Page 59 - Studio International - December 1972
P. 59
Directory of
publishers, presses and galleries Andrew Dickerson The New Bertha Schaefer
52 St Mary's Mansions, St Mary's Gallery Inc.
Terrace, London Wa. Recent
dealing in graphics publications include The Final Demand 41 East 57th Street, New York N.Y.
by Jeffery Edwards in 16 colours, 10022. Dealers in graphics by American
and European abstract artists.
edition 75, £40; The Criminal by
Warwick Moreton in 20 colours, Betty Parsons
edition 15, £30. Work in progress 24 West 57th Street, New York N.Y.
includes a pair of large screenprints by 10019 (Tel. C1 7480). Prints by
Jeffery Edwards titled Night and Day, Liberman, Sterne, Steinberg,
available in January at £75. Also deal Lancaster etc.
in prints by Hockney, Dine, Hamilton,
Abrahams, Rainer, Caulfield etc. Block
Prices £20 to £700. D 1000 Berlin 15, Schaperstrasse
(Tel 21131 45/ 24 64 or). Editions by
Angela Flowers Gallery Beuys, Polke, Richter etc.
3 and 4 Portland Mews, D'Arblay
Street, London WI (Tel. 01-734 0240). Boadicea
Publishers and dealers. 19 Beauchamp Place, SW3. Dealers in
Annely Juda Fine Art prints by Procktor, Frink, Gross,
Brunskill, Millington, Grubb, Piper,
- 12 Tottenham Mews, London WI Coulouris, King etc. Prices £8 - Lioo.
(Tel. or-58o 7593). Publishers and Also recently published Rhinegold Suite
dealers. by Ann Brunskill.
Anschel Bolaffiarte, Bolaffi &
33e Kings Road, London SW3. A large
selection of original prints by Jeffery Mondadori S. P.A.
Edwards, Christopher Orr, Gerd Via Rivalta, 34, 10141 Torino, Italy.
Winner, Michael Challenger, Kitaj, The Bolaffiarte information and art
Abrams Gallery Hockney, Peter Blake, Allen Jones, monthly magazine not only devotes
Leidsegracht 37, Amsterdam. Christo, Paolozzi etc. some pages in every number to the
Contemporary graphics and objects by international graphic market but also
international artists : Anuszkiewicz, Anthony Dawson publishes and offers its subscribers an
Arman, Bauermeister, Calder, Christo, 41 Lillian Road, London SW13 9JF original lithograph or an etching by a
Chryssa, Frankenthaler, Grooms, (Tel. 01-748 1306). Limited edition well-known artist, size 4o x 6o or
Jenkins, Lindner, Loring, Marisol, prints by Ado, Brillant, Connal, 5o x 70. In every number the
Milne, Morley, Nevelson, Steinberg, Guitet, Barbara Newcomb, Birgit subscribers receive the lithography-
Trova, Wesley, Yrissary and others. Skiold etc. reproduction signed by hand by the
Abrams Original Editions Arnolfini Gallery author of a plate specifically carried out
io East 59 Street, New York N.Y. 45 Queen Square, Bristol BSI 4QP by renowned artists (Dorazio, Adami,
10022. Publisher of graphics and (Tel. 0272-20742). Nine exhibitions Max Bill, Tapies etc.). Each copy costs
multiple objects in signed and limited every year of original prints by British £12.10.
editions, Works by Anuszkiewicz, printmakers. Changing stock of over 400 Brooke Alexander Inc.
Arman, Christo, Chryssa, British prints, prices from £6 - £65o, 328 East 78 Street, New York N.Y.
Frankenthaler, Grooms, Jenkins, including Abrahams, Denny, Hamilton, (Tel. 212/ 988 2056). Publishers of
Loring, Marisol, Milne, Steinberg, Hodgkin, Inshaw, Tom Phillips, graphics.
Yrisarry and others. Richard Smith, Tillyer.
Advanced Graphics Ars Studeo Burleighfield Printing House
75 Tooley Street, London SE1 (Tel. Klostertory 4, DK 8000 Aarhus C, Loudwater, Buckinghamshire (Tel.
01-407 4554). Have recently printed Denmark. Dealers in graphics and High Wycombe 25068). The only fully
works by Brendan Neiland, Paolozzi, multiples by Arman, Hamilton, Herbin, equipped residential printing
Challenger, Jim Dine etc. Hockney, Indiana, Jones, Man Ray, establishment in Great Britain. This is
Pfahler, Rochholz, Rosenquist, of the greatest use in proofing editions
Albert White Schøffer, Sobrino, Soto, Wesselmann, over several days. Artists can stay at
25 Prince Arthur Avenue, Toronto 5 etc. Also at Esplanaden 7, DK 1263 Burleighfield House and work all the
(Tel. 923 8804). Dealers in graphics by Copenhagen K, wholesale dealers and time. Special facilities for
Canadian artists. publishers of a portfolio by Jochen experimenting in etching and
Alecto International Rochholz. lithography exist for larger prints.
27 Kelso Place, London W8 (Tel. Atherton Gallery Bykert Gallery Inc.
01-937 661r). Publishers of graphics by 1616 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, 24 East 81st Street, New York.
Norman Stevens, Procktor, Colin Self California. Dealers in prints. Have Graphics and multiples by Brice
etc. recently held an exhibition of work by Marden, Michael Snow, Peter Gourfain.
Allan Frumkin Gallery Tyler James.
620 N Michigan Avenue, Chicago, I I I. C & D Editions
60611. Specialists in the field of prints. 939 Madison Avenue at 74th Street,
German Expressionists: Kirchner, Bernard Jacobson Ltd New York N.Y. 10021 (Tel. 212 628
Nolde, Beckmann, Heckel, 29 Maddox Street, London WI (Tel. 2950). Publishers and distributors of
Schmidt-Rottluff. Nineteenth- and 01-499 9849). Ey appointment only. prints. Work by Pol Bury, Norman
twentieth-century prints, Bonnard, Publishers of work by Ivor Abrahams, Ives, Bob Stanley, Adja Yunkers.
Vuillard, Villon, Matisse, Picasso etc. Bernard Cohen, William Crutchfield,
Early American prints, Bellows, Sloan, Robyn Denny, Joe Goode, Bob Graham, Chippenham House
Benton etc. Contemporary American Tom Holland, Liliane Lijn, Jerry 192-8 Villiers Road, London NW2
prints, Dine, Rauschenberg, Johns, McMillan, Ed Moses, John Panting, (Tel. 01-459 5289). Pharlap Press, run
Lichtenstein, Pearlstein, Westermann, Michael Peel, Paolozzi, Ruscha, Ludwig by Philippa Gray, prints editions and
Christo etc. Sander, Peter Stroud, William Tillyer, etchings for artists. Provides print
John Walker. Also British representative facilities for artists and produces
André Emmerich Gallery of Gemini G.E.L. Los Angeles, print silkscreens for Chippenham Posters.
42o West Broadway, New York N.Y. publishers. New publications:
10012 (Tel. 431 4550). Publishers and Portfolios by Robyn Denny, William Cirrus Editions Ltd
dealers. Tillyer, John Walker. 708 N. Manhattan Place, Los Angeles,