Page 55 - Studio International - September 1971
P. 55

Multiples                                although there are a few tricks which I would   Klaus Staeck
                                                                                              Direkte werbung 1 197o
                                                   prefer not to disclose. (Incidentally, even taxes   Edition 30. Edition Tangente
          in Germany                               on art are very complicated in Germany, as you   2  Stefan Wewerka
                                                   pay much more for a silk-screen print than for a   Leckschuring Holl
                                                   woodcut, for instance.)                    Each chair size 6o x 4o x 4o cm. Galerie Mikro
                                                                                              3 Siegfried Neuenhausen
                                                      The extent of local art business seems to be   Kleiner Deutscher Gruss II 1970
                                                   rather overestimated, even in Germany itself.   15 x 30 x 25 cm, edition 100. Galerie Poll
                                                    There are galleries and collectors who care for   4 Timm Ulrichs
                                                                                              The First Sitting-down Chair 197o
                                                   newspaper headlines like: 'American Pop-   90 x 45 x 45 cm, edition 25o. Kunstbetrieb
                                                   collection bought by Rhenish art patron', but in   3
          The first exhibition of multiples in Germany   fact such transactions are rare exceptions from
          took place in 1967 in Cologne, with the title 'ars   the rule. Most of the business is done with
          multiplicata'. Neither the museum people nor   graphic prints, on a small and cheap basis. It is
          the artists, however, seem to have been sure what   true, however, that there is an enormous public
          a multiple was at that time. So they exhibited,   interest—especially in prints. Many artists are
          true to their classical headline, prints as well as   able to live from printing production, a fact
          industrially manufactured objets d'art, bronzes   which would have been unimaginable even ten
          as well as plastic sculptures. The effect was a   years ago. I do not know how many print
          common confusion; for almost a year the   publishers there are—most of them identical
          Magazin Kunst filled its pages with a discussion   with local galleries—but there are certainly at
          between alarmed artists and critics who   least 200. Most of them also sell multiples, or
          suspected the multiple was a symbol of the   what they call multiples. Many of them are not
          decline and fall of the western world, and others   manufactured industrially but, made by hand in
          who saw in the multiple the solution to all artistic   the artist's studio, are more a work of handicraft
          problems. Soon another show was assembled by   than of engineering.
          the museums of Wiesbaden, Ludwigshafen and   The most important role in the German
          Dortmund, in 1968, called 'Art and Plastics'.   multiple market is played by the Xart
          The discussion became more and more scientific.   Collection of Zurich which publishes on an
          If a demonstration of the uselessness of shows   international scale (Bill, Allen Jones, Hamilton,
          for clarifying new concepts in art was intended   Phillips, Distel). Satirical objects are distributed
          both efforts were clear successes.        by Tangente, Heidelberg, and Cooperative,
            Eventually information came through the   Hamburg; Heiner Friedrich, Munich, recently
          normal channels of art dealing. When, for   offered a multiple by Dan Flavin; Michael S.
          example, the Berlin art dealer Ben Wargin tried   Cullens's best seller is one of those deformed
          to import multiples of the Swiss Xart Collection   chairs for which Stephan Wewerka became one
          to Germany, the question arose whether he had   of the most currently discussed German artists.
          to pay customs on industrial goods or on art (i.e.   Timm Ulrichs, who distributes his own Neo-
          some twenty per cent or nothing); the fact that   dada objects through his `Totalkunstbetrieb' in
          art manufactured on an industrial basis was   Hanover, completed the supply of absurd
          possible aroused such interest that carefully   furniture with his Sitting Chair. René Block of   offer Fongis's funny boots in chinaware.
          thought out theories were presented, both by art   Berlin has produced Richard Hamilton's A critic   This list certainly will not be complete. But
          theorists and the customs people. In the   laughs (a set of artificial teeth combined with an   as almost all print galleries or publishers include
          meantime, of course, everybody agreed what a   electric tooth brush). Fluxus articles are distribu-  multiples in their programmes, it could be that
          multiple was, perhaps with the exception of the   ted by the Edition Hundertmark, Berlin. Some   once the print market is saturated collectors may
          customs people. Art dealers still have a hard   multiples exist in many editions, so that Kümmel   turn to multiplied objects, whether they call
          time getting foreign multiples into the country,    of Cologne, and the Kunstverein Munich both   them multiples or not.  q
                                                                                                                           HEINZE OHFF

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