Page 20 - Studio International - December 1972
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translated into another media (sic) for   catalogues cost £2 each (half price for students).   News and note
       reproduction, or that other artists can use, and
       one that is identified solely with the original   The exhibition 'Color and Form 1909-1914'
       channel.'                                 shown at the Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego and
                                                 other centres in 1971 and 1972 was
         Artforum's move to New York must have left   accompanied by an excellent catalogue, which
       a partial vacuum on the West Coast, so perhaps   commences with an essay 'The Evolution of
       its tenth anniversary is an appropriate moment   Abstract Painting' by Henry G. Gardiner,
       to introduce a new magazine from near its   which includes reference to colour theories.
       origins: the L.A. Artists' Publication; volume 1,   This is extended by shorter pieces from
       number 2, for August 1972 has just arrived.   Joshua Taylor : 'The Concept of Abstraction in
       `This is the second issue of a communication   Italy', Peter Selz: Wassily Kandinsky and
       exchange between Southern California artists   Early Abstraction', Lilli Lonngren: 'Frank
       and their friends. The contributors provided   Kupka and the Philosophical Imperative that
       the copy or artwork, paid for their own printing   Demanded Non-Figurative Art', Herschel B.
       or supplied the printed material, and provided a   Chipp : 'Robert Delaunay and the New Color
       mailing list of ten people with whom they wish   and Form', and William C. Agee on
       to share their perceptions.' The publication   `Synchromism and Color Painting in American   Films for hire:
       comprises loose sheets of standard size, but of   Art'. There is also a graphic chronology and a   Most of the films mentioned in Regina
       varying colours and kinds, bearing diverse   very detailed bibliography. Each of the 80 works   Cornwell's article on formalist films and the
       imagery. One would not wish to claim very   exhibited is reproduced in colour. Kupka is very   avant-garde (October issue) are available for
       much for it at this stage, the quality varies   well represented, but in addition to the   rental from the London Film-makers
       immensely, but the principle, 'to provide a   compulsory choices, there are interesting works   Co-operative, 13a Prince of Wales Crescent,
       collective sense of inter-relatedness through a   by a few artists, other than those one would   London NWI including all films by Mike
       publicly available and easily copied distribution   expect, for example Bruce, Dasburg,   Snow (Wavelength, (Back and Forth), One
       method', seems to be a very valid and useful   Dudreville, Augusto Giacometti and   Second in Montreal, etc.); Weeland's 1933,
       idea, which would surely be possible in other   Schamberg.                          Sailboat, and her feature Reason Over Passion;
       localities around the world. 'You may help                                          Frampton's Artificial Light, Lemon, and Surface
       support this non-funded and non-profit effort,   Kupka reappeared in an anthology of Masters of   Tension; Jacob's Tom Tom The Piper's Son;
       and be assured receipt of all ( ?) subsequent   Early Constructive Abstract Art at Galerie   Paul Sharits's Nothing, Ray Gun Virus, Peace
       issues by donating $10.00 for a subscription', to   Denise René in New York late last year.   Mandala, etc. Also available is their new
       Fidel Danieli, Editor and Circulation Manager,   The catalogue includes a useful history by   catalogue of 75 films, which is available at 40p
       L.A. Artists' Publication, 7858, Goodland.   Margit Staber, and each of the 23 artists is   with their previous catalogue of over 30o films
       Avenue, North Hollywood, Ca. 91605.       represented by a good colour plate as well as a   for hire. Send postal money order to above
                                                 statement about, or, more usually, by the artist.   address (25p for the supplement alone).
       A similar publication but with a different   Other artists strongly represented include Bill,   (The catalogue and supplement also lists for
       content has in fact already sprouted in London   Moholy-Nagy, Mondrian, Taeuber-Arp and   rental the complete works of English Structural
       and is entitled A — An Envelope Magazine of   Vordemberge-Gildewart.                film makers, including works by Hammond,
       Visual Poetry (edited by Jeremy Adler, c/o The                                      LeGrice, Crosswaite, Raban, Legett, Dunford,
       Poetry Society, 21 Earls Court Square, London   Finally the catalogues of two 1972 one-man   Gidal and others).
       SW5). In number one, London 1971/72, there   shows of artists who loom large in any survey of
       are 44 contributions loose in the envelope;   the area in which many of the individuals   Glusberg and The Centre of Art and
       these generally conform to a standard size, but   referred to above tend to cohere. First, the Piet   Communication: Jorge Glusberg, Director of
       vary considerably in their origins and means of   Mondrian Centennial Exhibition at the   CAYC in Buenos Aires, has been arrested along
       production from calligraphy to punchcards,   Guggenheim. This 200-page catalogue contains   with two other organizers involved in the
       from rubber stamp to silkscreen.          some additions to the Mondrian literature: an   production of the international show 'Art
                                                 introduction incorporating new information by   Systems II', for exhibiting work which was
       Three catalogues, The Non-Objective World   L. J. F. Wijsenbeek, 'Mondrian and Theosophy'   considered to be subversive and not art.
       1914-1924, 1924-1939, and 1939-1955, have   by Robert P. Welsh, `Mondrian: Between   According to the latest communique we have
       been published by Annely Juda Fine Art to   Cubism and Abstraction' by Joop Joosten,   received, that part of the exhibition which the
       accompany exhibitions in London in 1970,1971   `Some Memories of Mondrian' by Nelly van   officials found most reprehensible took place in
       and 1972. The first of these is the most   Doesburg and an 'Interview with Charmion   the plaza Roberto Alt and in accordance with
       interesting since it includes reproductions of 12   von Wiegand' by Margit Rowell. There is a   the overall policy of the shows demonstrated the
       drawings and 2 manuscripts by Malevich, as   detailed checklist of the 132 exhibited works, all   theme 'Art and Ideology' through children's
       well as works by 36 other artists, including some   of which are illustrated, many in colour, as well   games, puppet theatres and 'artistic/social
       by less well known Germans (though not all   as a chronology and selected bibliography.   interpretations of the changes occurring in all
       these are illustrated); there is an introduction by   The catalogue also contains a short piece by   the areas of human life which the young
       Eckhard Neumann. The second and third     Max Bill on a single work by Mondrian.    Argentines propose'. All work exhibited, that of
       exhibitions were each shown at two other                                            114 artists from 24 countries outside the
       galleries in Europe, and therefore have   And so to the catalogue of the exhibition Max   Argentine included, has been confiscated and
       trilingual texts, the number of artists included   Bill neue werke/recent works at the Marlborough   no further news of the three arrested men has so
       rises to 76 and then 94. Short biographical notes   Galerie in Zurich, which contains some   far been forthcoming. Petitions of support
       are given throughout, so that the catalogues   superb colour plates of recent work in two and   should be sent to CAYC, Viamonte 452,
       have an additional limited use as a dictionary of   three dimensions, as well as the German text   Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Argentine
       abstract artists, the coverage of minor artists   and English translation of a revealing interview   Embassy, who have no precise news at the time
       being most useful, since many are still   with the artist by Margit Staber. q       of our going to press, can be contacted at
       inadequately represented in the literature. The    CLIVE PHILLPOT                   01-235 3717.
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