Page 20 - Studio International - April 1972
P. 20
Statement of National Goals for 1972'. Anyone `Documenta 5' will take place in Kassel from An open letter to
requiring further information should apply to 3o June to 8 October 1972. The theme of this
Mrs Molly Brylawski, Executive Secretary, year's 'Documenta' is 'Inquiry into Reality— the Bishop of
Artists' Equity Association, 2813 Albermarle Images of Today'.
Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20008, Carlisle: or, what
USA. The Department of Fine Art at
Wolverhampton Polytechnic recently should the artist do
The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust undertook a project for building low cost
has offered Travelling Fellowships to the emergency shelters for use in Bengal, in in relation to
following artists for work in the field of sculpture collaboration with Keith Critchlow and Paresh
and carving: Conrad Atkinson, C. Burnett, Chacraborty. The students used low cost industry and
Hubert Dalwood, Peter Hibbard, P. F. Hills, materials easily obtainable in Bengal, and
R. A. Naylor, R. J. Sexton. polythene—hundreds of feet of which have been commerce?
supplied to Bengal by the Australian
Northern Young Contemporaries. There government. The aim was to utilize these
will be no 'Northern Young Contemporaries' materials in the most economic structural
exhibition at the Whitworth Art Gallery this forms that would enclose an area and fit
year. The Peter Stuyvesant Foundation, which together. Jurgen Harten,
has helped to finance the exhibition for the Stadtische Kunsthalle Düsseldorf,
past seven years, feels that the time has come The Felicity Samuel Gallery, i6 Savile 4 Düsseldorf,
for some other benefactor to support this event, Row, London Wi, is opening oni 7 April with Grabbeplatz 4,
and the Gallery is now looking for other sources an exhibition of sculpture by Ivor Abrahams. West Germany.
of revenue. They would be glad to know of any The gallery will be run by Felicity Samuel,
firm that might be persuaded to offer prize- assisted by Antoinette Godkin and Gillian The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Carlisle,
money or other financial help. It is hoped that Heeley. Among artists whose work will be Rose Castle,
sufficient funds or grants will be forthcoming shown at the gallery are: John Panting, Carlisle,
to enable the exhibition to take place in Nigel Hall, Larry Bell, Ed Moses, Joe Goode, Cumberland.
November / December 1973, after which date Billy Al Bengston and Ed Ruscha. 15 February 1972
`Northern Young Contemporaries' exhibitions Dear Bishop,
will be held biennially, with the possibility of a Rodin Drawings: True and False, an I hope you will forgive a stranger for begging
`London Young Contemporaries' in alternate exhibition which sets up comparisons between to draw your attention to a matter not specifically
years. In future the number of collecting centres authentic and forged drawings of Auguste ecclesiastical.
may have to be reduced, in which case it is Rodin, is showing at the Guggenheim Mr Peter Townsend, the editor of the Britisi
hoped that individual colleges will be able to Museum 10 March to 7 May 1972. The modem art magazine Studio International
contribute to the exhibition by making their exhibition includes 132 drawings by Rodin and (successor to The Studio, which was founded in
own arrangements for transporting works to and 27 forgeries of the artist's work. 1893) has asked me to write an article on the role
from Manchester. of art in our industrial society. In this connection
Galerie Arnoldi—Livie, 8 Munchen 22, I am particularly interested in the activity of the
Venice Biennale. The two artists chosen to Maximilianstrasse 10, Germany, opened on Artist Placement Group (APG) in London,
represent Canada at the Venice Biennale are 24 February with an exhibition of work by which, with the support of the Arts Council, ha
Gershon Iskowitz, who will be showing eight Gustav Klimt. The exhibition continues until for some time been concerned with helping
works, and Walter Redinger, the sculptor, who 24 April. The gallery is specializing in drawings artists to find opportunities of working in major
will be showing one work in eight units. and is open Tuesday to Saturday from i i am industrial concerns in special conditions. What
to 6 pm. is particularly notable is that it is seriously
La Biennale de Paris and Dan Graham attempting to break down the boundaries of the
announce that the three works entitled Shema, Nova London Fine Art Limited is a new artistic ghetto and initiate a dialogue with
Homes for America and Likes have been stolen gallery opening in Copenhagen in April /May. members of other groups not associated with
from the hall of the Parc Floral where they The opening exhibition is entitled 'British art. As readers of Studio International know,
were exhibited, during the last days of October. Figurative Art Today and Tomorrow', and such efforts to establish co-operation between
Dan Graham has proceded with the new will include major works by Hamilton, art and technology have been going on for some
production of these works, which will be unique Hockney, Self, Gorman, Kossoff, etc. years in the United States.
and original. The stolen exemplars are Your Lordship will be wondering what all
unauthentic and are considered without any Franz Anatol Wyss, from Switzerland, has this has to do with you. If you will permit it, I
value by the author and his dealers. won first prize at the International Print would like to address myself to the Bishopric of
La Biennale de Paris and Dan Graham wish Biennale in Cracow, in the competition for the Carlisle in the person of yourself as the present
to warn collectors and art galleries to be on best print entitled 'Nicholas Copernicus and holder of the office. The Illustrated London New
their guard. his thought'. Second prizes went to Leon of i6 December 1876 (page 586, columns 2-3)
Piesowocki from England and Raimo Kanerwa carried a short report of a speech, made by your
Sculpture of the Inuit: Masterworks of the from Finland. All work submitted to the reverend predecessor of the time, to the annual
Canadian Arctic, an exhibition of Canadian competition will be on show in May at the meeting of the Carlisle School of Art. His
Eskimo sculpture, opened in Paris on 10 National Museum in Cracow. speech, as there reported, is not only typical of
February. The collection consists of over 400 its time in its hope for such a renewal of life
pieces of sculpture, the oldest of which dates The British Council are assisting Henry through the spirit of art as Ruskin and Morris
back to 720 sc. The exhibition will be shown Moore with arrangements for the largest preached—I believe it also merits our critical
in Copenhagen, Moscow and Leningrad during exhibition of his sculptures and drawings yet attention even today. I am sure there is no need
1972, and in October will open at the British held. The exhibition will take place at the Forte to point out certain aestheticizing tendencies,
Museum. del Belvedere in Florence in the summer. general in the nineteenth century, which also