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California 90038 (Tel. 213 462 5340).   hundred international artists working   include work by Gosewitz, Eric   Allen Jones, Kenneth Price, Edward
      Publishers of prints. Recent   today, including Arakawa, Blake, Heron,   Dietmann, Joe Jones, Joseph Beuys,   Ruscha, Luigi Veronesi. They have
      publications include: Untitled by Vija   Procktor, Tilson, etc. American   Mario Merz etc.    recently published a portfolio of six
      Celmins, a two-colour litho of the   realists, including Bechtle, Clem Clarke,   Edition Monika Beck   prints by Luigi Veronesi and a set of
      `ocean', edition of 65; Anacin I and II,   Cottingham, Loring, McLean, Morley,                three silkscreens by Ed Ruscha Suds.
      Monument Valley and Golden Arches,   Salt, Nesbitt, etc. The December   Am Romermuseum, 6651   Euro Art
      all offset lithographs, by Peter   exhibition is of three young   Schwarzenacker/Saar, Germany.
      Alexander; Constriction and Coercion by   printmakers, Julia Matcham, Frank   Publishers of graphics by Kliemann,   A 1010 Wien, Fleischmarkt 1, Austria.
      Michael Balog, edition 5o; Tri-axial   Connelly and John Fassolas, and the   Thiersch, Walldorf etc.   (Tel. 63 12 65). Publishers of prints by
      Rotation of a Floating Volume of Light,   works cover different aspects of print   Edition Print   Jones, Bill, Masson, Adami etc.
      by Ron Cooper, edition 5o. Also new   making - silkscreen, etching and   Berlin 12, Giesebrechtstrasse to
      prints soon to be released by Bruce   lithographs.             (Tel. 0311 883 32 44). An organization   Galerie Francoise Mayer
      Nauman (3 etchings), Tom Holland                               run by the artists who publish work   rue du Monastère 8, B. 1050 Bruxelles
      (2 multi-coloured lithographs), and Ed   Galerie Dorothea Leonhart   there. The latest edition is a folio Z. B.   (Tel. 02 47 91 6o). Graphics and
      Ruscha (a 'word' print). Just released is   Edition Munchen International, 8   Umwelt, containing six serigraphs by   multiples by Albers, Arp, Bury, Calder,
      a three-part multi-coloured lithograph   München 22, Maximilianstrasse to   Düerkop, Langer, Luft, Rauhe, Sylla,   Calderara, Fontana, Sam Francis,
      of torn clouds by Joe Goode, Untitled.   (Tel. 0811 22 30 20). Publishers of   Vahle, two etchings by Berndt and   Le Parc, Soto, etc. Represent Denise
      The Colour Print Gallery                                       Riemer and a cover sculpture by   René, Paris; Duerrecci, Rome; Gemini,
      2 Motcomb Street, London SWI 8JU   Dunkelman Gallery           Mattner, price DM 39o.         Los Angeles.
      (Tel. 01-235 4567). Dealers in   15 Bedford Road, Toronto 5, Ontario   Galerie-Edition R       Ganymed Original Editions
      contemporary limited editions, by   (Tel. 924 7339). Canadian   Johanna Ricard, 85 Nürnberg,   Ltd
      Chagall, Mire), Lesieur, Hebberlinck,   representatives of Gemini graphics.   Bismarckstrasse 4o. Publisher of   Great Turnstile, London WC1V
      Lowry, Brunsdon, etc. Prices from                              graphics. The most recent publication is
      £8-£800. Also sell reproductions, and                          Hommage a Baudelaire by Jiri Kolar,   7HJ (Tel. 01-405 9836/7). Have
                                                                                                     recently published a series of etching
      have their own framing works,   Editions Alecto Collectors Club   23 black and white silk-screens in a
      Motcomb Frames Ltd, Kinnerton   27 Kelso Place, London W85 QG (Tel.   portfolio, subscription price DM m00.   by Rory McEwen.
      Street, London SW,.            01-937 6611). This newly formed club                           Gimpel Fils
                                     will be directed by Joe Studholme with   Editionen der Galerie Heiner   3o Davies Street, London WI (Tel.
      Compendium Galleries            Charles Spencer as Editor. David   Friedrich München          01-493 2488). Selection of prints by
      2a Salisbury Road, Moseley,     Hockney has made a special Alecto loth   8 München 22, Maximilianstrasse 15   gallery artists : Antes, Beauchamp,
      Birmingham B13 8JS (Tel. 021-449   anniversary print for members.   (Tel. 29 5o 21). Gallery dealing in   Benjamin, Davie, Delaunay, Hartung,
      6284/5). Dealers in graphics by Sam   Members of the club will receive four   graphics and publisher of graphics in   Soulages, etc.
      Williams, Gordon Senior, Heinke   works of art, two prints and two objects   limited editions. Recent publications
      Jenkins, Peter McCulloch, David   in signed limited editions, for £m a                         Grafik
      Koster, Jim Bird, Philip Sutton etc.   year. All works will be created at   include Gerhard Richter's Landschaft 2   28 Thornhill Road, London NI (Tel.
                                                                     1972, edition 100, price DM 150. Also
                                      Alecto's Kelso Place studios. Artists                          01-609 0316). Have recently printed two
      Crossley Gallery                who have already agreed to participate   prints by Flavin, Judd, Broodthaers,   lithographs by Ivor Abrahams
      4 Crossley Street, Melbourne 3000. The   represent Britain, USA, France,   Baselitz etc.       Suburban Shrub 1 & 2, editions of 3o
      only gallery in Australia dealing   Germany, Italy, Holland, Greece,   Editions Graphiques Gallery   each, published by Bernard Jacobson.
      exclusively in original prints.   Spain, Israel and India. The Advisory   3 Clifford Street, London W1 (Tel.   First English Suite of Lithographs by
                                      Council includes Sir John Pope-                                David Humphreys, six lithographs
      Curwen Gallery                  Hennessy, Blaise Gautier, Sir Roland   734 3944). The Gallery has in stock   contained in a folio, editions of 75 each.
        Colville Place, Charlotte Street,   Penrose and E. L. L. de Wilde.   over 2,000 original graphics from 188o   Dieter Rot lithograph edition of 150
      London WO IHN (Tel. 01-472 1466).                              to the present. As the gallery specializes   published by Petersburg Press. Work in
       The gallery was opened in 1965 to show   Edition Brusberg     in Art Nouveau and Art Deco, there is   progress includes lithographs by Ivor
      the limited editions produced in the   3000 Hannover, Uhlemeyerstrasse 21   a large selection of graphics in these   Abrahams, Alan Cox and Radovan
       Curwen Studio. The scope was soon   (Tel. 0511 26623). Publisher of   styles, as well as by artists such as   Kraguly.
      widened to include the work of   graphics by Werner Berges,    Picasso, Matisse, Braque, Mire), Dali,
      younger printmakers who had no other   Oppermann, Peter Paul, Lucio del   Chagall, Bellmer, etc. Regular
       representation. There are six or seven   Pezzo, Petrick, Paul Wunderlich etc.   exhibitions are held of the graphic works   Harcus-Krakow Gallery
       exhibitions a year devoted to new   The gallery, at 3000 Hannover,   of figurative masters such as Steinlen,   167 Newbury Street, Boston,
      artists, who work in all the print media,   Friedrichswall 13, deals in graphics by   Rops, Helleu, Legrand, Tissot,   Massachusetts 02116 (Tel. 617 262
      and come from abroad as well as from   Albers, Bellmer, Ernst, Johns, Israel,   Foujita. Contemporary artists include   448 3). The largest collection of
      Britain. The publishing programme of   Krushenik etc.          Frank Martin, Nigel Lambourne,   contemporary graphics in New
      the gallery includes two major groups of                       Francis Kelly, and the Gallery   England. Artists included in the
      work each year. The most recent   Edition Domberger,           publishes ten to twenty new prints   collection are: Albers, Arakawa, Bush,
       publication is The Carolina Suite of   Stuttgart              annually.                       Christo, Dubuffet, Dine, Frankenthaler,
      eight lithographs by David Gentleman,   7026 Bonlanden, Stuttgart,   Edizioni del Cavallino    Hoyland, Indiana, Johns, Kelly, LeWitt,
      editions of 100 of which 25 are available   Hӧlderlinstrasse 4-8 (Tel. 0711 771   San Marco 1725, Venezia. Publisher and   Lichtenstein, Lindner, Motherwell,
      in Britain, signed and numbered, £25.   077). Publishers of graphics.   dealer since 1942. Graphics by Max   Nevelson, Noland, Oldenburg, Olitski,
                                                                     Bill, Bruno Saetti, Concetto Pozzati,   Rauschenberg, Riley, Ruscha, Stella,
                                      Edition Empreinte                                              Twombly, Warhol.
      Gallery Denise René/                                           Anselmi, etc. There is a new book
                                      157 Bd St Germain, Paris 6e (Tel.   announced for winter 1972, by Horst
      Hans Mayer                      548 00 14). Prints and lithographs by   Antes, edition 200, signed and   HKL/Ltd
      D 4000 Dusseldorf, Grabbeplatz 2   Assadour, Ballif, Milan, Vermeille,   numbered.             167 Newbury Street, Boston,
      (Tel. 0211 17272). Graphics by Le   Serre, Virgil etc. Prices from 150NF to                    Massachusetts 02116 (Tel. 617 262
       Parc, Vasarely, Gerstner etc.   390NF.                        Edizioni Danese                 4483). Recently published: a portfolio
                                                                                                     for the National Collection of Fine Arts
       Dickerson and Jones            Edition Hoffmann               Piazza San Fedele 2, 20121 Milano (Tel.   with seven original signed and numbered
      178-180 Essex Road, London NW1   D 6000 Frankfurt, Untermainkai 3o   866 296). Publishers of graphics and   prints by six artists - Bontecou,
       (Tel. 01-359 0579). A new gallery   (Tel. 0611 25 28 88). Original graphics                   Chryssa, D'Arcangelo, Francis,
       dealing in original prints and   by Alviani, Calderara, Ludwig,   Edizioni del Deposito       Oldenburg (2), and Rivers. HKL has
       multiples by Dine, Hockney, Hamilton,   Schwarz etc. Comprehensive   torso Porta Vigentina 1, 20122 Milano   also published a portfolio of six original
       Edwards, Dieter Rot, Abrahams,   documentation of concrete, constructive,  (Tel. 541 391). Publishers of multiples   colour-serigraphs by Darby Bannard,
       Rosenquist, Caulfield, Procktor, etc.   systematic art.       and prints.                     and a William T. Williams portfolio of 4
       Prices £20-£300. Complete framing                                                             original silkscreens. Other publications :
       service.                       Edition Hundertmark            Edizioni 0                      a portfolio of 6 Peter Stroud colour
                                      D t Berlin 42 Kolonie Kleeblatt   20121 Milano, via della Spiga 46 (Tel.   silkscreens. Also a collection of large
       DM Gallery                     Blumenweg 12. Publishers of graphics   70 17 00). Publishers of graphics and   prints, 8o x 4o in. each, by
       72 Fulham Road, London SW3 6HH   in limited editions, with a particular   multiples by Derek Boshier, Antonio   Anuszkiewicz, Davis, Goodnough,
       (Tel. 01-589 7981). Gallery specializing   interest in Happenings and Fluxus   Calderara, Lucio del Pezzo, Anthony   LeWitt, Porter, Snyder, Yrisarry and
       in prints and multiples from over one   artists. Forthcoming publications    Donaldson, Joe Goode, Robert Graham,   Zox.
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