Page 46 - Studio International - July August 1971
P. 46
EDWARD FRY: It seems to me that most important with Haacke, Messer, and Fry, and shows `Which is in fact
in the whole question of the Haacke exhibition is controversial Haacke work after consultation
that a museum of contemporary art—if it is to with its legal department. what happened'
function as such and not simply as a museum May I, 1971 : Art Workers Coalition creates
of modern art—should not be afraid of demonstration in Guggenheim Museum;
controversy, which is a healthy sign, particularly publishes pamphlet of statements, letters, press Thomas M. Messer in an
if it involves no physical harm to anyone and announcements, and newsclippings as evidence interview with Barbara Reise
when legal issues which may or may not arise `in support of Haacke & against art censorship'; 25 April, 1971
seem not to be libellous in the opinion of well circulates petition internationally, reading: 'We
qualified people. Also, it seems to me that the publically censure Thomas Messer and the
most important thing such a museum can do is Trustees of the Guggenheim Museum for the
to stay in close and harmonious contact with censorship and cancellation of the Haacke show
artists—even though this may involve and for the firing of curator Edward Fry. Such
considerable re-shifting of the institution's censorship represents in the worst possible way
policies. I think that people involved with an the institutional politicization of art. As artists,
institution like the Guggenheim Museum must writers, museum and gallery workers or as
be very clear in thinking whether their first interested members of the art public, we protest
obligation is to contemporary art and thought or this particular repression. We hope that by doing
simply to the continued existence of an so we can preclude such actions by other
institution per se. Placing one's primary institutions or individuals in the future.'
allegiance to an institution is the decision of a
bureaucratic or careerist mentality rather than As of May 15,1971, Petition reading 'Believing
that of an innovative thoughtful person, and that by cancelling Hans Haacke's show, Thomas
institutions per se are valueless without some Messer, director of the Guggenheim Museum,
kind of vigorous and creative thought involved in has betrayed the cause of free art and the
them. I personally believe that no individual can charter of his own institution, we the
claim innocence or lack of involvement simply undersigned artists join in refusing to allow our
on the grounds of some kind of abstract works to be exhibited in the Guggenheim until
institutional role, and that for any institution the policy of art censorship and its advocates are
involved in intellectual and creative activities changed' is reported signed by the following :
there is no such thing as a monolithic or unified Cecile Abish, Carol Alonge, Carl Andre, Benny
front to present to the world. A director of a Andrews, Arman, Alice Aycock, John
museum should not feel threatened by Baldessari, Victoria Barr, Bob Barry, Lynda
disagreement between him and other members Benglis, John Best, Mel Bochner, Bill Bollinger,
of the staff; just as the chairman of a university Louise Bourgeois, Fred Brandes, Donald
department should not feel obligated to control Burgy, Scott Burton, Paul Brach, Cinthia
or to pass judgement on what members of his Carlsson, James Carullo, Rosemarie Castoro,
department may say in public or private. One Judy Chicago, Allan Cibulla, Agnes Denes,
of the strange problems of American museums Frazier Dougherty, Peter Downsbrough, Jean
is that, in their internal functioning as social Dupuy, Susan Elias, Oyvind Fählström,
institutions, they exist in some kind of 19th- Rosamund Felsen, Sydney Felsen, Raphael
century realm with one boss and various Ferrer, Larry Fink, Richard Francisco, Bici
underlings, like a monarchical or 19th-century Forbes, Marilyn Fox, Sonya Fox, Marianne
pre-unionized shop, in which you are perfectly Gillies, Sarah Ginsberg, Phil Glass, Dan
free to speak your mind so long as you accept Graham, Morris Golde, Leon Golub, John
the fact that you'll be fired from your job. This Goodyear, Ira Joel Haber, Susan Hall, Gerald
strikes me as a profound example of il- Hayes, Mary Heilman, Al Held, Geof
liberalism masking as some kind of unified Hendricks, John Hendricks, Dolores Holmes,
corporate or institutional attitude. It exists in Douglas Huebler, Helene Hui, Isobe, Bob
very few places in our society outside of the Israel, Neil Jenney, Poppy Johnson, Craig
military and commercial corporation. Kauffman, William King, Patricia Lash, Diane BARBARA REISE : How do you think art museums
Len, Mon Levinson, Sol LeWitt, Jeffrey Lew, are understood by the culture-at-large as a
OPENING PARAGRAPH OF LETTER FROM THOMAS Vinnie Longo, Irvin Man, Brice Marden, ratification of art ?
MESSER TO EDWARD FRY DATED 23 APRIL 1971, Gordon Matta, Mac McGiness, Brenda Miller, THOMAS M. MESSER: Well, I think the public
RECEIVED 26 APRIL 1971: Mary Miss, Charlotte Moorman, Bob Morris, that comes to museums simply assumes that
I regret to confirm herewith that our professional Bob Moskowitz, Ursula Meyer, Forest Meyers, whatever is presented by a museum is art.
relationship must come to an end. As I told you Claes Oldenburg, Irving Petlin, Richard Therefore the responsibility somehow to
at a recent occasion, a degree of consonnance is Pettibone, Shirley Pettibone, Brigid Polk, present things, in the view and
essential between stated museum policies and the David Prentice, Brian O'Doherty, Lauren comprehension and range of awareness of those
actions and attitudes of those implementing Rakin, Robert Rauschenberg, Johann who are responsible for the art productions in
them. Your sustained and active agreements in Saalenraad, Tony Shafrazi, Alfons Schilling, an art museum, is one of ratification; we cannot
opposition to recent decisions go beyond Miriam Shapiro, Bob Smithson, Joan Snyder, very well show things and then proclaim that
legitimate dissent and make it clear that we have Keith Sonnier, Nancy Spiro, Frank Stella, they are not art. By showing them, as far as we
come to a parting of the ways. Sylvia Stone, Amy Stromsten, Paula Tavins, are concerned, they are art.
Jean Toche, Marvin Torffield, Tsai, Eugene BR : What do you think is the basis of the
April 27, 1971 : Leonard Harris Show, C.B.S. Tulchin, Bernar Venet, Bob Whitman, Kestudis public's understanding at present about what
Television, broadcasts separate interviews Zapkus, Barbara Zucker. art is, and of the shock at some things that the