Page 14 - Studio International - January 1972
P. 14

A critical look                            `explanation'. This Report stands or falls by   of the Holy Fool. The Holy Fool can approach
                                                Delta. The 'explanation' begins as follows : 'This   the highest authority in the land, utter profound
     at Artist                                  is a new concept whereby an old problem can   truths, and even make verbal threats — on
                                                be made accessible, the evaluation of the   condition that his truth is intermingled with
     Placement Group                            difference in state between unconsciousness   gibberish, and a high volume of redundancy.
                                                (e.g. sleep) and an optimum state of awareness —  Too much truth and challenge — and it's the
     Gustav Metzger                             firstly as to a single individual, and subsequently   chopper ! But if gibberish is not sustained by
                                               as to any coherent group or community. The   nuggets of abrasive truth, then it's scraps from
                                               state of sleep, not taken too literally, could be   the servants in the kitchen, instead of tit-bits
                                                represented on the scale of Delta representation   at the High Table.
                                                as > = o. Correspondingly the optimum state   And so we find an explanation for the dizzy
                                               would be represented by, say > = 100, thereby   gyrations and random genuflections in this
                                               indicating intermediate states.'           Report: it is a veritable dance for life.
                                                  Following this paragraph, the term 'time-
                                               base' is introduced. 'In signifying Delta value   The Politics of APG
                                               it can be seen that considerations of longer time-  This can be summed up as The Middle Way.
                                                base carry automatically an extending range of   The history of the twentieth century has shown
     On the occasion of its Hayward Gallery    attention-potential and ensuing actualization.   that this always leads to the Right.
     exhibition, December 1971, the Artist Placement   A notation associated with the > symbol may   `Recognizing that industrial decisions are based
      Group issued a 'Report and Offer' whose main   extend for practical purposes from the just-  on criteria of financial profitability, those of the
     object is the securing of a sum of £48,000 from   identifiable, at one tenth of a second, to the   artist individual are different, economy for him
     the Government to finance its operation during   upper limits talked about by geologists and   being an economy of expression.
     the period 1972-1975. A xeroxed note attached   astrophysicists, since both brain rhythm and   `The two different requirements for 'the
     to the 23-page Report states : 'This is a work   planetary cycles demonstrate a specific   economical' became the basis for the notion of a
     intended to operate when read by someone who   insistence and requirement, and ideas associated   single principle of economy underlying the
     is familiar with the format of company     with them may require concerted action. A   phenomenal totality, and within which both
     prospectus documents. The context is half the   provisional notation is that time base, of value   parties were inseparable, since the connection
     work.' Seven copies of the Report were chained   `t', referring to the specific event under   previously existing in the social sphere had
     to a structure near the entrance to the exhibition;   consideration, is printed at the upper right of   become either subject to the criteria of currency
     the Report is available from APG and the Lisson   the sign : the coverage, indicating the number of   or else alienated and opposed to interaction of
      Gallery.                                  people affected by the communication, and   any kind.' (6)
        The Report gives an outline of the history,   signified by the letter `n', is printed at the lower   How many lies, how many errors, can you
     purpose, achievements, finance and prospects   right. Thus an attention rating of > n would   detect in these lines ?
     of APG. I have read it with great care and have   refer to a number of people affected or 'reached'
     come to the conclusion that since it contains   by a communication, and also to the density or   Distortions and false claims
     such a profusion of inaccuracies and false claims,   time-base of that communication.' (19)   We are told a sob story how Shannon, the lone
     it would meet with total rejection by an     It is quite evident that we have here a system   Individual, his Delta units working overtime,
     institution like a Stock Exchange, and that if it   of such mechanical crudity, one that so blatantly   invented Information Theory singlehanded,
     were presented as a thesis at an art college it   disregards reality, that in comparison the   but the wicked Capitalists would not give him
     would justifiably be failed.               computer turns into God. I can only sum up the   an adequate recompense. And what about
        There are two versions of the history of   Delta unit and its deployment in this Report as   public applause, or in the words of the Report,
     APG; the prosaic and the sublime. 'The Artist   an ad-man's stunt; a designer's device to both   the `Public Verdict' ? All he gets is a small
     Placement Group was formed in 1966 to      attract and divert attention; a method to paper   sentence in the Encyclopaedia Britannica;
      examine the potential activity of a "fine artist"   cracks in the proposals:        `Apart from which there is no further reference.'
      relative to industrial and commercial                                               (13) Apart from the fact that the same
     organisations, to investigate the circumstances   The language of APG                Encyclopaedia, in the article 'Information
     of their professional segregation, and to look   Language can be used to inform—and to confuse :   Theory', starts its bibliographical listing with
      into ways in which the two might be brought   used to sharpen our sense of reality—and to   a book by Shannon, there are tens of thousands
      closer together.'(7) (Numbers in brackets refer   blunt it. Much in this Report is quite   of references to his work in the literature.
      to pages in the Report)                   meaningless. Meaning slithers; a line of thought   There are claims galore in the Report, but
        The sublime version appears in a series of   is distorted even within the confines of a single   this one stands out for its imaginativeness : 'It
      APG inserts in Studio International: . . .   APG   sentence; a barrage of contradictory statements   should not be unreasonable to predict that as a
      could be said to have started from a position   chase each other. Further, there is a bombastic,   result of carefully directed dissemination of the
      in outer space, albeit focused hard down on the   holier-than-thou thread running through the   basic concepts, in 20 years some thousands of
     surface phenomenon of an encapsulated planet.   Report, in tandem with a cringing, qualifying   millions of people will have their lives
      The view is projected by the shafts of    ploy.                                     significantly improved, qualitatively, as
      illuminating energy that come from individual   How is one to understand this specialized   compared with their condition today; many
      apprehensions of a new fundamental concept,   APG language ? I suggest that there is a very   major policy-decisions will have been altered
      one that has not yet reached the public circuits'.   simple explanation: the language of APG is a   and innovations introduced of a kind which will
      (February 1971).                          survival language. APG is an organization with   be fundamentally democratic on a wider base
                                                a minimum of social power and money, whose   than is possible under the present short-term
      Delta unit                                aim is to penetrate the richest powers in the   considerations of power.' (8)
      The 'new fundamental concept' mentioned   land — the giant industrial corporations. But
      above may well refer to the Delta unit. Both the   it is also dependent on a steady influx of young   The structure of APG
      term and its symbol > are liberally       artists. In order to steer through these two   The Artist Placement Group is a charitable
      scattered throughout the Report, and an entire   mutually opposed groups without splintering   Trust, associated with APG Research Limited,
      page of small type is taken up with an    apart, APG has adopted the language and stance    consisting of fourteen people, including eminent
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