Page 18 - Studio International - December 1972
P. 18

chances of modern art and minimizes the risk of   Tape and track                     has continued to be composed mostly of
       bad investments in art.'                                                            film-makers with a background in painting
         These price-value criteria are based on                                           or sculpture. For various reasons it is only in
       average prices. Dr Bongard discovered that the                                      the last year or so that any serious attention
       average price for a work by a painter or                                            has been paid to film within the fine arts.
       conceptualist was 19 times more than the total                                        This monthly column will give information
       number of points the artist had acquired, for a                                     about the current situation of film as `Art',
       sculptor (bearing in mind the cost of materials)                                    and deal not only with visual artists who have
       32 times more. From this he can determine who                                       newly decided to work with film as an
       is cheap and who expensive and, in the manner                                       extension or aspect of their other work, but
       of the Dow Jones Index, establishes a price-                                        with the film-makers who moved from the
       point ratio for each artist. Thus Rauschenberg                                      other arts into film at an earlier stage, and
       is (surprise) expensive, Stella (12th) very                                         those who have already begun to build on the
       expensive, Cesar (13th) cheap, Noland (18th)                                        substantial film art culture, purely as film-
       very expensive, Rivers (69th) a good buy, and                                       maker artists. Although my own
       Smithson (67th) very cheap.                                                         involvement has been mostly with film, I
         So now you know, and if you have between                                          shall, increasingly, include experimental work
       DM 10,00o and 25,000 (Dr Bongard's estimate                                         in video. I shall also attempt to refer as far as
       of the price) you would be advised to stop                                          possible to events within the month previous
       reading this and go out to buy an Allen Jones                                       to publication.
       who, 28th in the list with 3,35o points, is cheap.
       Or, if you prefer a concept rather than a Jones                                     `Hamburger Filmschau 72' (31 May-4 June)
       or a flutter on the stock market, you could do                                      was split into two sets of shows in different
       worse than acquire a thought by Weiner                                              cinemas, one almost totally of political film,
       (92nd). He, according to Dr Bongard, is very                                        the other devoted to the most comprehensive
       cheap indeed. Other snips at the time of writing                                    review yet of the new 'formal' directions of
      are: Christo, Pol Bury, Don Judd, Bruce                                              independent cinema - what P. Adams Sitney
       Nauman and George Segal.                                                            (after Jonas Mekas, second High Priest of
        For those artists about to abandon their                                           Film Culture, and of the Anthology Cinema
       careers because they do not appear at all in                                        N.Y.) misleadingly christened 'Structural
       Dr Bongard's list there is a word of comfort: he                                    Cinema'. This section, organized by Klaus
       has only taken 'artists of the 6os and Ios' into                                    Feddermann of the Hamburg Film-makers
       consideration. He has, for example, left out                                        Co-operative, showed clearly that the European
       Frankenthaler and Hundertwasser because they                                        contribution to this movement is at least as
       belong stylistically to the artists of the 5os, and                                 strong as the better publicized American work.
      the 'modern masters' Albers, Bill, Fontana,                                          In addition to this the American direction can
      Lindner, Lohse and Vasarely do not appear                                            be seen as a return to philosophical problems
      either, presumably because Dr Bongard feels                                          which are historically European. The
      that their true value is already common                                              importance of the Austrian Kurt Kren,
      knowledge or else that he would prefer not to                                        ignored by Film Culture, was again
      risk including them in his points-system in case                                     demonstrated. Baum in Herbst, Mauern-
      they were to appear too low down.           (Film-makers and artists working with film and   positiv-negativ, and Fenstergucker, Abfil, etc.
        This is the third list that Dr Bongard has   videotape are invited to send information   (available under English titles or numbered
      prepared for Capital. As with the Cashbox and   regarding their recent and current work to   3/6o, 4/61, 5/62 from the London Film-
      Billboard Top Twenties, part of the fascination   `Tape and track', c/o Studio International,   makers Co-operative, 13a Prince of Wales
      of  Capital's Top Hundred is what it reveals of   37 Museum Street, London WCI,  for possible   Cres., London NWI) prefigure in
      the trends. Who are the new entries ? Who are   notice in this regular monthly column.)   1960-62 ideas which occurred to Hollis
      those definitely on the way up or down ?                                             Frampton and Michael Snow around 1968. Of
      Rauschenberg and Johns are where they were   Recently, developing out of Concept Art and   course Snow, Frampton, Paul Sharits and Ken
      last year. But how about Richard Smith, down   Land Art, a number of painters and sculptors   Jacobs, all with justifiably strong reputations,
      from 4o to 50, or Tilson, also down to places   have found themselves involved in photography,   were featured. Sharits showed two new pieces
      from 38 to 48 ? Dieter Rot leaped ahead from   film and video: Richard Long, John Hilliard,   S:TREAM:S:S:ECTION:S:ECTION:S:S:
      97th to 57th place and Richard Long, at 74th,   Richard Serra, Dan Graham, David Dye,   ECTIONED and Inferential Current, prior to his
      appears here for the first time, as incidentally   Barry Flanagan, Ian Breakwell, etc.   screening at the Kassel Documenta; but there
      do Heizer (80th), Gilbert and George, Kosuth   However, this involvement of artists in film   was also less well known American work by
      (84th) and Oppenheim (98th). The fact that of   is not a new phenomenon. The beginning of an   Larry Gotheim, Fog Line and Barn Rushes, and
      the 25 books included in Dr Bongard's list of   `alternative' Film Art culture was established   George Landow, Institutional Quality and
      important literature 9 are concerned      in a tentative way in Europe during the    Remedial Reading Comprehension. (Could some
      exclusively with conceptual or land art might   twenties and thirties. Walter Ruttmann, Viking   friend persuade Landow it is time to tour
      have something to do with this sudden     Eggeling, Hans Richter, Marcel Duchamp,    Europe ?) From Holland the best films were by
      appearance of so many conceptual and land   Fernand Leger, Oskar Fischinger, all made   Barbara Meter, and Matteijn Siep whose
      artists.                                  films primarily from the standpoint of visual   Double Shutter is one of the most interesting
        So here it is : the Top Twenty of  Capital's Top   artists attempting to see film as an equally   post-Snow films to date; shot from a swing
      Hundred for 1972. Please clip out and save.   valid medium of artistic expression. The more   with a secondary shutter, it begins to establish
      Doctoral thesis writers of the 199os will give   recent extension of this culture in post-war   a new, time-based `cubistic' space. As usual,
      their back eye teeth for this. 0          America, through the increasing impetus of   the most provocative work from Germany
      FRANK WHITFORD                            film experimentation and the 'Underground',    came from Birgit and Wilhelm Hein. They
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