Page 26 - Studio International - October 1970
P. 26

2                                         inevitable— would remove the fine-art     There is no evidence to show that either review
      In the broad context of fine-art education in   departments from under the 'protection' of   body or external assessors have ever been
      Britain now and in the context of the letter   the NCDAD and create an anomalous situation   impelled by objective criteria to regulate the
      printed here there seem to be three main areas   between these departments and the autonomous   interpretation of 'fine art' current within any
      for concern.                              colleges of art. There is little comfort to be   individual department. We now have a situation
      1. Within the polytechnics the fine-art courses   drawn from the results of speculation about how   where (a) a precedent has been set
      are likely to become increasingly subject to   such an anomaly might be sorted out. There   administratively for an implicit equation
      criteria of administrability of a kind applied by   is some reason to believe that one end envisaged   between the practice and study of 'fine art' and
      the polytechnicians to courses of a more easily   for fine-art departments might be the   the 'production of tangible visual art objects'3
      circumscribed nature. While the National   production of 'teachers' of `visual' intelligence%   in terms of notions of 'work', and where (b)
      Council for Diplomas in Art and Design (the   (The Dean of one Faculty of Art and Design is   —for better or for worse—some teachers and
      `Summerson Committee') is able to maintain   quoted as saying that 'Art colleges do not   some students feel justified by other precedents
      both its essentially liberal attitude and its power   provide vocational courses for fine artists'.)   (or by conviction) in interpreting 'the practice
      as the final administrator of Dip AD awards, the   2. Following their own normative practices   and study of fine art' according to a more
      art departments have still some minimal   —and perhaps with a mind to the events of   heuristically-based notion of 'work'. The
      safeguard; or they would have if they could learn   1968 —the polytechnic administrators tend to   adherence in all but a few schools to a belief in
      how to use it. But there are signs that the liberal   favour permanent staff over part-timers;   the theoretical autonomy of 'painting' and
      principles enshrined in the NCDAD documents'   effectively this has tended to mean that time   `sculpture'4 complicates matters further,
      are not necessarily effective in practice. Despite   and money previously allocated for casual and   militating as it does —through emphasis on
      their expressed aim to give colleges maximum   part-time appointments is used to establish   demarcations in 'practice' — against the
      confidence in the opportunities open to them to   `permanent' posts, sometimes divided between   consideration and understanding of the 'theory
      develop and administer their own various   two or even three lecturers. If only as a factor   of art' in general. Within the attitude towards
      courses, the NCDAD and the NACAE          of administrability, this tends to militate   art education which now seems to be gaining
      (National Advisory Council on Art Education—  against the kind of flexibility in staffing from   prevalence it is unlikely that the dichotomy
      the 'Coldstream Committee') seem on the   which art schools, part-time lecturers and   can be resolved advantageously. The fine-art
      evidence to have been most typically resorted to   visiting artists have all benefited substantially   departments are the last places where one would
      by principals wishing to bring outside authority   in the recent past. It is, of course, also likely to   have expected—or wished—to re-counter the
      to measures of curtailment.               ensure that the kind of autonomous development   old pseudo-antagonism between 'mental' and
        The document signed by the Chief Officer of   of courses favoured by the NACAE and   `manual' workers. q
      the NCDAD which is quoted above was sent   NCDAD will take place only insofar as it can   CHARLES HARRISON
      while the various panels of the NCDAD were   be made subject to overall control and scrutiny
      in fact disbanded pending reformulation. There   by administrations evolved to deal with more
      is some evidence to suggest that the Council—as   `technical' subjects. The association of 'studio
      constituted in 1969 and until the middle of this   work' with 'sweat-of-one's-brow' types of
      year —might at least not have been unanimous in   activity is, in this context, a sign of real danger
      defining 'studio work' as 'the production of   for the future of art education and for the
                                                                                          1For instance the Memorandum No. 2: Procedures for
      tangible visual art objects'. It is of course now   prospects of future part-time employment for a   Assessment and the Appointment of External Assessors
      too late to put this particular matter to the test;   wide range of artists in need of precisely such   for the award of the Diploma in Art and Design, and the
      but where judgments of this nature are    employment. There has always been trouble, at   Second Report of the National Council for Diplomas in
                                                                                          Art and Design (the 'Second Summerson Report').
      represented to students as final decisions in   worst, and apathy at best in fine-art   NCDAD documents are available from 16 Park
      matters of concern, one would wish to be very   departments where the balance has become too   Crescent, London WIN 4DN. It is to every student's
      certain that no element of interpretation was   strong in favour of permanent staff who have   advantage to study them. NACAE documents (the
     allowed to enter in at the moment when the   tended to abandon their profession as artists   `Coldstream Reports' etc.) are available from HMSO.
                                                                                          The NCDAD is subsidiary to the NACAE in that its
      professional administration relayed the   for a profession in art schools; in the past such   raison d'être is to administer, as an independent body,
      pronouncements of those it serves. It would be   situations could always be partly offset by the   the Diploma which was proposed by the NACAE as a
     sad, if not entirely surprising, if the laissez-  casual visits of practising artists. Such visits   replacement for the old NDD.
                                                                                          2  See Memorandum No. 2. In principle, the external
     faire benevolence of the NCDAD and the    are bound to become—at the very least—harder   assessors are there 'to bring independent professional
     NACAE were to be used to undermine those   to arrange.                               experience and judgment to the final assessment, and
     very principles which they have attempted to   The tendency to divert 'research work'   to act as moderators on the level of awards'. In
                                                                                          practice, the wide divergence in student work
     make implicit in art education. The second   away from the polytechnics towards technical   frequently makes nonsense of the appointed assessor's
     Coldstream Report aroused some misgivings on   universities is another factor to be born in   `professional experience', and this can lead to
     this score. Liberal principles in an area largely   mind in this context. There is a buried   unbalanced assessments. It is in fact the express duty
     controlled by government expenditure are   implication that, so far as fine-art departments   of the external assessors 'to acquaint themselves with
                                                                                          the details and aim of the specific Dip AD course...
     worth only as much as the arguments which can   are concerned, no equation between 'art' and   and to raise any questions before assessment and
     be mounted in their defence. In this respect the   `research' (or 'theory') will be capable of   moderation take place'. Furthermore, the college or
                                                                                          department administration can at its own discretion
     guardians of liberal art education in Britain are   validation educationally within the polytechnic   suggest and (if they are approved by the NCDAD)
     toothless.                                framework; i.e., so far as 'art' is concerned,   invite appropriate assessors for particular courses or
        As more fine-art courses come under the   `research' is not 'work'.               even students. This discretion can, of course, be used
     administration of polytechnics, it seems likely   3.  (Following from I and 2.) The NCDAD   with intent. The NCDAD publishes a list of approved
                                                                                          assessors in the various areas, which may make
     that the authority of the NCDAD —as a council   documents suggest that virtually any course of   amusing reading for some. The revised list of
     —will be increasingly undermined. At the close   work in fine art will be acceptable so long as the   January 1970 is at present subject to revision.
     of the last academic year the Committee of   individual college or department can substantiate   'It is hard to imagine that that phrase came
                                                                                          spontaneously from the pen of the Chief Officer of the
     Polytechnic Directors held a meeting at which   relevant criteria of evaluation. The Summerson   NCDAD. It would be interesting to know where it
     they expressed their desire for a charter for   quinquennial review body surveys individual   originated.
     polytechnics under which they could award   courses and the Council's approved external   "Despite the recommendations made in recent
                                                                                         Coldstream and Summerson reports that ease of
     their own qualifications within five years. Such   assessors serve to moderate in the final   transition from one area to another should be
     a development—which some observers see as   assessment of students' work on the courses.2    safeguarded.

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