Page 47 - Studio International - October 1970
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programme, both Russian and American, has   Standard with headlines like '20,000 dead'. Any   J. G. BALLARD was born in Shanghai of English
          failed to excite the public imagination in real   of these large human disasters, Pakistan,   parents in 1930 and lived there until he was
          terms, and I think this may also have      Ireland, but Dad, Dad still comes home and   fifteen. During the war he was interned by the
          something to do with missed opportunities by   Mum's still fussing because he's fifteen   Japanese and came to England in 1946. At
          the mass media. To have been alive, to have   minutes late. And that's what I mean by the   Cambridge he read medicine but subsequently
           watched Armstrong as his foot landed on the   insulation against experience.        became a copywriter and an RAF pilot, and
          surface of the moon ... yet the effect on people's   BALLARD: But technology in terms of video-tape   began to write seriously in the late 1950s. He
           imaginations was nil. Now why ? I think you're   machines and so on may make it possible to have   is well known to readers of the leading science-
           getting a sort of radical social classification into   a continuous alternative to direct experience,   fiction magazines and is thought of especially
           two groups of people: those who work within   and I mean any alternative. You can have this   highly by other writers working in the same area,
           modern science and technology and modern   played back in slow motion, or do you want it in   although Ballard's work cannot adequately be
           communications, who actually appreciate   infra-red, or do you want it this or that. Take   described by any term as limiting as 'science
           what's going on, and those who are outside it.   your pick, like a juke-box. Technology may   fiction'. Collections of stories by Ballard include
           And we are just members of the studio     make it possible to have a continuous feedback   The Terminal Beach and The Four-Dimensional
           audience. We are watching the acrobats but   to ourselves of information. But at the moment   Nightmare, and his novels include The Crystal
           have absolutely no understanding. We are like   I think we are starved of information. I think   World, The Drowned World, The Drought, and
           a charabanc party that's arrived by mistake at   that the biggest need of the painter or writer   The Atrocity Exhibition. At present he is
           Sadlers Wells and are watching a ballet we   today is information. I'd love to have a tickertape   engaged on a new work of fiction which is to be
           don't understand. But I think it's the role of the   machine in my study constantly churning out   called Crash !
           artist to connect the two. His subject-matter is   material : abstracts from scientific journals, the
           no longer the world of manners and the world of   latest Hollywood gossip, the passenger list of a   EDUARDO PAOLOZZI, born in Edinburgh in 1924
           ordinary appearances. He has to illuminate the   707 that crashed in the Andes, the colour mixes   of Italian parents, studied at Edinburgh College
           real world for the ordinary person, the new   of a new automobile varnish. In fact, Eduardo   of Art and the Slade School and first exhibited
           world which technology and communications   and Iin our different ways are already gathering   his sculpture at the Mayor Gallery in 1947.
           have created.                             this kind of information, but we are using the   Immediately afterwards he went to Paris for two
           WHITFORD: But what is this reality ? Our   clumsiest possible tool to do it : our own hands   years where he met most of the artists living
           experience of the world is now so often at   and eyes. The technology of the information-  there and took a special interest in the Surrealists
           second hand, has been processed and       retrieval system that we employ is incredibly   and especially Duchamp's work. It was during
           reprocessed by many kinds of high-and-low   primitive. We fumble around in bookshops, we   the 195os that Paolozzi became well known as a
           definition reproduction methods, so that what   buy magazines or subscribe to them. But I   sculptor and his reputation has grown ever since
           we often take to be the reality is simply the   regard myself as starved of information. I am   even though his work has experienced sudden
           distorted reflection of it. What I'm trying to say   getting a throughput of information in my   and unexpected changes in style and direction
           is something like this : a hi-fi enthusiast who   imaginative life of one-hundredth of what I   every few years. In the 1960s he also established
           knows his Beethoven only from records is likely   could use. I think there's an information   a reputation as a print-maker and he continues
           to be disappointed when he finally hears   starvation at present and technology will create   to work in several media. Although Paolozzi has
           Beethoven live. The pianist makes mistakes, the   the possibility of knowing everything about   had retrospective exhibitions at the Museum of
           audience coughs, he gets all kinds of things not   everything. When Apollo 99 blasts off to Alpha   Modern Art and most of the other big
           on recordings which turns the whole thing into   Centauri we will know everything about the   international museums, this present exhibition
           a totally different kind of experience. Or when   crew all of the time. It's always struck me that   at the Tate Gallery is, surprisingly, his first
           people see a Van Eyck in a high-quality   Eduardo's studio is lavishly equipped with   large showing in this country. q
           reproduction and then see the original they can   photographic and recording equipment of
           quite easily prefer the photograph. And I think   various kinds. He spends a large part of his time   12 `Well... the bombs are my answer to the Brillo
           that Eduardo is especially strong in exploiting   on information collection and sorting, and an   boxes.'
                                                                                                Bombs (as yet not finally titled) 1971
           the subtle changes that occur, almost     equal amount of time ensuring that he has a   Painted aluminium
           accidentally, from one translation into another   ready access to all the material he has around   Coll: the artist
                                                                                                Photo: Norman Cotterell
           medium. So that in the Olivetti etchings you get   him. It's a far cry from the nearest thing I can   13 The Artist with Bent Bomb (as yet not finally
           the original, which is a photograph reproduced   visualize which is books on shelves in a library   titled) 1971
           in a newspaper, which is then blown up in a   where one has a kind of notional access to the   Aluminium
           new photograph, retouched, and then etched,   material but no real access because it's not   Coll : the artist
                                                                                                   ... the overlapping, jostling vocabularies of
           and there is a dialogue all the time between the   all scanning in front of your mind. And it   14
                                                                                               science, technology, advertising...'
           image and the medium into which it's being   struck me that the information system Eduardo   BASH 1971
           transferred.                              has designed for himself comes very close to the   Original collage for silk-screen print published by the
           PAOLOZZI : It's got to the point where I would   sort of information-retrieval systems that a   Galerie Leonhart, Munich
                                                                                                Photo: Cuming Wright-Watson
           rather have a carpet made to look like the Mona   scientist has. For instance, Dr Christopher   15 'He spends a large part of his time on information
           Lisa than the real thing. It's got to that. But a   Evans at the National Physical Laboratories   collection and sorting ... '
           multitude of experiences, of simultaneous   uses very similar devices and has a similar   The artist's studio, 1970
           happenings often of very disparate kinds is a   internal scanning system to make sure that he   Photo : Artur Laskus
           very 20th-century thing. You watch Apollo   keeps up to date with whatever touches his   16 	...there is a dialogue all the time between the
                                                                                                image and the medium into which it's being
           taking off on a TV in a bar in San Francisco,   imagination. I know no writer, other than Len   transferred.'
           then go round the corner to have your shoes   Deighton, who maintains this sort of system.   Source photograph and final etching for one image
           shined by a topless shoe-shine girl. These kind   Most do not even grasp the fact that they need   from Conditional Probability Machine 1970
                                                                                                Published by Editions Alecto.
           of ironical juxtapositions happen in life all the   information to keep their imagination up to par.   Photos : Artur Laskus
           time. But what we do know is that—and there   Deighton used to have, perhaps still does have
           are many good funny films about this—the mass   a computer, a Telex and an electric typewriter
           media demolish experience, negate real    plugged into the system.
           experience. You know, in the crowded      PAOLOZZI : Just think that only two people in
           underground train everyone's reading the    Bucharest are going to read this. []
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