Page 25 - Studio International - October 1970
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memorandum paragraphs 2-3: 'This framework   a good course by the members of the department,   an academic, is only too clear. An academic
           permits a wide variety of courses. It is intended   although perhaps 'minor' disagreements may   would at least have presented his own policy
           to allow for approaches of widely varying   have produced 'minor' changes.          statement; perhaps entertained a dialectic
           structure and character. Each course should be   The fact that a change can be made in a   between old and new theses, despite the
           arranged to reflect the college's interpretation of   course half-way through its three-year duration   possibility of there being no resulting synthesis.
           the content and purpose of advanced study in   calls in question the quoted necessity that the   That he is instead an administrator is also clear :
           the field with which it is concerned. Colleges will   NCDAD should sanction a course and that the   incoherent (he produces no alternative policy),
           have freedom to pursue their own artistic   students' work should be assessed in relation to   irrational (he offers no rational criticism), unjust
           direction and find their own solution to the   that course. The NCDAD's authority is   or irresponsible (actions are performed without
           common problems.'                         revealed as a myth, not by the Art Colleges'   consideration of their full consequences).
           3. An upshot of the Fine Art Department   quasi-autonomy, but by the instantiated actions   The main tenet of an ideological argument is
           meeting on 9 December 1970, was a proposal   that have taken place at Coventry. (Has Mr   that it shouldn't seem strange for the products
           put forward by the acting Head of Fine Art—  Plummer had his proposals accepted by a   of an Art Theory course to be works of art. This
           `That we establish a painting studio where   NCDAD committee ? Is there any formal   entails tramping along the well worn path of the
           painting would go on' —which was defeated by   evidence of his policy ? Is Mr Plummer acting in   question, 'What is the Ontology of Art ?' Art
           the department committee. Furthermore, it was   accord with the NCDAD's requirement for the   Theory attempted, by looking at recent
           asserted that all the Fine Art students had   establishment of a course any more than the   paradigms of Art, to solve or at least suggest an
           agreed to the course proposals made by Mr   previous policy-makers whom he is criticizing ?)   answer to this question. This answer states that
           Atkinson and Mr Sandle, and had passed      We are positing as one of our main points here   the Ontology of Art is of a different logical
           unanimously a motion proposed by student   that colleges are autonomous, and that this fact   world than many people have supposed. Much
           representative David Rushton as follows : 'All   is well known and used; but also that art   recent art, particularly American, has moved
           policy amendments that purport to be in the   departments are autocratic. When it counts, there   along this path toward what may be considered
           "students' interests" but not in accord with the   is little democracy in art colleges (particularly   as testing the necessary requirements of a work
           students' notion of the educational aims should   within polytechnics). Not that democracy is   of art (i.e. a generous interpretation of
           be condemned on the grounds that they may be   particularly good in itself, but that here those   `Reductionism' and `Minimalism').
           disguising the interests of others than the   subjects on the 'shop floor' can contribute a   Our predicament will seem even more
           students for whose benefit the amendments are   great deal more to policy-forming than can   ridiculous if the NCDAD are to appreciate that
           ostensibly intended, while not in any way   administrators. Indeed, these subjects have   Don Judd's Dictum (`If someone calls it Art, it's
           catering for the student interest.' When one asks   given a tremendous amount of time and thought   Art') is a paradigm of some influence in art.
           how the students would decide what were the   to the course that ran from Summer 1969 to   This appears to be trivially true for it acts as if
           `students' interests', it was explicitly said at the   1971. What is so saddening and enraging is that   it were a law of identity; and Judd's point was
           meeting by the student representative that the   the majority of staff who had worked hard for   even made tacitly by Duchamp much earlier. It
           staff who taught the students were best able to   the course have been dismissed (with little   is not pertinent here to expand an ontological
           judge.                                    notice to themselves or to the students whom   argument fully; it is sufficient to say that the
           4.  It has been the argument of the Director of   they had taught). Those students reaching their   hypothesis of Wittgenstein — 'The limits of my
           the Polytechnic, Sir Alan Richmond, that there   final year and second year find that there is   language mean the limits of my world ... we
           are no precedents for the assessment, by the   inadequate staffing. It affects even pre-diploma   cannot think what we cannot think; so what we
           NCDAD, of wholly written work. We consider   students who had applied to and been accepted   cannot think we cannot SAY either' (Tractatus
           this outlook naturalistic and uncritical. That it   for this course. It is well known that students   5.6-5.61)—is a correct understanding of the
           has not been the case does not mean that it   apply for particular universities to study under   world: that is, there are no intrinsic qualities
           could not be the case. (How are precedents   particular academics.                   such as arthood, goodness, numbers etc. of
           established ?)                               To say that the newly instated Dean caused   `lumps of matter'. So what we say tells us what
           5.  The motions quoted above, as passed or   these malevolent consequences is true on a   is Art in the world. A distinct discipline of the
           dismissed, did not reach the higher levels of the   simplistic level. To ascribe to him the   194os and '5os was Conceptual Analysis, which
           Polytechnic government. For this reason it   responsibility for these actions is questionable. If   attempted to sort out the logic of the world by
           would not have been possible for the NCDAD   Mr Plummer, or the acting Head of Fine Art,   sorting out our language problems. Conceptual
           to ordain these proposals with the 'contractual   Mr H. Weinberger, did appreciate the   Art has attempted and will continue to attempt
           right' that they should be carried out; the   consequences for the individuals, then they are   to point out similar problems of a logic or a
           NCDAD did not hear of them. And, as       responsible for an action which has been of   metaphysic of art by a correspondent analysis.
           importantly, the contractual obligations of the   considerable injustice. However, it has been put   The whole point of Art Theory was that we
           staff and students over the last two years have   forward by some students that the new Dean   should not commit the fallacy of Naturalism.
           been promulgated and were, as Gratian would   could not know of the effect that his actions   That is, that one ought not to follow the
           have pointed out, reasonably conceived and   have caused, and that thus he can at the most be   paradigms which show us what is Art, but as
           reasonably declared; the course can therefore   considered irresponsible. Alternatively, in quite   critical practitioners consider alternative
           not be dismissed as mere laissez-faire. There is   successfully and speedily ridding us of the 'dead   a-priori reasons for making art.
           a leading principle in Natural Law which states   wood' which had kept the course running (as   PHILIP PILKINGTON
           that nobody is bound to what he does not know   well as having helped to construct it), Mr   KEVIN LOLE
           about. Those who took part in the course, those   Plummer is unjust: it has been a conception of   DAVID RUSHTON
           who taught and those who were taught, did   justice, held by such unworthies as Kant, J. S.   Faculty of Art and Design
           know what was required of them and responded   Mill and H. L. A. Hart (vide Rawls, Justice as   Lanchester Polytechnic
           to what was asked of them. (This principle can   Fairness', Philosophical Review 1958), that each   Coventry
           defend the NCDAD: ignorance which is not   person participating in a practice, or affected by
                                                                                                 The Art Theory course was part of the Fine Art
           wilful either by choice or from negligence   it, has an equal right to the most extensive   course which consisted in toto of: Romanticism,
           always excuses.)                          liberty compatible with a like liberty for all,   Epistemology, Art History, Technos and Art Theory.
              What all these points have shown is quite   while inequalities are necessary only when they   Its position was not only to consider its own
           simply the 'institutional fact' of what the course   work out for everyone's advantage.   `problems', 'interests' and 'answers', but in some
           was; and that this past course was believed to be    That Mr Plummer is not, as he claims he is,    sense to set the intellectual tone of the course by
                                                                                                raising questions within the other parts of the course.
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