Page 22 - Studio Internationa - March 1971
P. 22

Tantric imagery:                          Western curiosity with the esoteric mysticism   the occidental understanding of the term.
                                              and unique imagery of Tantra has been      Tantric images are described as 'tools, aids,
    affinities with                           illuminated by several recent exhibitions and by   visual supports or psychological apparatus', used
                                              R.K.Mookerjee's books Tantra Art and      to evoke divinities, which, through supreme
    twentieth-century                         Tantra Asana.                             concentration during meditation, help the
                                                 This commentary contains essentially    Yogin to visualize Ultimate Reality,
    abstract art                              conjectural analogies between Tantric imagery   Enlightenment, or Nirvan.
                                              and its pictorial affinities with western abstract   Yantras are 'power diagrams', of an abstract,
    Virginia Whiles                           art. Similarities in form suggest comparisons in   geometrical or figurative nature, which reveal
                                              content. However, to correlate elements of   the underlying structure of the universe. In
                                              Tantric philosophy with certain metaphysical   order to interpret them, it is important to
                                              preoccupations in twentieth-century abstract   understand the philosophical context of the
                                              art is dubious, simply because of the     imagery.
                                              fundamental differences in the aims and      The term Tantra comes from its Sanskrit
                                              environment of two creative languages.    roots : tan = 'to expand in continuing, unfolding
                                                 Tantric imagery is a system of signs within a   process', and tra = 'tool'. Therefore, Tantra =
                                              very specific semantic code, the function of    `that which extends knowledge'. It developed

                                              which is essentially religious and spiritual. It   from Mahayana Buddhism and Vedanta
                                              follows a strict iconographical canon which   Hinduism, and first appeared as an ideological
                                              involves the fusion of the collective and   sect during the fourth century AD in north-east
                                              individual consciousness. Western abstract art   India, and gradually influenced Yoga from the
                                              manifests a deliberate activity based on   sixth century onwards. It flourished
                                              individual consciousness, which is free from a   particularly during the tenth to twelfth centuries
                                              collective sign system. It is concerned with the   AD, from Nalanda in Bengal. Tantra owed much
                                              individualization of creative activity rather than   to early lain texts on astronomy and astrology
                                              with the communication of a collective belief.   for its extraordinarily expansive cosmogony. Its
                                               Whereas Tantric symbols have a specific   aim is, by way of essentially 'living' rites, to
      Astronomical Computation
    Painting, Tangra, c. eighteenth century    function, those in abstract art conceive of form   reach enlightenment in one life and to avoid the
    Courtesy: Ravi Kumar                       as content, so any attempt to correlate the   endless cycle of rebirths. The emphasis is on
    2  Devi Ambika                            spiritual implications of the two can only be   'psycho-experimental' methods, involving
    from an illuminated manuscript
    Rajasthan, c. seventeenth century          hypothetical and incidental.              highly complex rituals of a physiological and
    Private coll. Courtesy: Ravi Kumar           It is erroneous to call Tantric imagery 'art' in   occult nature under what Bharati has called
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