Page 25 - Studio International - April 1971
P. 25
individuals, the Arts Council, and a grant from Correspondence All this is to say that Mr Jones had achieved
the local authority, the Gallery has always his intention. He made the point that in this
found that the only successful way of context we all expect to encounter words first
consolidating and extending its activities and and photographs last and this convention, when
increasing the support it gives to artists through inverted, throws us into confusion if only for a
new exhibition opportunities and increased short period of time. In sum, the natural way of
sales is to work ahead of its financial position looking at actual art objects is foreign to art
at any given time. literature.
It has been considered fundamental that, Even with this knowledge, my conditioned
in addition to showing the work of established response obliged me to read the text as a means
artists (e.g. Denny, Frost, Wynter, Lanyon, of looking at the photographs—an admission, if
Hilton, Bernard Cohen, Harold Cohen, you like, of my (and I suspect other people's)
Richard Smith, Hodgkin, Ernest, Hughes, uneasiness in looking at photographs as
Kidner, Wall), work should also be shown by perceptual stimuli instead of perceptual
younger and/or lesser-known artists who were confirmation of a verbal priority.
making valid explorations of the media in which The text contained errors which I want to
they worked (e.g. John Dee, Colin Cina, David point out :
Inshaw, John Howlin, Peter Eveleigh—who all : 'Conversation involves two acts—listening
subsequently had exhibitions at the Arts and looking.'
Council Serpentine Gallery in 1970—John Conversation involves three acts at least—
Loveless, Martin Fuller, and Sally Parkin, speaking, listening and looking.
Margaret Priest and Bud Burgess who all left 2: `(I chose black paper) since light is not
the Royal College in 1970). necessary to see sound.'
The most ambitious exhibition undertaken Sound cannot be seen with or without light. (I
by the Arnolfini Gallery was the 1968 New am aware of the existence of machines which
British Sculpture/Bristol exhibition. The works, interpret sound as electrical impulses on a
by Annesley, Bolus, Caro, Dee, Evans, cathode-ray tube. What is seen is not sound but
Knowles, Morland, Robertson-Swann, Scott, the effect of sound.)
Tucker, Turnbull, Wall, Woodham were, in E. G. Finlay
the main, shown on a variety of public, open- Teddington
air sites in the central area of Bristol and were Middlesex
seen by at least 250,000 people. The Gallery Information requested
has from the outset attached considerable I: Don Judd Two Symposia
importance to printed matter relating to its For a catalogue raisonné of Don Judd's work I The bruhaha following the publication of the
exhibitions and the poster for this exhibition would appreciate knowing of works acquired Coldstream/Summerson Report on art
won a national poster award in 1969. from European collectors or dealers. Please note education, has concentrated public debate on
In addition to its primary role in the visual exhibition history and from whom the piece matters of structure—B courses, Design
arts in Bristol (including the complementing was acquired. Thank you. Technician Council, Central control of
of aspects of the activities of the Bristol City Dudley del Balso Foundation courses. The more fundamental
Art Gallery), the Arnolfini Gallery has for c/o Judd issues raised by the present predicament of art
several years attached great importance to 101 Spring Street and design education are in danger of remaining
collaboration with galleries in other parts of N.Y.C. N.Y. 10012 unexplored. In the long run the quality of
the region and the country as a whole, in the thought behind the content of education is more
joint organizing and showing of exhibitions— z: Eva Hess important than the details of the administrative
including Bear Lane Gallery, Oxford; Museum For a major exhibition on the sculpture and structure.
of Modern Art, Oxford; Midland Group drawing of the late Eva Hesse, I would I have been asked by the Institute of
Gallery, Nottingham; Dartington Hall, Devon; appreciate any information on collections which Contemporary Arts to organize two Symposia on
Park Square Gallery, Leeds; Welsh Arts include the works of this artist and photographs Art and Design education. Each Symposium
Council Gallery, Cardiff; ICA, London—as or other pertinent information concerning will last over a weekend, the first on April 24/25,
well as the organization of touring exhibitions exhibitions. the second on May 1/2. The programme is
for the South Western Arts Association and Donald Droll organized so that there may be a progression of
the Area Museum Council for the South West. c/o M. Knoedler & Co., Inc. argument from the beginning of the first
Forthcoming exhibitions at the Arnolfini 21 E. loth Street Symposium to the end of the second, rather than
Gallery include one-man exhibitions of work New York, New York 10021 topics being dealt with in isolation. The aim is to
by Martin Fuller (in collaboration with Bear Tel: 628-0400 involve people directly concerned with art and
Lane Gallery, Oxford and the Camden Arts design education and people concerned with
Centre), Robyn Denny (original prints), Tom Back to front various aspects of education in general, in
Phillips (also to be shown at Dartington Hall, I was on to the last page of Gareth Jones's discussions about some fundamental issues of
Devon and Welsh Arts Council Gallery, article 'Linguistics : an eye-witness account' art and design education.
Cardiff), Bill Jacklin, Karl Weschke, David (Studio International, February 1971), before I The first weekend is put over to discussing
Inshaw, John Loveless and 'Systems', a group realized that there was something strange. Even the content of art and design studies. On the
exhibition including Richard Allen, John then it took me a little time to sort out its first day three prominent teachers of art and
Ernest, Malcolm Hughes, Colin Jones, display. I had associated the first three pages design will give their analysis of what an
Michael Kidner, Peter Lowe, James Moyes, of photographs with the preceding article education in art or design (or both) may mean.
David Saunders, Geoffrey Smedley, Jean and the text with the succeeding article. In fact This will be followed in the afternoon by a
Spencer, Jeffrey Steele, and Gillian Wise. there was a very curious feeling of discovering an psychologist talking about the nature of
JEREMY REES article where there was none before. creativity. The audience will then be invited