Page 48 - Studio International - July August 1971
P. 48

situation but with a specific topical situation, it   TMM: Well if you try to establish the distinction—  I'm wondering in what way you would
     lost its immunity as a work of art. I think this   when I spoke with Haacke about this, we   distinguish this as a more specifically political act
     could be argued, yes. By the definition that you   discussed the possibility of illustrating the   than the presentation of other systems within an
     have obtained from me a little while ago, I   system by showing the same photographs and   art museum.
     would say that at the point at which the intention   introducing an ownership code; in other words   TMM: Well I suppose what we are really talking
     and the result is no longer general summary,   if certain parties are identified let's say with   about is this old division or identity of art and
     metaphoric and symbolic, by the point it   green and others with yellow and others with   life. Again, traditionally, art and life were
     addresses itself to a known specific topical   colours suggesting connections between green   counter-poles. Certainly art could not exist
     situation, its status as a work of art—or at least   and yellow (because obviously a system can only   apart from, or without relationships to, the
     its immunity as a work of art—is in question.   work in its interaction), if that had been the   reality of life; but it was always something that
     BR: In terms of the metaphor we've been using   purpose and the mode of execution, we would   translated the daily occurrences or given
     of the loaded gun, do you think that the exposure   not have protested. I think that what was   situations into a language once removed, and
     of property ownership is somewhat lethal ?   attempted here was more than to show an   usually a language that had sufficient distance
     TMM: Oh I'm all for it. Let me state very clearly   existing system. It was attempting to expose   from the specific occurrence. If life and art were
     that I have no sympathy with slum-lordship, that   individuals through whom the system is   identical, which I realize is proposed by many,
     I have every sympathy with social reform,   carried out and the relationship between   then the first thing that we don't need is a
     that I'm all for these acts. I do question that   ownership and between individuals that makes   museum. Then you open the portals, let the
     the art museum is the proper place from which   its undesirable features attachable to   taxis drive up the ramps, they become works of
     to launch such an attack. If the same aims were   personalities and groups.         art by being in the museum; and the entire
     proposed by another institution which is   BR: Would this not mean that the art, if it's   notion that art exists as a bespeaking medium
     constituted for this purpose, I would be all for   successful in doing so, might have political   would be rather as those proposing life would
     it.                                       consequences, legal consequences, outside the   have it, identical with a life current itself, which
     BR: Do you think that it would constitute an   fact of the exhibition— through questions rising   would obviate the museum's existence.
     attack on Elizabeth Taylor to have her image,   in the head of anyone who perceived this within   BR: But of course the exact parallel to that
     with her name attached to it, exhibited in an art   the museum, in people who might come for a   analogy in Haacke's social systems would be to
     museum ?                                  variety of other reasons than to see this—which   have included the actual buildings and the
     TMM : No I don't. Unless it showed her in a way   would satisfy your criteria about having social /   people who ostensibly owned them juxtaposed
     suggestive of all sorts of misdeeds. I think there   political consequences, since the form of   within the museum. So in fact there was some
     could be a portrait of any individual so loathsome   photographs and words and the content of social   kind of intermediary distanced language of
     and so evocative of—well—specific undesirable   injustice has not been excluded by you for art ?   photographs and words and county records
     acts that the assumption that this is no longer a   I find it very difficult to understand in what way   which seem quite a morass of distance. And I
     portrait but a personal attack would arise, yes.   you would consider this a political means on an   wonder how this relates to your notion of
     But if you're asking me whether I consider   any more specific level than anything that's done   metaphor as levels of generalized exemplary
     portraiture an attack against the sitter, obviously   in any building can be construed as a political   force as opposed to the specific character of
     not.                                      stance.                                   metaphor.
     BR: I think here the question comes up of the   TMM: Than anything that's done in any   TM M: Well in my mind at least, the distinction is
     photographs of building façades : is it possible   building ? What do you mean by that ?   between, on the one hand, the illustration of a
     that they can be an attack with political intent   BR: Well, I mean that any activity could be   system—in its entirety and generalized aspects—
     rather than an exposure of a system that does in   construed as political activity. It could be   through translation into an art form in which the
     fact exist, any more than the presentation of a   construed as political action to put something in   specific culprit would not be identified, and, on
     laser beam within an art museum is a politically   a museum as much as to walk down the street,   the other hand, a system which I agree is in a
     directed attack on the potential use of laser   depending on the particular confluences. But as   sense removed from the original because it did
     beams to demolish human life ?            all people are people, then they are also political.   not bring in the slum-lords nor houses them-

                                                                                         Daniel Buren's Painting I 1970, hanging in the
                                                                                         Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.
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