Page 21 - Studio Internationa - March 1971
P. 21

4. Parliament or prison.'               artist. To work on the scale of the 560o cubic   1William S. Rubin, Dada, Surrealism and their
           Here is a clue to another aspect of Christo's   metres package, on the contrary, involved other   Heritage. Exhibition catalogue, the Museum of
                                                                                               Modem Art, New York, 1968..
           aesthetics, which has to do with the location of   people beside the artist, from the planning to its   'William S. Rubin, Christo Wraps the Museum.
           meaning, usually regarded as the central value   building. The artist is thus engaged socially, in a   Foreword in Exhibition catalogue, the Museum of
           of art, transmitted by the artist and received by   way dissimilar from the traditional studio   Modem Art, New York, 1968.
                                                                                               3Christo. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria Apollinaire,
           the spectator. In architectural terms, however,   situation. (Operationally, Chardin and Pollock,   Milan, June—July 1963.
           Christo proposes to locate meaning in the   for example, are more like than unlike one   4Conversation with the author, September 1968.
           subsequent usages of a building, and speculates   another; on the whole, the avant-garde of the   'Ibid.
           on what these might be. Similarly in his objects   twentieth century has been highly conservative
           and thresholds he is creating a situation in   in work-sharing methods.) Christo surmounted
           which meaning is in the variables of the spatial   these problems brilliantly, and showed his
           experience of the spectator and cannot be   capacity to make a second start on the site, after
           predicted accurately by the artist. Thus meaning   the loss of several thousand dollars worth of
           follows the making of the work of art, instead of   helium.
           preceding it, or growing with it. Christo's   He has found a way of making current art
           category of Temporary Monuments is        operate on the scale of the city, without resorting
           important, an acknowledgement, among others   to covert forms of Baroque monumentality, as
           in the post-war period, that the value of art is   in most new works intended for public sites. He
           not exclusively bound to ideas of fixity or   proposes, as a reality, a new spatial scale for art
           permanence. He has accepted a temporary status   which would at least match, in duration and
           for his art when he has packaged whole trees,   area, a carnival or a play. His training in the
           which will die and shrink, or girls, whose   middle '50s, with Sergei Vasseliev (Meyerhold's
           tolerances of their mantles is limited. Other   follower) and F. F. Burian (Brecht's friend),
           temporary situations were Christo's       developed the capacity to plan for big spaces,
           arrangements of oil drums, on the docks in   build models, and visualize graphically.
           Cologne and in the street. The aesthetic of an   Christo's monuments are important because
           expendable art is no less serious no less rigorous,   they realize in terms of objects a scale which
           than that attached by idealist art criticism to   otherwise remains largely untouched in art,
           supposedly immutable works. The huge scale   except in later Happenings. Other big schemes,
           at which Christo is now able to work presumes   such as Mack's Sahara Project, frequently
           impermanence. The art is occasional, but our   depend for their grandeur on the fact that they
           involvement with an occasion can be as    are not working projects. Oldenburg's scale-
           satisfactory, as absorbing, as with art of an   twisting monuments are basically conceived in
           hypothetical permanence. In 1968 Christo   terms of the capriccio, for instance (paintings
           packed the Kunsthalle, Bern, to celebrate the   which juggled monuments in new topographies).
           museum's fiftieth anniversary; the nature of the   The problem is to get art on the new scale out
           building provided the occasion. At Spoleto,   of the project stage into the realm of objects and
           Christo wrapped two buildings, on the occasion   events (without just littering up the world with
           of the city's festival.                   bigger Henry Moores and Alexander Calders).
             At Kassel, for documenta 4, Christo     Christo does this, without any softening of the
           demonstrated his capacity to work on a huge   line his art was following before he went public.
           scale, not by covering an existing structure, but   Christo said recently, 'I want to present
           by creating an entirely new form. The 5600   something that we never saw before.
           cubic metres package is a 28o feet high fabric   Something that is not an image, but a real
           envelope with a diameter of thirty-three feet.   thing—like the pyramids in Egypt or the Great
           It was designed by Christo in consultation with   Wall of China. The China Wall is the most
           Mitko Zagoroff, an engineer at Massachusetts   completely old-fashioned product, but it is one
           Institute of Technology. The first project was to   of the most marvellous things. Two thousand
           support a transparent skin with internal   years old. It is implacable'.4  As he has been able
           chambers of helium, but the second version,   to move away from reliance on waste products,
           which is the one that stayed up, is supported   he considers his Temporary Monuments can
           by air and guy ropes (12,000 feet of them),   now be less precipitously temporary; their
           and is opaque. It was set in the Park at   short-life characteristics can be, perhaps,
           Kassel, between the Orangerie and the lake,   extended, phased more slowly. 'The new
           huge—about the height of Mies van der Rohe's   materials I use are more permanent. The Kassel
           Seagram Building—but as nervously responsive   package is very strong and can stay perhaps ten
           to air pressures as a tendril of seaweed to water   years. I would like to make a product too, and
           currents. The package is huge but visibly   keep it up for a long time'.5  q
           sensitive. The process of working at this scale
           involves the artist in problems of funding and
           logistics, from consultations beforehand, finding
           the material, making working drawings and
           models, to on-site improvisation.         2  Christo
              One advantage, or beauty, of the artistic   Wrapped Campamile Project 1969-70
           process since the sixteenth century has been that   Collage 71 x 56 cm.
           it is a situation of total control; all decisions,   3 Christo
                                                     Wrapped Campanile Project 1969-70
           conceptual or technical, originate with the    Collage 71 x 56 cm.
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