Page 45 - Studio International - April 1971
P. 45

me— Jefim Golyscheff.4  He was a musician and   In order to maintain its position. I had   most prudent.
            painter and with him I organized, in      decided to organize with Grosz and Heartfield   In the end there were only fines; a pitiful
           Huelsenbeck's absence, the first Dada exhibition   the first 'Great International Dada Fair' in   thing happened: the principal witness for the
           in Berlin.                                 Berlin in the summer of 192o.             defence, a director of the Dresden Museum,
              On this occasion he made the first of his   At this final cauterization could be seen   Paul Schmidt, had not much difficulty
           assemblages of unusual materials which     photomontages, assemblages and posters which   convincing the judge that all the dadaist horrors
           opposed the 'high art' of the Expressionists   far surpassed all that one could have seen up to   were only juvenile tricks and easily forgiven
           which Der Sturm offered to an initiated public.   that time.                         practical jokes.
           And for the soirée which marked the end of this   All the daring things possible in material,   Dada had missed its mark; Dada the
           exhibition Golyscheff had composed an atonal   conception and invention—not yet surpassed by   formidable Trojan horse full of dangers was no
           symphony in three parts called 'the Anti-  the Neo-Dadaists and Pop Artists of today—  more than an old thing tilting at windmills, the
           Symphony' (the Circular Guillotine), performed   were demonstrated there. But the public was cool   sad Rosinante that one was ashamed of riding or
           by a young girl dressed in white. The contrast   towards us; people no longer wanted to see Dada.   revealing.
           between this apparition and the assault of the   The officers of the Lüttwitz Corps who visited   Dada was dead, without glory or funereal
           strange sounds was so great that the public   the Fair lodged complaints for slander in the   pomp.
           remained quiet.                           name of the German army, but the action was   Simply dead.
              Some months later I produced my manifesto   brought only against Baader (as Ober-Dada),   The Dadaists again found themselves in
           Was ist der Dadaismus und was will er in   Grosz and Heartfield, and Schlichter6, the   private life.
           Deutschland ?5   An enormous mockery of all   creator of the German officer with a pig's face.   As for me, I declared myself Anti-Dada and
           political and spiritual tendencies; for example:   They left me alone because, being Czechoslovak,   PREsentist, and with Schwitters resumed the
           free daily meals for all intellectuals; the   I was a member of a foreign state. That was    struggle on another scheme.' q
           education of the proletariat by the Circus; the
           creation of a sexual centre and the application of
                                                                                                This article originally appeared as 'Dada s'émeut, se
           Dadaist laws as the state religion. My manifesto
                                                                                                meut et meurt a Berlin' in Phases 11, Paris, 1967. This
           was reprinted in most German dailies. A news-                                        first English version is published with the permission
           sheet produced by the American occupation                                            of Mr Hausmann, who approved the translation
                                                                                                and kindly provided further information on
           attributed to this manifesto the title 'Artistic
                                                                                                Berlin Dada helpful in the preparation of the
           Bolshevism' and from that moment Dada was                                            introduction and notes. (J.E.)
           never regarded as anything but 'red'. Golyscheff                                     1   The programme for this soirée, at the Saal der
                                                                                                neuen Sezession in Berlin, included: Richard
           signed his manifesto with Huelsenbeck and
                                                                                                Huelsenbeck, 'Der Dadaismus im Leben und in der
           myself. It was his last Dadaist act.                                                 Kunst'; Else Hadwiger, 'Futuristische und
              In 1919 I had created my sculpture,                                               dadaistische verse' (all in fact by Italians); George
                                                                                                Grosz, Sincopations, eigene verse'; Raoul Hausmann,
           Mechanical Head, which I called 'The Spirit of
                                                                                                `Das neue Material in der Malerei'.
           our Times', to demonstrate that the conscience                                       2   Johannes Baader (1876-1955) met Hausmann in
           of man was nothing but a set of accessories which                                   1905 and became his chief ally in Dada events. His
                                                                                               religious obsessions were long-standing: in 1899 he
           one glued on, and which is in reality nothing but
                                                                                               had declared himself Christ's successor in his
           a hairdresser's mannequin well arranged with                                        `Fourteen letters of Christ'. His principal Dadaist-
           nice locks of hair.                                                                 religious work is lost: the Bucher zuhanden des
              I had an extensive knowledge of the function                                     Oberdada, a two-volume collage diary for 1919-1920
                                                                                               which Baader claimed was greater than the bible, and
           of the bodily organism and in 192o formulated                                       which he once offered for sale for S35,000 to Ben
           my ideas on this subject in my text Ruckkehr                                        Hecht, the German war correspondent of the Chicago
                                                                                                Daily News.
           zur Gegenstandlichkeit in der Kunst' published
                                                                                                3   An account of one such occurrence—the public
           in Dada Almanach.                                                                   reading of works by Gottfried Keller in 1918—appears
             The activity of Dada was a gigantic                                               in Hausmann's Courrier Dada (Paris, 1958), the most
                                                                                               accessible introduction to his philosophy.
           confinement, but people didn't dare to look at a
                                                                                               4   Jefim Golyscheff (b. 1897) was a Russian painter and
           delivery; that was too crude.                                                       composer who had carried out serial experiments
             The political attitude of some members                                            since the age of 17. He invented the `Seriephonie'
                                                                                               wherein each note takes the same length and value as
           could not conceal the fact that the Berlin Club
                                                                                               that preceding it, painted geometric canvases, and
           Dada fell short of its aims, and this internal                                      exhibited mushroom-shaped architecture with the
           deficiency caused its end.                                                          Novembergruppe.
                                                                                               5  This manifesto, 'What is Dadaism and what does it
             Dada was obliged to be first of all an anti-
                                                                                               want in Germany' (sometimes called the Manifest des
           cultural activity. The Anti-Art removed from                                        Dadaistischen Revolutionären Zentralrates), reveals the
           objects and materials their utilitarian characters                                  important differences between Hausmann and
                                                                                               Huelsenbeck. As Hausmann writes, his intention was
           as well as their concrete private meaning; it
                                                                                               strictly satirical; but Huelsenbeck's comments on this
           overturned plastic values and rendered them                                         work (in his En Avant Dada, 1920) show that he took
           semi-abstract.                                                                      its political ambitions seriously.
                                                                                               6  Rudolf Schlichter (189o-1955).  His brother kept a
             However, this procedure was only understood
                                                                                               restaurant where the Dadaists met. The dummy of the
           partially by some Dadaists who were not able to                                     German officer Hausmann mentions was especially
           stand outside or progress beyond their political                                    provocative since it carried the slogan, 'Hanged by
                                                                                               the Revolution'.
           intentions.                                                                         7  Hausmann had earlier unsuccessfully defended
             There is to be found all the guilt of the                                         Schwitters's application to join Club Dada, and
           Dadaists, caused by their irresponsibility.                                         introduced Schwitters to phonetic poetry on their
                                                                                               Anti-Dada tour to Prague in 1921. `Presentism' refers
             Dada was ready to retire, but it unconsciously
                                                                                               to Hausmann's article Presentismus' in De Stijl,
           concealed itself until it was ready to die.                                         February 1921, indicative of his new interest in what
             Without doubt, Dada was never the digestive                                       has been called 'the constructive alternative' : the
                                                                                               increasing preoccupation with abstract idioms by
           aperitif that people wished to make of it.                                          `formal' Dadaists (like Richter, Eggeling, Schwitters,
           Dada owed it to itself to remain indigestible.                                      Hausmann) in the period 1920-23.
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