Page 15 - Studio Internationa - March 1971
P. 15

VOICES: They're coming now.                News and notes
            E: You're an attendant and as an attendant   Three or four well-dressed men approach E, quickly
            you're not letting me in with my hat on.   and immediately lay hold of him in an attempt to
            ATT: I'm awfully sorry I can't. Until we get a   shove him out. Several spectators watching
            ruling on it.                             incident prevent action.
            E: Oh, well, when will we get a ruling on it ?   E: Ah, he's using force in keeping me from
            ATT: Probably about half past five, six o'clock.   entering.
            CUT                                       SECURITY OFFICER: Would you mind leaving the
            E:...  that I'm getting a ruling on this, I'd like to   gallery, please ?
            see somebody there. Can you phone somebody   E: I would like to know why, sir.
            up in front of me ?                       ATTACK (Two security officers and a guard lay
            s: We have already phoned; Mr...          hands on E).
            E: I don't believe you. I didn't see you phoning.   E: You're touching me. You're touching me.
            S: You didn't see me phoning because I    I'm not creating a disturbance.
            haven't phoned, but the gentleman has phoned.   STRUGGLE (with microphone). E's arm is strongly
            E: Which gentleman?                       held and twisted.
            s : I'm not prepared to discuss this any further   E: You're insulting me.
            with you until a ruling arrives. Now you can   SEC. OFF: Get that away from him.
           switch that—                               E: You're touching me physically.
            E: I'm asking about the ruling, because I'd like   (They move off to call the police. E is held by
            to get in.                                attendant).
           s : You're wasting your tape now.          SIGI: You musn't! You know that! I mean...
            E: I'm not wasting my tape and oh, well,... so   into trouble.
            what ? He, he. You're suggesting I shouldn't   ATT : ... this gentleman—(in whisper)
           waste my tape ?                            SIGI: But you musn't touch him!
           CUT                                        ATT: Look, all right, I'm not going to touch him
            E (addressing the supervisor again): Could you   any more, let's be careful.        Art of the Child, a new colour film specially
           give me the name of the person I could approach   E:... cause you just mangled me, sir. You just   commissioned by the Sunday Mirror and directed
            personally ? (Silence) What is your... L.   touched me and my finger hurts very much.   by Bill Latto, includes some of the best work seen
            H... L. Supervisor. Mr L., could you give me   ATT (loud whisper): This man is ... is allowed to   at the National Exhibition of Children's Art and
                                                                                                may be obtained on loan from Town and Country
            the name of the person I can approach,    come in as long as he takes tha' off. Tha's all i'   Productions Ltd, 21 Cheyne Row, London SW3
            personally, to get into the Tate ? (Silence) Mr L ?   is. If 'e takes tha' off e's as free as a   (tel: 352 795o). The booking fee is £1.75
           (Silence) Well then, I will walk in... (L. grabs E's   as wha'ever you are. Now why, Why can't 'e   Entries for this year's exhibition, to be held in
            arm) Mr L. You're using... you're going to use   do it?                             September, should be submitted before 20 March.
            force on me.                              E : All right. I will take it off right now, and
           L: I'm using no force.                     then...                                   Six artists exhibited at the Museum of Modern
                                                                                                Art, Oxford, last month: Lygia Clark (`Tunnels',
           E: Well, somebody is using force on me.    ATT : That's right sir.                   `Living Mandalas' and 'Elastics'), Li Yuan-Chia
           ATT: Ah, well. Ah, we are waiting...       E: ...I will confront you because you have   (environments), John Dugger (`body conductors'),
           E: You're actually using force on me.      mangled me and I will accuse you to the police.   Helio Oiticica (`Made-on-the-Body capes'),
           ATT : ...for instructions. That's all we got to do.   ATT: All right.                Graham Stevens (inflatables) and David Medalla
           E: Well, then I'm asking you, as one person to   E: Because it's all taped.          (whose work examines the contrapuntal
           another, who...                            ATT: That's right.                        possibilities of crystalline and organic growth in
           L: We have explained it to you that somebody is   E: All right. I will accuse you to the police of   terms of elements and people).
           coming down.                               actually using bodily harm to stop me from   `Space' has four studios for rent. Prices
           E: I'd like to know the name of that somebody.   entering the Tate.                  range from £25 to  5o per month for 100—2000
           ATT: You'll find out when 'e comes.        L: I have not touched you...              square feet. Space has recently moved to 71
           E: When will he come ? At five thirty as you   E: You have touched me and I have witnesses.   Stepney Green and Martello St, London Fields
           said ?                                     L: I have not touched you.                (tel: 790 2288). Richard Leachman, the secretary,
           ATT: 'e won't be long.                     E (Turning to by-stander): Will you act as a   says, 'The new studios are self-contained, and
           E: I can't wait until five thirty. I have to see the   witness that both touched me ?   cleaner and warmer than the previous ones at
           works.                                     L: I have NOT touched you.                St Katherine's Dock. A lot of our time has been
           L: You may see the works if you take that thing   E: Mr L... H.L. You have touched me.   taken up helping other sites and we're willing to
                                                                                                help anyone ready to start similar projects. We're
           off your face.                             L: I am not prepared to argue any further with
           E: This is a personal thing ? Or is this a museum   you.                             also looking for additional premises.'
           thing, Mr L ?                              E: All right. Then I will walk in. Thank you very   Art in Revolution, an Arts Council exhibition
           L: The museum....                          much.                                     at the Hayward Gallery (26 February-18 April
           E: This is a museum rule ?                 L: You may. You have taken that thing off.   1971), shows how new ideas in art were put to
           L: COMMON SENSE!                           CUT                                       work in a revolutionary social context. The theme
           E: COMMON SENSE?                                                                     is Soviet art and design after 1917. Before 1917
                                                                                                Malevich, Tatlin and other Russian artists had
           L: Yes.                                                                              found their way through west-European artistic
           E: I debate your common sense, sir. I'm    On February 4 at the Sigi Krauss Gallery, Felipe   developments, notably Cubism and Futurism, to
           walking in.                                Ehrenberg and other members of the Polygonal   more radical concepts and idioms. The 1917
           CUT                                        Workshop staged a 'Rubbish exhibition'    Revolution swept them into leading positions in
           L: There's some gentlemen coming now...    (originally triggered off by the last dustmen's   the Soviet state, enabling them to reorganize art
           E : ... You're using're pushing me.   strike) presented as a continuing situation in which   and design training. Social and economic
           ATT: No, I'm not.                          the public's ideas were processed by Polygonal   developments demanded the close involvement of
           E: You're pushing me.                      Workshop.                                 art with practical design problems and also with
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