Page 22 - Studio International - April 1972
P. 22
points of contact do occur : for example, one of same way that anti-art is art, only in reverse. anti-money should be superior to money-value.
the preconditions of artistic creativity in our Thus, anti-money should take on the same The decisive question is how that would be
text, 'concentration of the attention to one small relationship to art as anti-art has to money. In possible. It is only possible if one postulates an
point', comes close to what John Latham, practical terms money should be changed from a artistic power that is not only a match for
founder of the APG, had in mind when he convertible into a non-convertible form which, money's distorting effect on things, but is even,
proposed the 'unit of attention' as a new measure even if monetary value still existed, should be its in its way, more productive. Strictly speaking
of value. In general, however, definitions are superior. this in turn presupposes that art defies definition,
avoided, the views of the group being as various Here are a few more or less apposite examples for the definable would become open to
as its member artists. They are at one, however, from present-day art. In a recent interview the purchase. But provided the principle of art does
in regarding the decorative view of art, that Belgian Marcel Broodthaers remarked that art not dissolve itself in such radical candour, it is
sought ways of escape from the contradictions was an important instrument for the really superior to the principle of money—(here
between the industrial world and idealized exploitation of the current financial system and I am partially adopting the views of John
artistic tradition, as historically obsolete. The that therefore one should demand money for Latham as expressed in his NOIT concept).
antithesis goes deeper, therefore. How is this to art. He put this thought into practice in the Ultimately we reach a double formula. Its
be understood ? autumn of 1971. He produced a jacket for the utopian form reads : 'units of attention' are
In October 1971 Werner Hofmann, Director catalogue of the annual Market for Modern valued in anti-money. Since anti-money is
of the Hamburg Kunsthalle, wrote an article in Art on which was printed (I abbreviate) money, however, the practical version reads :
the periodical Merkur entitled 'Art Beyond the `Museum for Modern Art, Bankruptcy Sale'; paid independence for the artist.
Closed System'. In it he warned against copies of the catalogue thus adorned were sold The APG's difficulty doubtless lies in getting
aesthetic absolutization of social circumstances. in a limited edition at a price that was far from such an aim accepted. It is normal for somebody
I wish you could read this essay, My Lord! I am cheap. The Swiss Daniel Spoerri, as a 'Wortfalle' who has to pay to know beforehand what he is
sure you would soon come to agree that in fact (verbal trap) created a money-box, transparent getting for his money. In their efforts to obtain
`leftist and rightist myths of form', which draw at the front, to which a water tap was attached; places in industry the APG artists, however, are
their energy from the latent horror vacui we have this multiple is called 'Immer flüssig sein' not prepared to say what they will do; they
noticed before, not only confuse the industrial (always be flush). Edward Kienholz, in demand an undertaking without saying in
society but are also paying propositions. They America, did a series of watercolours with advance what they are prepared to undertake
would be still more interested in the relationship delicate horizontal stripes of colour arranged themselves. They refuse to be numbered with
between the industrial society's tendency to one above another. The only 'motif', boldly the designers, photographers, planners,
complete commercialization and that of so-called stencilled in the middle of the sheet, was the constructors, research scientists, industrial
anti-art to total aestheticization. Hofmann occasional large dollar symbol or some object psychologists and industrial chaplains, for fear
quotes a passage from the 1844 Economic and Kienholz wanted to exchange. The American of losing the independence which alone allows
Philosophical Manuscripts of Marx which throws Robert Morris took part in the 1969 exhibition them to see the working of the industrial society
some light on this relationship and also helps one 'Anti-Illusion: Procedures/Materials' at the as a whole.
to understand the APG's outlook. 'Since money, Whitney Museum of American Art by means It seems to me that APG cannot be
as the active and subsisting concept of value, of a financial manipulation. He demanded from accused of inconsistency. Consider, My Lord,
confuses and changes everything, it is the general the trustees a loan of some tens of thousands of the choice before the critical artist today. If he
confusion and changing of everything, that is to dollars for the duration of the exhibition, does not wish to adopt the motto 'Artists of the
say the topsy-turvy world....' Freely interpreted claiming for himself the interest accruing over world unite ! We will build dream-factories', the
that means : everything is the same to money, and this period. After some initial difficulties the best he can do is to ignore the role conceded to
so money values are in fact non-values. The more trustees fell in with Morris's proposal, and the him by a largely commercialized society —
the industrial society commercializes art—and necessary documents, notarially certified, were assuming it notices him. APG will be able
everything else—the more the 'confusion and shown in the exhibition. The Englishman Barry to point out to its opponents of the left that even
changing of everything' becomes the theme of Flanagan, a member of APG, on the social-critical art traditionally cannot avoid the
art. For a while the anti-artist may still have occasion of a three-day event in the Düsseldorf market-place. It is true that there is still a lot of
believed he could unmask this relationship, Kunsthalle in the summer of 1971, to which I room for manoeuvre, and APG will need to
saving out of art such independence as had invited APG, distributed home-made use it all if it is to be successful. Even well-
protesting against art could offer. We did not 'paper money' notes, signed with a fingerprint disposed representatives of industry will not,
come to grief over him, we bought him. The as 'payment' for the artistic work done. without more being done, come to see why it
sweeping 'as though' of the anti-artist matches Your Lordship may reasonably think that should be vital for the industrial society to
the non-obligatory omnipotence of money. these examples are exceptions, and that your introduce an Anti-money principle.
Before you perhaps withdraw into theological reverend predecessor's observation still holds, In December 1971 the chairman of BEA
meditation, My Lord, let me bring this train of that with artistic work one should not care generously put himself at the disposal of the
thought to an end. Why should not an artist do whether one is over paid or under paid. Would APG artists for a conversation on the occasion
the opposite of the anti-artist and take an you not agree, however, that one can see these of their exhibition at the Hayward Gallery. His
attitude to money which forces his own examples as symptoms of a new realism ? Art, scepticism was based on that delightful thesis
standards of value upon it, instead of having one could say, should not draw so far apart de gustibus non est disputandum. Should we
money's values imposed on him ? The artist from reality as to allow itself to return to the not give him best ? Is it not true that everyone's
should not allow his own value to be taken from over-refinement of utopian ideals or 'myths of individual 'taste' (emotive word) has its own
him, but should take other people's non-value form'. On the other hand, is the idea of anti- justification and that it is folly to squabble about
away from them; he should not turn anti-art money not the last, fruitless evasion of anti-art, artistic quality ? Alas, it seems to me the
into money, but should demand anti-money for its gaze fixed on commerce, hypnotized into opposite was meant: 'taste' is arbitrary and
his art. submission ? Is it not utopian, too ? everything is all the same—as it is to money.
Of course this sounds absurd, but it is at It is at any rate true that one can only Quod erat demonstrandum.
least conceivable, and it seems as if various imagine anti-money in the context of art—at In the hope that I may have entertained and
artists have taken steps in this direction. To least I would not venture to judge whether or informed Your Lordship, I remain
start with, anti-money does not exist, so one not it would be imaginable in a religious context, Your Lordship's obedient servant,
must assume that anti-money is money in the for instance. Moreover, I have already said that Jürgen Harten.