Page 29 - Studio International - November 1971
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refused to cross the picket lines, the    gaining the reinstatement of the twelve;   on a review and some alteration of the present
            Association was able to prevent a considerable   affiliation and certification; all had been passed   structure. In effect, the staff has abdicated the
            number of deliveries (such as food, art   through. Each met with increasing resistance   role, quite common in the museum field, of
            shipments, and other items generally essential   and insistence on managerial prerogatives.   being the principle subsidiser of the Museum by
            for the sustenance of the Museum). The New   The Association views the contract as an   accepting what it considers to be substandard
            York City Sanitation Department did not pick   astounding accomplishment which could cause   salaries.
            up the Museum's garbage for eight days, until   major changes in American museums.     Although the thirty-six dismissals will stand,
            what appeared to be a highly irregular injunction   Although the Trustees did not allow the   and the Administration retained the right to
            was issued. Picket duty, equally shared by   thirty-six dismissals to be rescinded, the amount   effect layoffs for the purpose of reduction in
            junior and senior staff, covered all accesses to the   of staff participation granted by the contract   personnel, substantial extensions were granted
            Museum and as many of its outposts as possible,   (still to be formally signed) suggests that perhaps   for some. In fact, the contract will require the
            and was carried out on a 24-hour basis.   the Board has substantially traded off absolute   Director to review periodically all of the
              Public reports were that the Museum was   authority for the sake of retaining ostensible   unimplemented layoffs which have been
            continuing business as usual, but directors and   authority in refusing to bend on the dismissals.   announced. In line with the Association's strike
            department heads were manning the bookstore   A grievance procedure culminating in binding   literature which stated that the Museum should
            and ticket booths. Extensive, complicated, and   outside arbitration will be established to deal   make more vigorous attempts to seek support
            probably expensive efforts were made to effect   with all provisions of the contract. Association   from federal, state, municipal, corporate and
            deliveries of food, etc. by drivers who would   representatives will have the right to appear   foundation sources, the contract will contain a
            cross the lines (and one delivery was reportedly   before Trustee committees, and can request to   provision obligating the Museum to intensively
            made over the rooftop of an adjacent hotel, and   appear before the entire Board (this request,   seek support at all levels of government,
            the Museum used its Harlem Art Carnival, a   however, can be denied). The Director is   stipulating a report deadline; it further states
            commitment to community involvement, for   obligated to communicate policy matters under   that if additional funds are found be be available,
            deliveries to be retrieved by rented trucks which   consideration (including any proposed layoffs)   the Museum will reconsider its announced
            would then cross the picket lines).       to the Association in advance of Trustee   plans of programme and staff reductions.
              The picket lines were not solemn, walking-  committee and Board meetings, and after   The Association's emphasis on the
            back-and-forth rituals but instead became an   decisions have been made. Each curatorial   importance of seeking public funds goes along
            activity of almost continual dialogue with the   department will participate in the choice of any   with what the recently-formed Partnership for
            public. A fund for those running out of money   new departmental director, and representatives   the Arts is trying to do. As reported last
            was generously provided for by a donation of a   of the staff of the entire Museum will take part   January in the New York Times,3  the Partnership
            special edition of posters donated by Claes   in consultations for the selection of any new   is conducting a national drive for broader
            Oldenburg, and support by numerous members   director of the Museum. Promotions in   support for the arts, including a campaign for a
            of the art community, the public, and members   curatorial and conservation departments have   $200 million federal subsidy.
            of the Museum was contributed by signatures on   been made subject to a rational and participatory   The organization points out that the United
            petitions, including: Edward Albee, Willem de   procedure not traditionally found in museums,   States Government now outlays only  7    cents
            Kooning, Shirley Clarke, Bernard Bertolucci,   with a system of regular review and the formal   per person annually for the arts, falling far
            Lucy Lippard, Harold Rosenberg, Roy       involvement of departmental colleagues in the   behind West Germany, Sweden, Austria,
            Lichtenstein, Bernard Malamud, Jacob      decisions. A personnel review board and an   Canada, Israel, and Great Britain, in that order
            Lawrence, Arnoldo Pomodoro, Louise        education review board will have equal    (West Germany spends $2.42 per person).
            Nevelson, Andy Warhol, Philip Guston, Hans   Administration-Association representation.   Amyas Ames, chairman of the Partnership for
            Haacke, Sol LeWitt, Carl Andre, Kate Millet,   All of these provisions will give the staff the   the Arts (he is also chairman of Lincoln Center
            Max Lerner, Otto Preminger, Joseph H.     authority to participate in Museum decisions;   for the Performing Arts and of the New York
            Hirshhorn, Lawrence Alloway, Robert C.    the irony is that in so doing, they also recognize   Philharmonic), says in their brochure, 'the
            Scull, John Coplans, Edward Fry, Richard   and authenticate the capabilities of a staff   Partnership in the Arts rejects the role of
            Bellamy, Barry Flanagan, Nancy Graves,    presumably already considered qualified to hold   bystander to the maiming of our cultural
            Robert Breer, Dan Flavin, Lee Krasner,    the positions for which it was employed.   heritage. We can, and must, generate the
            Alfonso Ossorio, and members of the staff of the   But the contract looks to be a satisfactory   power-bipartisan political power-to revitalize
            Tate Gallery: Norman Reid, Ronald Alley,   resolution both to the Museum and to the   the arts.'
            Martin Butlin, Michael Compton, Judith    Association. Mr Hightower, as quoted in the   The sequence of events leading up to the
            Jeffreys, Leslie Parris, Ruth Rattenbury, Anne   New York Times2,  stated that he feels that 'the   strike and the contract settlement at the
            Seymour, William Vaughan, and Simon Wilcox.   Museum did not in any way lose its prerogative   Modern, and the almost invariable approach--
            Artists, art workers, and members joined the   in terms of managing the institution'.   withdrawal pattern of management responses to
            picket lines, and an active international campaign   Paid sabbaticals, research leaves, weekly open   the Association, read almost like a scenario
            was conducted which elicited numerous and   time for curatorial staff, and a substantial   designed by the Administration and the
            constructive responses. Financial and other   tuition fund are other guarantees that will   Trustees to stimulate the professional interests
            support is still coming in; press and media   operate, along with the system of promotions,   of its staff, to urge it toward the final contractual
            coverage was extensive.                   to stimulate the development of high standards   assertion of professional self-respect, and to
              Two weeks later, a contract containing most   of museum work. This ramification of a formal   encourage it to assume a large part of the
            of the original proposals was accepted, and the   contract should be of interest to any museum   responsibility of maintaining a museum that is
            strike ended. What had begun in January 1970   that takes itself seriously in a professional sense.   vital, relevant, and humane. All privately-
            as a relatively mild request to be heard    The proposals for a rational and equitable   supported museums should most certainly
            collectively had developed into an almost   salary structure have been temporarily   consider it in their best interests to take a look
            militant insistence on the right to be heard. The   supplanted by a 7½ per cent across-the-board   at the cards and anticipate constructively the
           successive stages of making statements;    increase (including an increase of over a   ambitions and commitment of their staffs. q
            circulating petitions; retaining legal counsel;   thousand dollars in the minimum salary),   'Barr, Jr, Alfred H., ed., Masters of Modern Art, New
           threatening a strike (last December) when the   pending, of course, President Nixon's resolution   York, The Museum of Modem Art, 1954. (preface
           Administration made twelve budgetary firings   of the wage freeze. In July, 1972, salary   and foreword, respectively)
                                                                                                2   Sunday, 26 September 1971.
           after promising that it would not do so, and    negotiations will be re-opened and will be based    Wednesday, 6 January 1971.
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