Page 19 - Studio International - April 1972
P. 19
of Department) read two memoranda from means exactly the same as 'concept'. News and notes
Dean Plummer to the students : these read to There are at least two distinct senses of the
the effect that a) the balance of theoretical to word 'idea'. An idea may take the form of:
practical work would be changed from 5 terms 1) A statement or set of statements making
to 4 terms respectively to 4 terms to 5 terms; up a suggestion, suspicion, opinion, hypothesis
b) in addition to the requirement that students &c. There are differences between each of these,
will produce 'tangible, visual art objects' for but in general the expression 'the idea that ...'
DipAD assessment they will also be required followed by a statement is used in sentences
to produce evidence of a 'manipulation of visual which specify an idea in this sense; 'an idea for
images' at the end of the second year before ...' is made specific as the 'idea that...'—for
being allowed to continue into the third year. example, 'an idea for easing traffic congestion in
The necessity for all this nit-picking over towns is the idea that all streets should be one-
Robin Plummer's statements is occasioned by way'. In this sense, we may talk about
the poverty, of the use of the terms 'theoretical' `presenting an idea', for example, for a traffic
and 'practical'. The distinction between these control scheme, or that all animals evolved
terms is at best arbitrary and at worst ill- from a common ancestor.
informed. The speculation covers a multitude 2) A concept. For example, our ideas of
of problems : I) the relation between art and freedom, intelligence, depravity &c are concepts.
practical work and non-art and non-practical These are distinguished from our ideas about
work; 2) the assumption that non-practical freedom &c, which are our attitudes to or
work cannot be art; 3) theory categorized as a opinions of.... Our idea of freedom would be
non-practical activity; 4) the substitution of not being under external control or compulsion
`writing' for 'theory' and so becoming practical; (or whatever)—not expressible as a statement.
5) the relation between 'practical' and Sentences using 'idea' in this sense are
`functional'; 6) the measurement of the work typified by the expression 'idea of...', followed Gallery House, London, a new gallery,
quota of the theoretical and the practical. These by a word, not a sentence. There is a difference opened in March in Exhibition Road, Prince's
problems should not be confused with the between using a concept and mentioning it. Gate. It is sponsored by the German Cultural
dichotomy between Complementary Studies `Using a concept' is something we all do in Institute, and is the result of the efforts of the
and the chief area of study. everyday life. Simply to talk is to use concepts; Institute's Director, Dr Klaus Schulz, who is
This is not the place to provide solutions but `mentioning a concept' is saying something interested in providing for the newer
merely to indicate that there are problems in about its function in our language. contemporary art activities the kind of
spite of the fact that the administration refuses To talk about 'presentation of a concept' is exhibition area normally accorded to more
(or is unable) to recognize them. Any attempt to treat 'mention of a concept' as an example traditional areas of this field. Gallery House
to dismiss this as 'quibbling' or 'hair-splitting' of presenting an idea in the first sense of 'idea'. will be able to accommodate four concurrent
is a failure to perceive the importance of sorting- But 'mention of a concept' is not presentation exhibitions and will have a bookshop for art
out the terms. of an idea, because in this sense of 'idea', an books, catalogues and magazines, and a cinema
PAUL TATE MARTI ALLISON idea is not a concept. where films made by artists will be shown. There
LYNN LEMASTER PHILIP PILKINGTON This is not, of course, intended as a criticism is also a lecture room provided for regular
IAN JOHNSON of conceptual art. lectures and discussions given by visiting artists.
LARAINE BIRTLES DAVID RUSHTON P. WILLIAMS Behind the gallery is a private park for outdoor
BRIDGET W. WHITE ALISTAIR ROY The gallery's Director, Sigi Krauss, and
KATHY MITCHELL RICHARD GUY Ihnatowicz's Senster Administrator, Rosetta Brooks, hope that the
LOUISE FORSTER MICHAEL LECKENBY I thank Mr James Gardner for his approval gallery will remain flexible to the needs of both
GILL WOOD SUSAN GOMERSALL (February 1972) of my discussion of Edward artists and public alike, and that by its variety
LECH MINTOVVT-CZYZ STEPHEN DOVE Ihnatowicz's Senster. However, he has no of activities it will fulfil an important function as
GORDON YOUNG JOHN SINEY grounds for criticizing my description of the a focal point for artistic interests. The aim of
JOHN BADGER Evoluon as an 'industrial exhibition' since this the gallery is to span certain sectors of
PAUL HEESOME phrase is taken straight from A brief guide to the contemporary art in an attempt to show some of
RAYMOND FEARN STEWART GIBBS Evoluon: 'It is not a museum... The Evoluon is the most important work done internationally.
CHARLES GRAFTON C. J. HAYNES rather an industrial exhibition'. The first exhibition began on 29 March
STEVEN HOOK I applaud Philips's sponsorship of the with three concurrent one-man shows by
MARGARET A. WALKER JOEY HOYELLE Evoluon and, particularly, of the Senster. Gustav Metzger, Stuart Brisley and Marc
PETER SMITH ERICA FOX However, if Mr Gardner really believes that the Chaimowicz. Brisley and Chaimowicz
W. H. LESLIE Evoluon 'is in no way related to their industrial independently perform events and situational
R. LEGATE or commercial interests', I can only comment works. Metzger is displaying large-scale sculpture
P. OWEN CHRIS WOODFIN that he must be—for a man of such distinction models, projects for disintegrative architecture,
PHIL LOCKEY and experience—unusually innocent. and information and analysis of the news media.
(Students at Lanchester Polytechnic) It was not part of the intention of my article The following show in April will be a mixed
to evaluate the Evoluon as a whole. It is, as Mr exhibition of Hamburg artists showing objects,
A concept of terminology Gardner says, a remarkable experiment. But the environments and projects, together with films
I have a great deal of respect for the work of general effect is, surely, to glamorize technology. made by the Hamburg Film Coop, Wolfgang
some conceptual artists, but I cannot repress If it were really offering a 'theory of technology', Finck, Jan Meyer-Rogge, George Moller,
certain misgivings about terms used in as he claims, one would hope to see more space Konrad Schulz, Rüdiger Strey.
explanations of conceptual art. There is some devoted to, say, war.
danger in using phrases like 'presentation of an JONATHAN BENTHALL The Artists' Equity Association in
idea' and 'presentation of a concept' as if 'idea' London WII Washington, has produced the 'Artists' Equity