Page 16 - Studio International - April 1972
P. 16

Constructivism:                           artists, without calling their drawings and   programme 'Unovis'. Malevich understood
                                              pictures Constructivism.                  his Suprematism as 'a coherent system' which
    an historical and                           In other words, at certain stages of general,   `is constructed ... in time and space, without
                                              as well as personal development, the results of   any dependence upon aesthetic beauty,
    artistic appraisal                        certain trialsand experiments could be shown   experiences or moods', that is to say, is
                                              at exhibitions. But it is important not to   `non-objective'. This is 'a coherent system,
   I. Matsa                                   systematize these, and not to lay claim to a   which is cooly and solemnly activated by
                                              fixed 'style of the time'.                philosophical thought', in which 'the object as
                                                In our country Constructivism as a      pictorial art will be annulled' and will thus
                                              particular movement of art emerged with this   reach its two 'stages'. Through colour one
                                              title in the years following the Revolution. It   `stage' has a purely philosophical and cognitive
    [This article first appeared in the August   was at about this time too that the conception   `movement', and arrives at 'pure' colour, which
   1971 issue of Iskusstvo, Moscow, and is    of 'industrial art' was formulated in the West.   achieves perfection in the whiteness of infinity.
    published here in edited form as an example   Its followers rapidly formed themselves into a   In the second 'stage', colour Suprematism is
   of present official Soviet interpretation   general group of artists fighting for the   manifested 'as a form which can be applied,
   of the work of constructivists. Spaces     implementation of the principles of       having created a new style of suprematist
   between sections indicate where the        constructionism in art. Thus from the very   ornamentation'.2   Alt this was formulated in the
   original text has been shortened.]         beginning Constructivism in its polemics and   years prior to the Revolution. In 1919, in his
                                             its contradictions split into two streams. In   article 'On Poetry' CO Poezzii'), Malevich
   The fifty-year history of the development of   one there were people who correctly understood   went still further. He wrote that 'There is
   socialist art has demonstrated and proved that in   the principle of constructionism, and took a   poetry in which the poet describes a corner of
   certain areas the constructive principle is not   practical view of its implementation in aesthetics.   nature', but also poetry 'in which the poet
   only justified, but has provided a real basis for   In the other were those who had misunderstood   destroys the object for the sake of rhythm,
   the search for a new stylistic system. (One has   the principle and began to formalize it,   leaving torn scraps of unexpected
   only to think of the positive results of the   abstract it and turn it into a dogma. Tatlin called   configurations'.3  Here 'economy', as a vital
   experiments in architecture, in the building of   the latter 'Constructivists in inverted commas'.   `measure of the present', as 'a key to unity',
   towns, and in various areas of industrial    At the moment we shall not deal with the   emerges as one of the basic prerequisites.
   building.) Yet at the same time there flourished   theory and practice of this group. We need only   It is quite clear from these theoretical
   types of 'innovation' which were called   mention the group of poets and writers who   formulations of Malevich that although he did
   `Constructivism' without any real justification. I   called themselves constructivists : Il'ya   not regard himself as a constructivist, he was
   am referring here not only to the imitators and   Sel'vinsky, Aleksei Chicherin, Vera Inber,   hailed as a source of ideas by all these
   ccontinuers' of Malevich and Mondrian, some of   Boris Agapov, Kornely Zelinsky and others, or   pseudo-constructivists who in their own work
   whom thought up the dadaistic-sounding term   Aleksei Gan's totally confused opus    followed a line of non-objective art, arbitrary
   `Bildarchitektue -- 'picture architecture' as a   `Constructivism' (1922), which on almost every   abstractions, dematerialized forms, and the
   conceptualization of their constructivism. I have   page declared 'the death of art'. Mayakovsky   correlation of geometrical planes and technical
   in mind Doesburg's compositions, Gabo's non-  gave a warning to these 'constructivists' in the   forms devoid of any function. Such
   objective volumes, Gert Caden's 'constructions',   first edition of the magazine Let   poet-'constructivists' as A. Chicherin
   N. Bayer's 'frescoes' in Weimar, the 'mechanical   `Constructivists ! Mind you don't become   formulated their poetical views in the spirit of
   ballet' by Kurt Schmidt of the Bauhaus, and M.   just another aesthetic school. Constructivism   Malevich's understanding of poetry. In the
   Shchuka's and-Moholy-Nagy's 'constructions'   as art alone is a nonentity. Constructivism must   hands of these figures 'Constructivism' was
   of the past as well as the more modern    become the supreme formal engineering of the   turned, as Mayakovsky had warned, into 'just
   creations of Op art and mobile art.       whole of life. It is nonsense to think of   another aesthetic school'.
                                             Constructivism as the frolics of some pastorale.   It is true that the arguments of Malevich
     Constructive ideas do not become        Our ideas must develop in the modern world !'l   were more reasonable than those of his followers
   `constructivist' by miracles and sensations,   To examine the initial attempts to come to a   when he maintained that the system of
   but are rather the posing of yet unanswered   true understanding of the significance of   suprematism has two `stages'—the abstract
   questions. They are explorations, or      modern industrial-technical development, and   (philosophical), and the applied, in which
   experiments, in which the final aim is often not   the scientific basis of this significance for   non-objective art becomes a new aspect of
   quite clear even to the artist himself. The   artistic-aesthetic creativity, let us look at some   decorative art. When Malevich said this it was
   important thing is that explorations and   of the most outstanding examples of that time :   as if he foresaw the possibility of the practical
   experiments do not become an end in themselves,   Tatlin, Lissitsky, Rodchenko, the brothers   application of abstract forms, as came later in
   or aspire to perfection. For example, in contrast   Vesnin and their groups, and in the West   Op art. Malevich himself; however, did not
   to such an artist as Malevich, who never moved   Corbusier and Gropius. The question of the   take this direction.
   beyond his own experiments and made them   constructive principle was touched upon during   El Lissitsky approached the complex
   into a 'school' of Suprematism, Tatlin, having   the great three-day debate about Soviet art in   problem of the renewal of creative methods
   experimented with the use of various materials   the Communist Academy in the spring of 1928.   rather differently.
   and textures and produced his 'Counter-reliefs',   The texts of the arguments were published that   At the beginning of the Revolution he was
   in 1922 publicly rejected them and struggled to   same year in 'Art in the USSR and the Tasks   close to Malevich and Chagall. Later Lissitsky
   solve the practical problems of construction.   of the Artist'. As a question of supreme   became acquainted with the work of Mondrian,
   Lissitsky, who in his 'PROUNS' (Projects for   importance the problem of Constructivism   which he said was concerned with 'the problem
   the Assertion of the New') posed questions of   occupied a great deal of space in the pages of the   of the equilibrium of pure colour on a plane
   abstract spatial interrelationships, later   magazine S.A. (`Contemporary Architecture').   surface'. But if this 'two-dimensional problem
   abandoned these in order to solve practical   Let us begin, however, with Malevich. He   is transferred to a three-dimensional one, then
   spatial problems connected with the constructive   never called himself a constructivist, and never   decorative art is born'.4   At this time Lissitsky
   design of the interiors of Soviet exhibitions.   regarded himself as such, but he touched upon   maintained that Doesburg, who was considered
   Tatlin, Lissitsky and Rodchenko all continued   the concept of the construction process with   to be one of the leading constructivists of the
   to work simultaneously as constructors and    his ideas about Suprematism in his 1921   West, had 'already betrayed architecture', and

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