Page 30 - Studio International - April 1971
P. 30

tendencies—the cubist and futurist avant garde   Proletcult artist, Gastev, collaborated with   the revolutionary intelligentsia. Many workers,
    and the Proletcult. These represented two   Mayakovsky in organizing a symphony of   especially militant workers, perhaps the
    different concepts. On the one hand, there was   factory sirens and locomotive whistles,   majority, deeply distrusted intellectuals, whom
    the concept of the avant-garde artist rallying to   conducted by semaphore from a rooftop.   they tended to see as parasites. Either
    the revolution and bringing his specialized   During the brief period that Proletcult survived   intellectuals were actual servants and
    skill to its service. On the other hand, there was   into the NEP years, it was one of its main   lieutenants of the bourgeoisie or else they were
    the concept of the proletariat, now it had   figures, Pletnev, who gave Eisenstein his start   pointless adjuncts. Marxism seemed to point
    achieved political power, producing its own   in the theatre, with his 'montage of attractions'.   to the truth that all value was produced by the
    artists and its own art. These two concepts were   The first years of the Revolution were a time   working class. The cult of physical labour was
    not necessarily contradictory but they could   when collaboration was possible.      pervasive at the time. Indeed, the intelligentsia
    easily become so. Neither tendency was       In part, this was because of the emphasis on   itself felt worried about its role. Arvatov, one
    particularly inclined to pay much attention to   taking art to the public, in tearing it out of the   of the theroists of Futurism and Constructivism,
    the problems of the peasantry who, as Lenin   salons and presenting it to the masses.   wrote that 'the radical and leading part of the
    was well aware, constituted the great bulk of the   Rodchenko sent abstract, futurist and   new intelligentsia, the so-called technical
    Russian population. The Proletcult, by its very   suprematist works all over the country, filling   intelligentsia (to be precise) has been educated
    nature, was exclusively proletarian in     every gallery with them. Painted agit-trains and   in the industrial centres of the present and has
    composition and outlook. The avant garde,   agit-steamers travelled all over Russia. Whole   been permeated with the positivism of the
    especially its dominant futurist section, was   cities were covered with paintings. Huge public   natural sciences and has become "Americanized"
    fanatically urban and cosmopolitan in its   spectacles were organized. The storming of the   ... At the time when the former intelligentsia
    world-view, mesmerized by the city, by the   Winter Palace was re-enacted. Acting on a   was soaring above the clouds in its "pure
    machine, by industrial civilization. The hatred   suggestion of Lenin's, monuments were erected.   ideology" the new and "urbanized"
    of the old which brought it to the revolution   The IZO commissioned Tatlin's Monument of   intelligentsia was concentrating on the material
    went hand-in-hand with an aversion to rural   the Third International which, though it was   world, the world of things'. This kind of
    life and rustic values. Neither tendency was   never built, was exhibited and driven round the   attitude envisaged that the 'literary' and
    ready to make concessions to populism or to   streets as a model. Artists had not yet given up   `artistic' intelligentsia had to make a clean
    peasant culture. As a result, neither was to   the idea that art was a particular activity, with a   break with its past. 'Pure art' was to be rejected
    emerge a victor in the battles which were to   validity of its own. Assuming it to be of value,   alongside 'pure ideology'. The new
    ensue.                                     they were eager to take it to the masses, to   intelligentsia must be urban, technicist,
       At first, there was a considerable overlap   make it accessible to everybody. Yet already   materialist, integrated into modern industry,
    between the Proletcult and the avant garde.   the idea was beginning to form that art was   working alongside the proletariat.
    Proletcult artists joined with futurists in   itself a pointless luxury and that for art to have   Not all artists accepted this vision of the
    contempt for the past and determination to   any real meaning, it must be subordinated to   future. In the first four years of the revolution,
    produce new forms, representative of a machine   the exigencies of industrial production, it must   for instance, Kandinsky was prominent in the
    age. It was a Proletcult pamphleteer,      have an immediate practical utility. As artists   INKHUK, the Institute of Artistic Culture
    Kershentsev, who first launched the slogan of   began to ask themselves what the role of art   which had been set up by the NARKOMPROS
    `Art in the streets'. Later the IZO organized   should be in the revolution, pragmatist and   to gather artists sympathetic to the revolution
    mass pageants and festivals and decorated whole   utilitarian arguments began to come to the fore.   into one organization. Gabo and Pevsner were
    cities with paintings on buildings, walls and   Artists must not just take art to the workers;   active at this time. Most important of all,
    gigantic hoardings. Kershentsev was made head   they must become workers. Ironically enough,   Malevich, who had ousted Chagall from control
    of ROSTA, the forerunner of TASS, where he   the ideology of the Proletcult demanded exactly   of the art school at Vitebsk, also demurred
    commissioned Mayakovsky, among others, to   the reverse— workers must become artists.   and, unlike Kandinsky or Gabo, he had a
    produce the famous ROSTA windows,          Both proved abortive ambitions.           group of talented and loyal pupils and followers,
    posters-cum-broadsheets, satirical cartoons   The underlying problem at issue was that of   the UNOVIS group. Malevich was
    combined with sloganeering verse. Another   the relationship between the working class and    emphatically not 'permeated with the positivism
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