Page 62 - Studio International - June 1970
P. 62
On exhibition 1 Hans Jenny seen against one of the 3 A soap bubble (diameter 65 mm) is
photographic screens in his exhibition. vibrated on a diaphragm. The original
`Vibrating World', an exhibition of Dr This photograph shows the effect of vibrat- sphere begins to change shape as rhythmic
Hans Jenny's work on vibrations and ing a fairly fluid mass at high amplitude. pulsations gather strength within its surfaces.
periodicity, will be shown at the ICA from 2 Here a viscous mass has been saturated Changes of frequency change the movement
June 11 to July 22. It will consist of photo- with iron powder and placed under a and geometry of this pulsating polyhedron.
graphic enlargements, a continuously-shown magnet on a membrane, which is then 4 Here Lycopodium (spores of club moss)
60-minute colour film, and actual machinery vibrated. Twisting, ever-changing, erectile is vibrated at a high frequency. The
that visitors may operate. The text of the forms result. This one is about 5 cm high. circular mounds are seen here from an
introductory leaflet is based on an illustrated oblique angle; each rotates round its own
article we published last November, 'Hans axis, and when seen on film they irresistibly
Jenny and cymatics' by Jonathan Benthall, suggest the movement of galaxies.
who is to chair a short course of lectures
accompanying the exhibition at the ICA on
the following evenings: Monday June 15,
Dr Hans Jenny on Cymatics; Monday
June 22, Brian Goodwin on Rhythmic
Organization of Cells and Embryos' ;
Monday June 29, Professor C.H.Wadding-
ton FRS on 'Developmental Patterns in
Biology' ; Monday 6 July, Dr William Goody
FRCP on 'Rhythms and the Nervous System'.