Page 32 - Studio International - November 1971
P. 32
Some memories of plans to return to the block of artists' studios on and conversation even though this meant a trip
the rue du Depart where he had lived before the
by train and a walk of some distance from the
Mondrian war. This change of address involved the Dutch station to our residence. On our part, we often
painter, Conrad Kikkert, the Belgian woman journeyed to Paris, often to share a meal which
painter, M. Donas and, if I'm not mistaken, the he had prepared with considerable effort
sculptor Archipenko, with whom Mondrian was himself or to participate during the evening in
acquainted. Despite the demands on his time the café life of Montparnasse. There were also
which these arrangements made, Mondrian the evenings when we joined Mondrian in an
greeted us warmly and took evening meals with evening of dancing at either the Jockey Club or
us regularly at a near-by restaurant. Having the Bal-Bullier, which was located opposite the
known Does since approximately 1919, I had, Closerie des Lilas on the boulevard du
of course, heard Mondrian spoken of frequently Montparnasse. We all were also great
Having been asked to record some of my personal and, because I was still rather young, the enthusiasts of the performances at the Cirque
memories of Piet Mondrian, I am complying prospect of this first meeting was quite exciting, Médrano in Montmartre of the Italian Fratellini
with mixed feelings. Like my late husband, Theo but made me somewhat nervous. To my great family of clowns, and afterwards the subway ride
van Doesburg, Mondrian never considered the relief, we immediately felt quite comfortable back to Montparnasse was often a scene of great
events of his everyday life of great importance together, which, as I later was to learn, was not merriment for both Piet and Does. We would
to his activities as a painter. It is well known that always the case between Mondrian and his then spend the rest of the night at the Café du
Mondrian's Paris studio on the rue du Depart friends' wives and acquaintances. In fact, Dome waiting to take the early train back to
was decorated with the same pure colours and Mondrian could be quite direct in indicating his Clamart. Contrary to the general impression he
geometric severity found in his abstract coolness or antipathy towards certain types of gave casual acquaintances, Mondrian was not
paintings. He kept few personal possessions, not persons. In these instances, his behaviour without a sense of humour and a capacity to
even a library, and he would destroy all mail would border on the rude. One should beware enjoy the ordinary pleasures of life. In short,
received although only after diligently reading of thinking of Mondrian in the popular and these years represented a period of close
it first. I further recall that Mondrian and Does sentimental terms of the defenceless and personal and professional association between
once executed a painting together with the misunderstood artist who suffers his humility in Mondrian and van Doesburg, which naturally
express purpose that all traces of individual silence. Especially in Dutch, his remarks about brought out many aspects of Mondrian's
participation be removed. This does not mean people often were quite cutting and could be character which deserve to be recorded.
that either man lacked a strongly developed expressed with a mordant wit. This contrasted First, there is the question of Mondrian's
personal character. Indeed, each was quite with van Doesburg, whose irritability was many personal mannerisms. Although in my
individual in temperament, and one sensed at expressed in more directly aggressive verbal opinion he remained throughout his life typically
the root of their friendship the so-called law that outbursts, which though quickly forgotten by Dutch in his behaviour and thinking about life,
`opposites attract'. himself, would leave lasting wounds in those he nonetheless made a personal fetish about the
To judge from his letters, Mondrian's affected. Conversely, both men normally were adoption of French customs. He rarely missed
friendship with Does existed from the years quite considerate of the feelings of others, and I an opportunity to proclaim the superiority of
circa 1916-17 when they collaborated in record this occasionally intolerant strain in French culture to all others, especially the
founding the De Stijl group. Apparently Mondrian's character chiefly because it seems German—and this despite the continuing
Mondrian visited van Doesburg fairly often in to have escaped the notice of previous writers. indifference of France to his own paintings. He
Leiden, where the latter was living during After this brief visit to Paris, Does and I left made a ritual of rolling his cigarettes like the
World War I with his wife Lena. Although these for a visit to Menton near the Italian border in average French worker. Although his own
visits by Mondrian from Laren frequently were southern France where the De Stijl sculptor, cooking remained basically Dutch, he vocally
connected with the editing by van Doesburg, of Georges Vantongerloo, was then living. proclaimed the superiority of French cuisine
the essays which were to appear in the De Stijl Thereafter, we travelled and worked much in and made a point of teaching me to cut potatoes
magazine, both men seem to have enjoyed each Germany (the Weimar Bauhaus period) before in the French instead of the Dutch manner. He
other's companionship from the start. Already returning to Paris again after spending several would pronounce even the names of his Dutch
during these difficult war years bonds of weeks giving Dada performances with Kurt friends in French, which, as in the case of Dr
friendship were formed which Mondrian enjoyed Schwitters in The Netherlands. It was Van Eck (changed to Dr d'Eck), to my Dutch
with only a handful of persons throughout his approximately late spring 1923 when we arrived ears had a strange, unintentionally humorous
life. Each man was invariably solicitous about in Paris and Does began to work, together with ring. This public, somewhat naive Francophilia
the other's health, which, because Mondrian was C. van Eesteren, on the architectural projects had an arbitrary, though by no means snobbish,
unusually preoccupied with this subject, often which would be exhibited at the De Stijl quality to it. Typically, when I later visited him
demanded much consideration from his closest exhibition held in the fall. Our reception by in England, Mondrian had adopted the English
associates. In return, he was equally concerned Mondrian again was quite warm, and we even cigarette and other national habits with the
with the personal welfare of those he liked and stayed in his studio a few days. It did not take same dedication previously shown toward
admired. He was also very observant of ordinary long before we found an atelier on the rue du France. I suppose the same thing happened
social protocol frequently bringing some small Moulin-Vert near the Alesia subway stop in a when he moved to the United States. Whatever
gift when invited to dinner. Perhaps because of building complex where later Giacometti was to its deeper psychological motivation, this habit
his strict upbringing, his social demeanour was have his studio. And, although not too many reflected Mondrian's great wish to be a part of
always quite correct. months after this we moved again, this time to a the social environment in which he was living.
My own first meeting with Mondrian took studio-house in the Paris suburb of Clamart, it In his life at least, Mondrian sought to be a part
place in early spring 1921, shortly after having was clear that the Dutch De Stijl movement was of the contemporary world.
married Does in The Netherlands. After now solidly based in Paris. As is well known, Mondrian was a great
stopping over in Antwerp and Brussels where It was in these years of reunion during the devotee of social dancing. By the time I met
van Doesburg presented illustrated lectures on mid-1920s in Paris that both van Doesburg and him in Paris, he had already given up the waltz,
abstract art, we arrived in Paris. Mondrian was I saw Mondrian most regularly and from which and, if I remember correctly, he took lessons in
then still living at an address on the rue de my most vivid memories of him date. He such modern steps as the fox-trot, tango, etc.
Coulmiers, although he already was making regularly visited us in Clamart for Sunday dinner Whatever music was being played, however, he