Page 48 - Studio International - April 1971
P. 48

The house of the                          him, the construction of the Vienna municipal   At all events, most of the ornamental motifs
                                               railway system, and about this time there was a   employed by Wagner—known in Vienna as
     Vienna Secession                          major change in Wagner's style. It is still not   'Franzisko-Josefinisch' and still figuring in the
                                               clear, for a man who was a genius in the art of   plans submitted in April 1898—were missing in
     movement                                  abstract drawing and decoration, to what extent   the completed decorations (for example the
                                               this change resulted from the influence of work   interior basket-handle arch in fig. 2). The end
     Peter and Klara Hautmann                  done by Olbrich, equally a genius in the same   result was a partial breakthrough to a kind of
                                               field. At all events, Wagner's new creations   ornamentation remarkably like that used by
                                               suddenly became younger and fresher, while the   Frank Lloyd Wright in 1906 for his Unity
                                               first designs produced by Olbrich for the   Temple in Oak Park: in addition to a similarity
                                               Secession building in 1896-97 use all the   in the ground plan, the use of pillars and of deep
                                               elements devised by Wagner for the Vienna   well recesses housing the ornamental elements is
                                               municipal railway system and display great   reminiscent of the Secession building, with its
                                               decorative similarity.                    golden ornamentation in the dark of the recessed
                                                  A significant development was the change of   entrance. In a sketch of the building (fig. 3)
                                               site from the Wollzeile to the edge of the   Olbrich presented the main features of his
                                               Karlsplatz, where part of the municipal railway   concept: a southern effect through high, dark
                                               system was being built over the Wienfluss (the   poplars; a cubic construction; geometric
     On 27 March 1897 an article by Ludwig Hevesi   River Wien). The new site lay beneath the   ornamental motifs (starting with the pillars
     entitled 'Die Wiener Sezession' (The Vienna   windows of the Academy, where Olbrich was   around the cupola), which later became a
     Secession) appeared in the Wiener Fremdenblatt ;   working under Wagner. On the other side of the   principal element in the work of Josef Hoffmann
     it was the first news the general public had of the   Karlsplatz rose the mighty domes and soaring   and his Wiener Werkstätte (Vienna Workshop).
     Secession movement in Vienna. The article   columns of St Charles's Church (Karlskirche),   The cynical Viennese christened the building
     began with the words 'In a moment of      built by Fischer von Erlach in 1715-35. It may   `the Mandi's tomb' or—even more spitefully—
     enlightenment the City Council decided a few   be assumed that a sensitive and knowledgeable   `the Assyrian convenience', while Hevesi
     days ago to make available to the Austrian   architect like Olbrich took into account the   countered humorously with the pedantry of
     Association of Artists—albeit subject to certain   changed setting; certainly the plans for the new   which only a critic is capable, 'The investigations
     conditions which will have to be relaxed   site, the façade design, the cupola and the   of Layard, Rawlinson, Schrader, Oppert and
     somewhat—a site at the corner of the Wollzeile   cruciform layout of the building—so much   George Smith have proved that no such
     for the erection of an exhibition building.'   smaller than the one it would have to face across   building existed in Assyria'. The gilded open-
     Hevesi went on to say, 'This may be termed a   the Karlsplatz —reveal how he strove to enable his   work cupola consisting of 3,000 leaves each
     piece of local Vienna news, but it is far more   concept to compete on fair terms. The cupola   over one foot long and 70o berries each the size
     important than all the local news of many years   designs date from April 1897, when he began   of a fist became known as 'the golden cabbage', a
     put together. It is the magic word which will   designing for the new site; they display rich,   name probably inspired by the proximity of
     sever chains and bring the dead to life. Vienna—  rounded decorative shapes both outside and   Vienna's biggest vegetable market. The
     the city of art, this monstrous provincial town—  inside. (Figs 1 and 2—plans approved by the   openwork motif derived from Otto Wagner,
     has a chance of expanding in the field of fine arts,   building authorities on 6 April 1898, with   who used it first in 1891 in a design for Berlin
     of becoming a great city, a new city.'    signature of Gustav Klimt, President of the   Cathedral. The cupola motif is one of the most
        Naturally, by the time the City Council   Society—from the Secession archives).   common elements in Viennese architecture
     reached its decision and Hevesi wrote his    Construction began early in May. Work on   originating in the baroque period, during which
     article preparations for the construction of an   the decorative arts must have begun about   three great domed churches were built in
     exhibition building were well under way.   August, by which time the shell had been   Vienna. During the Ringstrasse period, noted
     Joseph Maria Olbrich, one of the founder   erected. This work was done mainly by the   for its historicism, the cupola motif became so
     members of the new artists' association, had the   artists themselves. For example, Kolo Moser cut   widespread that hundreds of private apartment
     plans ready. 'A palace of the arts covering some   a large bas-relief entitled Krantzträgerinnen   buildings adorned with every conceivable kind
     65o square metres will be erected in a tasteful   (Women with wreaths) in the rendering; this   of cupola still characterize the silhouette of
     setting on the site, which measures over 1200   frieze extended along the entire rear façade.   Vienna. The openwork cupola, which made its
     square metres. The handsome building will have   Olbrich himself executed, on the basis of   first appearance in Olbrich's Secession building,
     a raised ground floor and skylights; the outer   drawings by Moser, the three owls which figure   later recurred on numerous occasions in the
     walls, without windows, will be decorated with   on four reinforcing pillars and the ornamental   work of Wagner—in the plans for the Hall of
     frescoes. Vienna will gain a new architectural   tree and leaf motifs of the entrance and main   Honour of the Academy (1898), in the plans for
     adornment.' The funds for the building were to   façade. The latter are stylized laurels climbing up   the City Museum on the Karlsplatz (1903-10),
     be raised through the first Secession exhibition,   the outside of the building to the leaf-cupola.   and finally executed in the canopy of the high
     in the glass halls of the Gartenbaugesellschaft   Olbrich also used gilded laurel wreaths as a   altar of the Steinhof Church (1905-7).
     (Horticultural Society), which opened a year   decorative element in many places on the   The Secession building—representing the
     later on 26 March 1898 and proved an      building. The exterior decoration of the building   confluence of so many streams—was completed
     unparalleled artistic and financial success.   consisted almost entirely of designs in the   on 1I November 1898, after a construction
        Josef Maria Olbrich (born in 1867) studied   rendering. In a description of the building   period of six months. It was the first of the 'jewel
     at the Vienna Academy under Freiherr von   Hevesi wrote proudly on II November 1898,   box' buildings, lovingly polished and
     Hasenauer, one of the last great Ringstrasse   `Olbrich has rendered his Secession building the   `confectioned' like a cake. It was followed by
     architects, and won a trip to Rome as graduation   way Voysey renders his cheap buildings'. It was   Olbrich's white 'jewel box' villas and Hoffmann's
     prize. In 1894, after visiting Rome and Tunis,   probably because the artists themselves did most   one-family houses. While the Secession
     Olbrich joined Otto Wagner, who had       of the work on the decorations that these   building was under construction, Adolf Loos
     succeeded Hasenauer as professor at the   turned out so simple—perhaps in subconscious   asked to be allowed to design the room 'for
     Academy in the same year. It was also in 1894   response to Adolf Loos, who did not object to   which the least money had been provided'. His
     that Wagner embarked upon the biggest     ornamentation as such, but resented wasting   request was declined, apparently at the
     architectural assignment so far undertaken by    time which could be put to so much better use.    instigation of Hoffmann. A year later, in 1899,
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