Page 13 - Studio Internationa - March 1971
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produce a discussion of common problems,   for example, be fitted with various types of   which certain members have expressed active
            a cross-fertilization of ideas, and a formulation   scientific equipment for experimental use by   interest in participating in Project 84. It should
            of bases for action, and it is with these in mind   artists, or become a 'new science lab' where   be emphasized, however, that no commitments
            that the proposals for Project 84 are now being   experiments tying in with the development of   have been made on behalf of any of the groups
            put forward.                              new approaches to science could be tried out.   or organizations listed, and all contact so far
                                                      Other possibilities include the installation of a   has been on a strictly informal basis.
            OUTLINE PLAN                              small computer terminal in conjunction with the   LASITOC INTERNATIONAL. This group (its
            Project 84 will require premises close to the   Computer Arts Society, and of facilities for   initials stand for Look At, Search In, Try Out
            centre of London for accessibility, possibly   producing pamphlets and other types of   Committee on Integrative Studies of
            initially in the Covent Garden area where rents   literature.                        Alternative Futures) consists of a number of
            are still relatively low. The area required will   Administration. It seems of vital importance   young scientists concerned with fife problems
            be a minimum of two floors covering at least   that the administration of Project 84 be both   created by science and technology and with
            1200 sq. ft. The present idea is that the ground   realistic and efficient, yet at the same time   the possible directions of future social
            floor will consist of a bookshop, which will   sufficiently flexible and imaginative to ensure   development. The group held an international
            incorporate a small art gallery, and the other   that maximum use is made of the facilities   workshop on 'Threats and Promises of Science'
            floor, either basement or first floor, will have   available. It will probably be run by a small   at Imperial College, London, in July 1970,
            a library that can be used as a meeting-room   executive committee representing the various   and the British section has expressed
            for groups of up to twenty-five people, a   interests concerned with the project, and   considerable interest in co-operating with
            small workshop, and an administrative office.   possibly a couple of semi-permanent officers   Project 84, particularly in helping to set up a
              Bookshop. This would have on sale books   who would be directly responsible to this   library of books, magazines and reprints, of
            and magazines relating to the areas of interest   committee. Further details will be added when   which it already possesses a wide range.
            of the Project, for example futures research,   the plans have been worked out more precisely.   ARTS AND SCIENCE GROUP: BRITISH
            ecology, science and society, and aspects of   Finance. Obviously Project 84 cannot be   SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN
            modern art. A list of over 200 such titles   self-financing, although those making use of   SCIENCE. The issues that relate art and science
            has already been compiled by Peter Harper   its facilities will be required to contribute   to each other are the main concern of this
            of LASITOC (see under library below) and   towards the running costs. It will therefore   group, which has as one of its declared aims
            has been taken in stock by the Rationalist   be necessary to seek grants from institutions,   the stimulation of projects designed to bring
            Press Association, who have expressed interest   foundations, and other bodies who recognize   the two activities closer together. The group
            in helping to run the retail side of the activity.   the pressing need for this type of centre, and   has expressed its support, in principle, for
            Similar lists are becoming available from   share a concern for future patterns of social   Project 84, particularly for the idea of a library
            elsewhere, and at the same time there appears   and cultural developments. For the purposes   that could be used for study of the areas under
            to be a growing demand for literature in this   of fund-raising, the project would hope to   consideration. (BSSRS was set up in 1969 to
            field. The art gallery would only be a small   be registered as a charity. Detailed estimates   stimulate among scientists an awareness of
            affair, and might, perhaps, be used to sell print   are in the process of being considered, but will   the social implications of science, and to draw
            editions and similar objects.             depend to a great extent on the nature of the   attention to the various pressures that affect
              Library. Although there are separate libraries   premises selected, and on the size of the staff-  scientific development.)
            already in existence covering the various fields   if any - it is found necessary to employ.   COMPUTER ARTS SOCIETY. Although no
            of interest, there appears to be nowhere where                                       formal contact has yet been made with CAS -
            books and magazines covering the whole    APPENDIX I                                 whose aims are to encourage the creative use
            area are gathered together. There are also a   INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS. It might   of computers in the arts and allow the exchange
            number of newer publications, including those   perhaps be questioned why there is a need for   of information in this area - it has been
            from both the underground press and the US,   something like Project 84, when the ICA   informally suggested that the society might
            which do not find their way into the more   already exists with one of its declared aims   be interested in installing its computer
            traditional libraries, yet which often contain   being to bring together various aspects of   terminal in Project 84 for use by its members.
            useful and important material. Interest has   contemporary culture. Those acquainted with   It is hoped that discussions on this proposal
            already been expressed by the LASITOC     the ICA, however, will be aware of the     will take place in the near future.
            organization in using Project 84 as a home for   institutional and administrative constraints   REAL-TIME. A radical magazine for
            its existing library, at present inaccessibly   under which it is having to operate, particularly   computer people that directs both pin-pricks
            placed in Brighton. Research is being carried   the fact that large-scale financial involvement   and kicks at the underbelly of the computer
            out into the extent to which existing libraries   inevitably causes it to err on the side of caution   industry. Real-Time at present suffers from
            already serve demand in this area, and the gaps   rather than experiment. The ICA has failed -  a lack of geographical stability, but interest
            which exist in their facilities.          perhaps because of this - to become the magnet   has been expressed in using Project 84 as an
              Meeting-room. Many small organizations   for contemporary culture that was part of its   editorial base.
            require a room in which they can hold informal   original intention in moving into its premises   SIGI KRAUSS GALLERY, 29 Neal Street,
            discussion groups and small-scale meetings.   in the Mall, and has at times appeared to   Covent Garden, London WC2. The director
            A possible arrangement might be for such   achieve the opposite (cancelling, for example,   of this, one of the newest and most
            organizations to become affiliated to Project 84   an exhibition of American-flag sculpture as   adventurous galleries in London, has already
            at, say, £10  a year, and then charge a nominal   being 'a bad idea' at the time). In addition,   expressed interest in the possibility of
            fee for use of the meeting-room. It could also   the facilities it has available, including a 250-  co-operation. E]
            be used for informal poetry readings and   seat theatre yet excluding any workshop or
            film-shows, anything in fact which requires   library, make it totally unsuitable for the type
            an audience of no more than twenty-five to   of activities and events that Project 84 has in
            thirty people. Project 84 would hope to plan   mind, although there are several fields in which
            its own lectures and discussion groups relating   the two bodies might co-operate.
            to its areas of interest.
               Workshop. The function of this would   APPENDIX II
            obviously depend upon demand, but it might,    The groups listed below are those from
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