Page 33 - Studio International - June 1971
P. 33

both internal and external, against collaborative   implacable and essentially inhuman, and that   Although the 'systems-conscious' attitude is
           activity between artists and industry are of two   therefore humanist and artistic endeavour must   increasingly felt to influence artists of various
           sorts : first there is anti-technological sentiment   function separated from it and even in   persuasions, certainly including some of the
           on political grounds and, second, there can be   opposition to it. Nearly all the positions taken   artists who worked in Art and Technology, it is
           argued substantial precedent militating against   by artists and by their scientific counterparts   not by any means a shared attitude among all or
           commonly held images of 'technological art' on   with respect to the art/technology relationship   most artists. One of the characterizing
           aesthetic grounds. I shall deal here more   are conditioned by one or the other of these   sentiments expressed by both those artists and
           extensively with the second than the first   antithetical beliefs.                   scientist/engineers who are resistive to an
           factor. My thought is to point selectively to a   An increasingly prevalent concern of many   information or systems aesthetic, has to do with
           few components of what is an intricately   artists and scientists is to overcome the   a suspicion harboured by virtually everyone at
           complex subject. With reference to the overtly   traditional and presumably obsolete separation   times that we are all victims of a technocratic
           political question, the fact is that, despite a   of academic and professional disciplines.   macrostructure over which no-one or no
           certain amount of reluctance by some of the   Systems analysis, with its assumption that only   institution has real control. In the light of this
           artists we dealt with through Art and     by starting from an interdisciplinary or   inescapably sinister possibility, the traditional
           Technology to participate with 'war-oriented'   total-context approach can social institutions be   privilege enjoyed by the artist to function
           industries for reasons of moral objection, there   made to operate productively, provides   independently, and to remain, in a sense, one of
           were no final refusals to participate in the   procedural methods and models for such   the last freelance agents in society, is not easily
           programme on this ground alone.           reform. In principle, the espousing of a systems   relinquished.
              The question of aesthetics in relation to   aesthetic—illustrated pre-eminently under Art   A natural outcome of an artistic/technological
           technological/industrial art works is bound up   and Technology in the Irwin/Turrell/Garrett   endeavour which employs a systems philosophy
           with certain attitudes about collective artistic   Corporation endeavour—represents a less   might be an art which conditions human sense
           activity. These attitudes devolve naturally upon   rhetorical theory than any (including the   perception and radically sensitizes people. Along
           several definable antitheses.             Constructivist, Bauhaus and 'socialized art'   with this might develop possibilities for
              One of the fundamental dualisms inherent in   manifestations) which has preceded it. It   aesthetic forms that would in effect cultivate
           the question of technology's uses in a humanist   implies the grasp of a powerfully efficacious   and enrich the 'man-made' nature which has
           context has to do with the conflict between the   means for revolutionizing art within the total   already replaced nature to such a remarkable
           belief that, in a word, technology is the   cultural setting. (Jack Burnham gives an   degree. For those who firmly believe that
           metaphysics of this century, and therefore has   extended analysis of what I am terming a   society is undergoing a gradual but radical
           to be accommodated from within, and the view   systems aesthetic throughout his book Beyond   reshaping of patterns of consciousness, the
           that technology is somehow self-perpetuating,    Modern Sculpture, Braziller, 1969.)   changes predicted as issuing from a generation

            Robert Irwin (left) and James Turrell
           at UCLA anechoic chamber, 1969
           Project executed in collaboration with the
           Garrett Corporation
           Photo: Malcolm Lubliner
           2 Roy Lichtenstein
           Untitled 1970
           Film, executed in collaboration with Universal City
           Studios and Cinnamon Productions
           Courtesy: Los Angeles County Museum of Art
           Photo : Tami Komai
           3 Robert Whitman
           Installation Expo 7o
           Executed in collaboration with Philco-Ford,
           Newport Beach, California
           Photo: Malcolm Lubliner

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