Page 27 - Studio International - October 1970
P. 27

Report from                               Leaf Forever' etc.) and an organic banquet.   Correspondence
                                                     Twenty-four live ducks were installed for the
           Canada                                    duration of the exhibition, which included many   Peter Phillips at the Whitechapel
                                                                                               The Peter Phillips exhibition planned since I
                                                     of Wieland's stuffed, quilted, embroidered,
                                                     hooked and knitted hangings, Arctic Day, I Love   became Director of the Whitechapel over two
                                                     Canada, Reason over Passion/ La Raison avant la   years ago to take place this autumn has had to be
                                                     Passion, and her films, Rat Life and Diet in   postponed indefinitely. This regrettable decision
                                                     North America, Cat Food, Reason over Passion.   is due to our financial crisis which has been
                                                     A huge iced cake representing Canada was   precipitated and exacerbated by the withdrawal
                                                     surmounted with a dead and bleeding polar bear,   of a local authority grant. Phillips has never had
                                                     while below the tree line the Spirit of Canada   a one-man exhibition in this country, but when
                                                     suckled the French and English beavers. 'Sweet   it happens it will be a remarkable event.
                                                     Beaver-the Perfume of Canadian Liberation'   There are all sorts of things that the
                                                     could be purchased.                       Whitechapel should be doing and plans to do if
                                                                                               it manages to avoid closure and this is one
                                                     A major retrospective of the paintings of Emily   particularly high priority.
                                                     Carr, which deal characteristically with the   There are a number of facts about the Gallery
                                                     Indian forms and rain forests of the North West   that are not generally known. One of them is that
           `BC Almanac(h) C-B' is the result of funds made   Pacific Coast, brought large crowds   it is an unendowed Charity founded in 1899 by
           available to fifteen artists/photographers from   throughout the summer to the Vancouver Art   Canon Barnett of Toynbee Hall in order to
           British Columbia/Colombie-Britannique by the   Gallery. The exhibition was in joint celebration   bring enlightenment through art to the poor and
           National Film Board. 'Each artist made a book.'   of the tooth anniversary of Emily Carr's birth   uneducated of the East End of London.
           This format was decided among themselves, and   and British Columbia's joining Confederation.   The constitution of the Gallery and in
           the East Coast equivalent, now being planned,                                        particular 'the object of the foundation',
           will not be the same. They are both part of the   Ace Space Company, run by Dana Atchley,   unchanged since 1899, is under urgent review.
           Film Board's 'Image' series of publications. Each   Co-ordinator of Space, resident at the   A Whitechapel Gallery Report, the first since
           `book' is separately bound; they come in a box   University of Victoria, has, amongst other   1953 is being published this autumn. May I
           printed with photos of their own process, from   activities, produced two books, free. For the   urge any of your readers who would like a copy
           the forest trees, via newsprint and printer, to the   second, Space Atlas, about too people   and would perhaps be prepared to receive an
           finished product in front of you. By      contributed their 'visions, maps, plans and   invoice for a few shillings to write to us at
           photographing the pages Almanac(h) has been   reflections of the spaces', that is, of the three   Whitechapel Art Gallery, Whitechapel High
           made into a travelling exhibition. It is   pages allotted to each, in editions of 250 which   Street, London Et.
           accompanied by video-tapes by and of some of   were then co-ordinated and bound.     MARK GLAZEBROOK Director
           the artists involved, and responsive electronic
           sound by Dennis Vance, associated, like many of   Lithographs made by twenty-nine artists, from   Americanism, Pro- and anti-
           them, with Intermedia in Vancouver.       Canada, the United States and Europe in the   Tim Hilton and his generation positively wallow
                                                      Lithography Workshop of the Nova Scotia   in their ignorance of recent art history. They
           `And he breaks out all the ugliest pictures in the   College of Art and Design during the last two   seem to refuse to find out what actually happened
           image bank and puts it out on the subliminal so   years, will be travelling across the country under   ten or fifteen years ago whenever it concerns
           one crisis piles up after the other right on   the auspices of the National Gallery Extension   British painters older than themselves. When
           schedule.' William Burroughs  -Nova Express.   Services. The exhibition will be seen at the   they write about their own contemporaries it is
           And so an Image Bank has been set up by a   Museum of Modern Art in New York 6 October   quite another matter. For British artists of their
           group in Vancouver for image deposits and   -12 November, and at the Canadian Cultural   own age they will claim this, that and the other,
           withdrawals (at 4454 West 2nd Ave. Vancouver   Centre in Paris, 15 May-15 June 1972.   never guessing that half the things they claim as
           8, B.C.). A regular mailing, with requests for                                       innovations in fact cropped up fifteen years
           specific kinds of images -the Image of the   The N.E. Thing Company has joined the   before in the works of my own age group : at a
           Month etc. -links them with branch offices. An   Vancouver Board of Trade. 'Your number one   time, that is, when Tim Hilton's generation
           international video exchange directory is being   international consultants in media, image, ideas,   were too young to notice.
           established, and a post-card show in the Fine   promotion, anything', puts the GNG (Gross   I'm going on about this because it really is
           Arts Gallery at the University of British   National Good) against the GNP, corporation   incredible that Hilton should write, in the bright
           Columbia will publicise some of the Bank's   against corpseration, wishing to 'use enlightened   and breezy first paragraph of his review Beached
           holdings.                                 business as a power-base to do good'. The   Promise (Studio International book supplement,
                                                      Company has recently had its booth at     July/August 1971), ... English artists' and
           La Region Centrale is the latest film by Michael   international computer conferences, and a show,   critics' relationships with America need a
           Snow, who represented Canada in Venice last   or Campaign, for the University of Alberta in   particular kind of sharpening-not necessarily
           year. (Other films include Wavelength, Standard   Edmonton consisted of a series of broadcast and   based on chauvinistic claims for artistic status,
           Time and <—>.) A machine was developed    telecast announcements (e.g. The N.E. Thing   certainly looking beyond the cold-war-period
           which enables a camera to move in pre-directed   Co. presents imaginaty landscape No. 16.   anti-Americanism current when Patrick Heron
           orbits and spirals, and also to turn, roll and spin   Imagine a vivid blue sky with a few tails of   was writing, certainly beyond the wide-eyed
           on its own axis. The film, which lasts nearly   cloud and a bright orange sun. Thrusting into   Pop period which succeeded that phase..: What
           three hours, was shot in the wilderness region of   this blue is a tall black chimney belching out   needs sharpening is Tim Hilton's sense of the
           northern Quebec. The soundtrack is provided   pollution in the form of thick black and yellow   recent past- and his ability to present facts
           by the electronic programming tape.       smoke.... If you would like to see a facsimile of   fairly, even if this means the loss of a smart
                                                     this imaginary landscape go to 3 too block South   phrase or two.
           `True Patriot Love' -at the National Gallery,   Broadway, any weekday between 7.3o am and   ... looking beyond the cold-war-period anti-
           Ottawa-a representative range of work by Joyce   3.30  pm.). q                       Americanism current when Patrick Heron was
           Wieland, opened with a brass band (The Maple    CHARLOTTE TOWNSEND                   writing ... ? Since he locates this fictitious period
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