Page 27 - Studio International - September 1971
P. 27

7 Joseph Beuys
          Speaking on TV
          8 Joseph Beuys
          Talking with Willy Brandt about free University
          problems 1970
          9 Joseph Beuys
          Organization for direct democracy through
          plebiscite; Street action 1971, Düsseldorf

          interests of the people are entrusted to political
          parties which choose their own candidates and
          policies. After all the electoral promises have
          been made, the parties remain, in Beuys's view,
          guardians of the interests of those who hold
          economic power. It is law that defines the
          concept of the state; and if the power of the
          state is truly to proceed from the people, Beuys
          maintains that the constitution and the
          fundamental rights of the citizen must be
          established by the people, not by some political
          elite. The laws have then to be administered, it
          is true; this should not be done, however,
          by a civil-servant caste but by delegates who can   on the grounds that they are undemocratically   be a return to a man-to-man teacher-pupil
          be removed from office at any time.       monopolized by a small number of galleries.   relationship ? Why shouldn't it be possible for
             To this end Beuys has founded an       On another level, Beuys has opened a little office   five lawyers just to get together and open up their
          `Organization of Non-Voters', which calls on   in the old part of Düsseldorf where he sets out to   own law school ?
          citizens to stop participating in local, provincial   reach mainly the economically underprivileged   This is the basic conception: 'There must be
          and federal elections. The central idea in its   `little men' : pensioners, apprentices, workmen,   a search for the productive brainpower that is
          programme is this :                       clerks. Discussions are held on the political   there already. Everyone must have a chance, in
          `We call ourselves the Organization of Non-  feasibility of individual self-determination—just   education, to equip himself for productivity, if
          Voters because we have decided never again to   as Socrates used to accost his fellow-citizens in   he wants to, and for this the material basis must
          elect some fellow who comes along a few days   the street and ask 'What do you think about   be created. This means that everybody must
          before the election and sticks a notice on a tree   self-knowledge ?'               decide on a law to govern how much of the
          saying "Köppler is coming" or some such      Beuys says that politicians, whether of the   existing private capital should be set aside for
          nonsense. We don't want to vote for any more   right or of the left, have no confidence in the   education. It may be that the majority will
          figureheads, we want to vote for basic laws.'   people, and their whole activity is geared to   decide that in order to achieve what I have in
             Beuys sounds very disillusioned about   buttressing their own pretensions to constitute   mind—to open up potential productive resources
          practical work with students. Students, he finds,   an elite of leaders, thus perpetuating the situation   —this money should be put back into the schools;
          are often hopelessly volatile. At the end of a   in which a minority rules the majority. They   for capital is the product of human brain-power.
          semester they are full-blooded revolutionaries,   seek to gain the confidence of the electorate by   It will always be through the development of
          and after the vacation they are back at square   telling it, in effect, 'Vote for us, we'll think for   technology that industry will produce added
          one. They may have exposed the contradictions   you'. In contrast, Beuys wants to give 'every   value—and this added value comes ultimately
          of the systems, but they don't suffer directly   individual the personal responsibility for the   from education.'
          from them. So they don't see the necessity of   destiny of the State'. Freedom is not a static   Much of this may seem utopian. But at
          patient counter-organization. If one wants to   condition but an evolutionary principle. The   present the concept of Utopia is the most
          convince the public that the parliamentary state   immediate objective is to make this clear by way   powerful weapon against the all-pervading
          contradicts natural law and must therefore be   of an information network which will initially be   scientific view that the world is only what it
          swept away, one has to go all the way through   confined to Western Europe, where Beuys   happens to be. And if one reads the utopian
           the official channels. This requires an   considers the memory of primeval democracy to   ideas in the writings of the Blaue Reiter and
           independent body of voters; and, in order to   be strongest.                       Bauhaus groups, ideas which did actually lead to
           build up such a thing, someone has to do the   As a teacher himself, Beuys is interested in   the realization of a new art, one is tempted to say
           work of informing and organizing. The    education above all; the first thing he stresses   that reality can never be projected too far into
           informing function is thus carried from the   here is that people are gradually being liberated   the unknown. It is only by taking today as one's
           academy into the streets—and into the whole   from the exigencies of work but are totally   viewpoint and establishing a new evolutionary
           business of art, as well. At the big 'Happenings   unprepared for the intellectual productivity that   perspective, one which has not been mapped out
           and Fluxus' retrospective in Cologne last   will become essential to survival. Survival is a   beforehand, that the possible is achieved. Utopia
           autumn, Beuys dispensed with the expected   matter of the learning process : we must all   is judged by the extent to which it is the art of
           `event' and instead handed out a message calling   become more productive thinkers. Beuys's   the possible.
           for a boycott of elections. For, in his words, 'The   statement that 'the whole world is an academy'
           new defining characteristic of an exhibition is   means that everyone must learn, but not
           information.' He recently called on all artists to   necessarily in gigantic and therefore   TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY
           boycott the dealer-based Kunstmarkt exhibitions    monopolistic institutions. Why should there not    DAVID BRITT
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