Page 26 - Studio International - April 1971
P. 26
to break into discussion groups, each with policy concerning museum charges. Timothy News and notes
a briefed discussion leader. After dinner has deliberately misrepresented the true facts of
everybody will reassemble to discuss with a the matter. Admission charges are essential for
panel of speakers the ideas which have been put the art education of the masses; in fact I'm
forward during the day. This session will begin vigorously campaigning in order to increase the
with some speakers offering a critique of the proposed charges from what I imagine will be
day's proceedings. a miserable few shillings on production of a Raoul Hausmann died oni February in
On the second day the audience will be Social Security Benefit receipt, to a more Limoges at the age of 85. Hausmann played an
invited to discuss likely and desirable future realistic sum perhaps in the region of twenty important part in the establishment of Dadaism
developments in art and design education in pounds a day to all members of the working in Berlin and there created his most renowned
works in photo-montage, sound poetry, and in the
secondary schools and further education. Topics classes with of course exemption for surtax kind of street event for which Berlin DaDa is
will be introduced by speakers. The weekend payers, Old Etonians and other people who famous. After the end of Dada, Hausmann moved
will finish with a general debate on the extent to really deserve this stuff. O.A.P.s will naturally be towards a more disciplined kind of activity,
which the problems of art and design education exempt subject to the usual means test as long concentrating more and more on the
differ from those of other subjects. as they promise to write an essay afterwards. establishment of a theoretical basis for his work.
Discussion in the second weekend will be Put the price sky high and a lot of us working-
concerned with the structure of the educational class artists (working-class astronauts into Rosc '71 the Dublin biennale, will be held
24 October-29 December and will feature a
system, how art and design fit into it, and the middle-class space) will no longer have our little major exhibit of 150 works created during the
appropriateness of this structure to the non-involved (cos, see, it's pure research and past four years by so leading international artists.
educational aims discussed during the first has spin-off culture effects and it's parallel to The jurors—James Johnson Sweeney, Pontus
weekend. Four college Principals are being asked human misery see, but about eternal verities and Hulten, Werner Schmalenbach and Dr Michael
Scott (Chairman)— selected artists from the
to talk about the problems inherent in their jobs, things like that, you must remember the history United States (Albers, Arakawa, De Maria, Al
one session will be devoted to the future of the books: economic history, social history and then Held, Judd, Johns, Kienholz, Lindner, Robert
Dip. A.D., another to the idea of general courses there is art) escape hatches where some of us Morris, Nevelson, Oldenburg, Rothko, Serra,
based on art and design for 16-18-year-olds. The manage to draw a little blood in our whimsical Stella, Thiebaud, Twombly and Wesselmann);
major political parties are being invited to send way from the arms around our mates' throats, I Germany (Antes, Beuys, Englund, Max Ernst,
Goller, Graubner, Klapheck, Oelze and
spokesmen to explain and discuss their say chaps open the safety valve here's an Schumacher); Switzerland (Aeppli); Yugoslavia
educational policy as it might affect art and amusing artist fellow. Don't you understand (Buie); Belgium (Bury, Magritte); Spain (Calder,
design. Tim ? It's in our interests to hive off these Guerrero); Italy (Capogrossi, Gnoli, Guttuso,
A number of speakers or commentators have grotesque thingies. The middle classes deserve Pascali); France (César, Dado, Lohse, Niki de
Saint Phalle, Pintuely and Tinguely); Sweden
been invited but the post strike has inevitably them. Don't you remember Tim ? Some of (Fahlstrom); Czechoslovakia (Kolar); South
meant that some replies have not yet been those guys you objected to sitting 'self America (Le Parc); Greece (Samaras); Holland
received. So far those to accept the invitation congratulatory, patronizingly and elitist, etc. (Shoonhoven); Portugal (Vieira da Silva);
include: Sir William Coldstream, Basil etc.' at the meeting for the Campaign Against Poland (Stazewski) and Japan (Sugai). No
Bernstein, Aneuran Thomas, Christopher Jones, Museum Charges have art in those museums ? British artists are represented. The exhibition is
Edward de Bono, Liam Hudson, Christopher Do you really want to see them playing their sponsored by Gulf Oil, together with the Irish
Tourist Board, Aer Lingus, C.I.E. and Radio
Cornford, G. W. R. Lines, Patrick Burke, signature tunes ? Telefis Eirann.
Martin Froy, Tyrrell Burgess. Listen Tim, Lord Eccles is a bigger asset to
A collection of papers presented at the art than the C.I.A. is to North Vietnam, is a The Nurenberg Biennale is being held from
Symposia, or written afterwards by some people bigger asset to art than Ted Heath is to the 3o April tor August. The emphasis is on works
taking part, will be produced as a book. Anybody Labour Party. Support my campaign for of the 19th and 20th century and the exhibition
wanting to make a written contribution is gigantic entrance fees to all art galleries (even is called 'What beauty is, I do not know—Artist-
Theory-Work'. Artists' work will be shown uncle'
welcome to send a paper to me care of the ICA. private ones and by the way, one of my several headings: 'Forerunners', 'Shape and
There will be time for some extra short papers to proposals is that you have to buy a bit of art, or Space', 'Colour and Form', 'Choreography of
be read at the Symposia, more may be considered even one of them cute multiples that the masses Expression', 'Colour Man—Light Man', 'Colour-
for inclusion in the book. In any case, papers on are always fighting to buy as they struggle Light-Movement-Space', 'Syntax and
relevant issues received in sufficient quantity towards the dealers at private views to replace Grammar', 'Physiognomy of Facts',
`Manipulation of our artistic surroundings',
(between ioo and 30o copies) will be distributed their plaster ducks with perspex boxes, or else `The Measure of the Real' and `Endstation'
to people at the Symposia. Much that is valuable they won't be allowed inside) and if we're (Conceptual Art).
about discussions cannot be reproduced in successful they'll dry up and blow away and
books, and the quality of these discussions we'll have struck the biggest blow for humanity Sculptures by the American artist Robert
depend not only on the invited speakers but also since someone blew up the Parthenon. Morris will be on show at the Tate Gallery 28
April-6 June. Due to their large size and
on those who take part. If you are involved in The museums of mummified artlessness are schematic shapes some of the sculptures will be
art education, and interested in fundamental irrelevant, forget the museums, the working reconstructed in this country and not borrowed
questions, please come. classes (who ?) already have, and us artists are from their owners. There will also be a
Tickets will be available, 25p per weekend nearly up with them, well, give us another `retrospective' in the form of slides of virtually
(food not included) from the ICA from the twenty years or so. Someone said that art today everything Morris has done and films of his more
beginning of April. is the G-string of capitalism. I think that's an recent Process pieces. The remainder of the
exhibition will be constructed in the gallery out o
David Warren Piper unfounded theory but maybe the Tate is the materials which, after the show, will be taken
c/o ICA pubic hair of conservatism. apart and used again for other purposes.
Nash House P.S. to the campaign organizers. The best of
The Mall, WI luck really but I can't help feeling that your Two symposia on Art and Design Educatior
faith in the system is touching, the scheme will will be held at the ICA, London, on successive
Museum charges go through exactly as the conservative govt. weekends: 24/25 April and 1/2 May, 1971 (10 am
to 10 pm on each of the four days). The convenor
I would like to take issue with Timothy Hilton wishes, if it lasts that long (I've got inside info.) is David Warren Piper, who is senior lecturer in
who made in your February issue a most Conrad Atkinson education at the Institute of Education and was
unwarrantable attack on Lord Eccles's subtle London Wi I formerly on the staff at Hornsey. The first