Page 17 - Studio Internationa - March 1971
P. 17

Correspondence                              1) When he says, 'he might pause to consider   Haacke, Sonfist
                                                      the expectations which might be aroused by a
                                                      decision on the part of...Mind's editors to   and Nature
                                                      change its name to Body', he is proving my point,
                                                      since that was my whole argument. The     Technology and art 23
                                                      separation between mind and body is schizoid.
                                                      Our expectations are so fragmented as to be
                                                      insane (`normal'). The terrifyingly convergent
                                                                                                Hans Haacke has probably been the leading
                                                      expectations aroused by the words (concepts)
                                                                                                figure in what I have called elsewhere an
                                                      `Mind' versus 'Body' are the/a root of much
                                                                                                `alternative kinetic tradition' which uses the
                                                      psychological as well as political crap (and ART
                                                      fits in there too, I think).              transformation processes inherent in nature,
                                                        2) Harrison asks, whether I object to his   rather than motors and machinery. Among
                                                      phraseology (about Kosuth extending       other artists in this tradition are Medalla,
                                                      Reinhardt's lifespan and fulfilling his prophecy)   Metzger and Mark Boyle. Haacke's work has
                                                      or to his suggestion of the relationship between   not been actually seen in Britain since the days
                                                      Kosuth's art and Reinhardt's. I object to both.   of Signals, and I have not seen very much of it
                                                                                                myself, but it happens to have been discussed
                                                        3) Harrison infers, or pretends to infer that I
                                                                                                in several recent issues of Studio and many
                                                      am against knowing what one likes in Art and
                                                                                                readers will know already how his work has
                                                      having opinions. No. But I'm against clouding
                                                                                                shifted from the use of water, ice, steam, air,
                                                      opinions with abstract rationalizations and 'facts'
                                                                                                grass, etc., towards a freer definition of art. I
                                                      concerning 'validity'.
                                                        4) I'm accused of hysterical indeterminacy.   shall refer closely to Jean Clay's challenging
                                                      Indeterminacy was never my problem. Painters   article last December, 'Aspects of bourgeois
                                                      like Stella see to that. Hysterical I certainly   art: the world as it is', which covers the recent
                                                      (obviously) am, confronted with apathy, atrophy,   work of this important artist.'
                                                      attrition, and 'art'.                       Clay is correct in warning that the 'back to
                                                        5) What are Charles Harrison's 'notions of   nature' cult can be reactionary. (Maurice
                                                      conviction and strength' (notions ?), which fit
                                                                                                Barrès, who was influential on the French
                                                      only Stella (of artists under 65) like a glove ?
                                                                                                cultural right, once said 'La Nature est a
                                                        6) As a final note, I'm happy CH is so
                                                                                                droite'.) However, it is clear that the current
                                                     self-confident in distinguishing between opinion
                                                                                                concern for ecology and nature is not confined
                                                     and fact, reality and 'reality'. I'm not as confident
                                                                                                to capitalist exploiters, since it is shared by the
                                                     as he is (he wisely realizes this). But then again,
                                                      I'm not an art critic.                    Underground. The ecology lectures at the
                                                     Peter Gidal                                ICA this winter are showing forcefully that
                                                     London                                     ecology cannot be separated from economics
                                                        PS Lets lay this matter to rest with    and the social sciences.2
                                                     Harrison's answer; there must be more important   As I read Clay, Haacke's work falls into
                                                     things to talk (think) about, for both of us.   three stages of development :
                                                                                                i. 'self-occluded' natural systems, 'alive
                                                     R. I. P.—C H
                                                                                                but only in parenthesis'. Examples would be
                                                                                                Rainbox (1963), Grass Cube (1967) etc. 'They
                                                                                                are impotent and have no repercussions on
                                                     `Object-based art'                         2. the 'signature' of on-going processes—for
                                                     Andrew Forge ('Forces against object-based art',   instance, the exhibiting of a meteorological
                                                     January issue) quotes a statement of mine as   chart, or of hatching chickens —while insisting
                                                     speaking 'from the pressure of a particular   on 'non-intervention'.
                                                     situation, the events of May 1968'. In fact the   3.  the disturbance of an ecological or social
                                                     text from which the quotation was drawn was   system. Clay sees such work as escaping the
                                                     written in November 1967 and published in Les   bourgeois constraint of non-intervention.
                                                     Lettres Francaises in March 1968. The statement   Clay gives two examples of this last stage in
                                                     cannot therefore 'speak from the pressure' of the   Haacke's development: a manifestation against
                                                     events of May 1968; it is only reinforced by them.
                                                     Daniel Buren                               Nelson Rockefeller in the Museum of Modern
                                                     Paris                                     Art, and another against the Maeght Foundation
                                                                                               in France. It is not clear whether Clay would
                                                     In her article 'A smart set of concepts' in the   include in this category another, less provocative,
                                                     February issue Suzi Gablik quotes me in a,   experiment by Haacke, when he imported
                                                     context which implies that I believe 'that anyone   artificial rain and moss into an area of dry
                                                     who wants to make (relevant) art at this moment   forest, and thus changed its vegetation for a
                                                     must do so "in the absence of material props" '.   short period. Here a 'system' is radically
                                                     I would like to make it clear that I believe no such   disturbed, but since this act is not directed
                                                     thing. As an imperative the notion is plainly
                                                                                               against the bourgeoisie I am not sure if Clay
           `A very abstract context'                 ludicrous; if this were better understood we might   would include it in the same category as the
                                                     have fewer worried contributors writing in this
           `How one does one's singling out determines what   and other journals in defence of 'object-based   two events he mentions.
                                                                                                  Now it is admirable that an artist should be
           he [she ?] singles out.' I agree, obviously.   art'.
             Charles Harrison's answer to my letter is   Charles Harrison                      able to integrate political manifestations into
           rather a mess.                            Islington                                 his art. But these activities seem peripheral
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