters with, it is fashionable to pretend to    returns. In France, all the development plans
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