Page 35 - Studio International - February 1971
P. 35

Fenichel : 'Jealousy arises when the need for   The Three Stages of Woman. She is in all of   revulsion for homosexuality, it should be
          the repression of impulses of infidelity or   them. Perhaps mostly in the central figure, the   mentioned that in 1894 Strindberg wrote an
          homosexuality clashes with an unwillingness and   nude straddled figure of a woman lifting her   article called The Perverse. The introduction
          incapacity to accept the loss of love.'   arms with her hands clasped behind her head in   reveals his feelings : 'Why, moralists, are you 	•
            The following quote from The Genesis of an   order to display her luxurious womanliness.   forbidding us to discuss an occurrence so
          Aspasia shows how Munch's and Strindberg's   "I don't understand how my nerves stood it.   terrible in its consequences as sexual perversity ?
          experiences became mixed and then found   I was sitting by the table beside them and   How do you think an illness can be cured
          expression in the painting and the commentary :   couldn't say a word." Strindberg was talking.   without a diagnosis ?'
            `... the Swedish painter [this refers to Munch]   "The whole time I thought, doesn't the husband   This subject recurs in the Occult Diary:
          brings his mistress there [the Norwegian,   understand a thing ? He should first turn green   `May 6, 1901
          Dagny Juel] ... She throws herself upon   and then be furious."                        Married for the third time. After an
          Andersson [Strindberg's alias for himself] ...   Munch painted the husband green. It should   engagement full of wonderful hours, of noble
          presents herself as an enthusiastic admirer of   have been himself or Strindberg, because the   fights against the ugly...
          his ... the painter [Munch] is ignored and   Polish husband believed that everybody had the   September 6, 1901
          accepts it without protest... Andersson liberates   right to freedom of choice. He believed that   ... I feel myself unclean through her.
          her from the anxiety of a disorderly way of   nobody should possess another human being.   Strange men make me unclean through the
          living ... the hollow cheeks are filled out with   When his wife later wanted to make love with   glances with which they make her unclean.
          fiery blood ...the creator admires his creation,   a Russian nobleman he himself accompanied   Schopenhauer explains "la jalousie légitime"
          and after a week they complete the union of   her to her lover. It was Munch and Strindberg   thus : "My thoughts are directed through my
          their souls. When the spark has leaped and the   who were furious with jealousy. Strindberg   woman to the sexual sphere of another man.
          currents are neutralized ... he discovers that   wrote, "What can one do with a married   She makes me feel perverse, indirectly, and
          she is ugly ... is lacking in the modesty which   woman who during one and the same week is   against my will."
          he desires, and when he remembers how she   sleeping with men from four different      The organ of love is the same as one of the
          has offered herself he is overwhelmed by   countries ?"                             organs of excretion !
          revulsion for her body, with the result that the   Actually the Russian lover answered   But I cannot live in spiritual marriage with a
          fall is not repeated... he makes up his mind to   Strindberg's question. When she wanted to   woman who is not my faithful wife, because if
          attach her to someone else.               leave him he shot and killed her.         she is free and has relations with another man
            Then follows a description of how he      Stenersen thought that Strindberg and   she delivers my soul and transfers my love into
          attaches her to the doctor from Bayern [this   Munch, in spite of many differences, had many   another man, and thus causes me to live in a
          refers to the German doctor, Carl Ludwig   characteristics in common. They had about the   prohibited relation with another man's soul or
          Schleich]. He in his turn tires of her and,   same opinion of women. They felt themselves   body or both!
          together with Andersson, transfers Dagny Juel   misunderstood and persecuted. It never became   September 16 1901
          [here called Aspasia] to the Polish author,   a warm friendship. They met for a time   I experience it as if through her I entered
          Stanislaw Przybyszewski who, knowing her   because of their infatuation with the Norwegian   into illegal relations with men and other women.
          past, tries to insure himself against successors   adventuress ...`Munch wrote to me: "I have   This tortures me because I have always had a
          by legal marriage.'                       made some paintings of those people. Among   horror of contacts with my own sex. Because of
            The actual circumstances are described by   them one called Jealousy. It is the painting with   this, I have broken off friendly relations when
          Strindberg in a number of letters. He refers to   the green face in the foreground and a man   the friendship from the other man's side has
          `the diabolically wretched woman, D.J. (who   looking at a nude woman ..." '        revealed a clinging character, similar to love.
          also was my mistress for three weeks)'.     Stenersen also writes about Munch's portrait   (This severance I have never been able to
          Strindberg's hatred and revulsion was     of Strindberg from the time in Berlin:    explain to others.)'
          reinforced by strong guilt feelings—the Aspasia   `Strindberg was very dissatisfied because Munch   The jealousy motive in Strindberg's life and
          affair began immediately after Strindberg's   had put a rather peculiar frame on the   writings can also be traced in his first marriage,
         engagement to Frida Uhl and his painting of   lithograph. On one side the lines are bent and   when he tried to defend himself by accusing
          Night of jealousy.                        on the other turn into the figure of a woman.   his wife of lesbianism. This theme found its
            When Munch, three years later, was painting   Munch said that he wanted to frame Strindberg   climax in The Defence of a Madman of 1887, in
          his Jealousy, he used as a model for the jealous   between masculine and feminine lines. This   which Strindberg's horror and revulsion for
          man a painter friend, Paul Hermann, who was   idea shows that he actually knew more, both   homosexual relations are revealed in, for example,
          clearly selected because of his resemblance to   about himself and about Strindberg, than he   the scenes with the wife and the maidservant,
          Przybyszewski.                            consciously realized. Strindberg reacted   with the wife and her actress friend. references
            In Rolf Stenerson's biography of Munch we   violently; he did not want to have a woman in his   to well-known tribades, etc. But he is also
         find a more objective version of Aspasia and her   portrait. During the next sitting for Munch,   fascinated by the subject. Six years later, in one
          part as a model :                         he took out a revolver, put it on the table, and   of the first letters to his second wife, Frida Uhl,
            `In Berlin, in the 189os, Munch became a   said: "Don't take any liberties with me" — I   he writes : 'I have spent a satanic night in the
         member of a strange foursome. One of his   remember Strindberg very well; he was also   most terrible den of vice, where one meets
         friends and greatest admirers was married to a   painting storms and cloudscapes. Small, lively   humanity for which there is no name. Now and
         childhood friend of Munch's. She was an    paintings in black, white and grey. The following   again I roll in the filth to thicken my skin'—and
         unusually fascinating woman, without       anecdote illustrates their relationship :   Frida Uhl comments, `Strindberg had visited
         repressions, and very provocative. Munch and   Strindberg said one evening, "I am the greatest   meeting places for homosexuals in Berlin.'
         Strindberg were frequent guests in her house.   painter in Scandinavia". "Are you ?" said   In 1893, he painted The Night of jealousy.
         Each loved her in his own peculiar and     Munch, "then I am the greatest poet! Skil!" '   This painting can be seen as a link in the
         characteristic way. Munch, silent and        To return to the painting Jealousy, it is   development between Strindberg's emotional
         introverted, painted her. She stands like a black   possible to see the outline of Strindberg's head   symbolism in 1892 and his intellectual
         crucifix on a spotted surface, and smiles. The   as a model for 'the other man'. This appears   symbolism in 1894. In the painting Strindberg
         eyes are half closed. The painting recalls other   more clearly in the lithograph than in the   gave expression to an elemental explosion of
         pictures entitled Madonna and Woman in Love   painting. Regarding Strindberg's prose poem   feelings, but through his explanation of the
         ...the image of her returns in a painting called    about the painting, expressing his intense    motive of the painting as well as its symbolism,
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