Page 16 - Studio International - January 1972
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population and there is every evidence of the   Correspondence                       Index covers 35o artists, whose work is
   growing emergence of artists within the black                                        documented with biographical and general
   community, with concerns from politics to                                            promotional information, and approximately
   painting. Sam Gilliam is an artist of international                                  7000 35-mm transparencies. By arrangement,
   repute working with vast suspended canvases.                                         those interested are given a preliminary
   Other black artists vary from Alma Thomas to                                         screening of each artist's work. Transparencies
   Carroll Sockwell. Local contemporary artists                                         are in classified magazines (2-dimensional,
   have been supported and encouraged by the                                            3-dimensional static, moving or wall-pieces,
   Corcoran Gallery of Art. Walter Hopps, its                                           multiple/graphic work, environments, events
   Director, has done much through workshop                                             and theatre). Note is made of those artists' work
   programmes, studios and exhibitions in the                                           in which clients show special interest and a
   museum. Of particular interest is the Corcoran                                       further presentation is made in depth by
   Dupont Center print workshop organized by a                                          screening transparencies from the artists'
   printmaker, Lou Stovall. In the Gallery there                                        individual magazines; supporting information
   are rooms given over to ever-changing displays of                                    is then presented from the artists' personal
   work by Washington artists. As Andrew Hudson                                         files, containing biographical material, press
   comments : 'The opportunity for the young                                            cuttings, catalogues and black and white and/or
   artist to be shown at a museum is greater in this                                    colour photographs, together with any other
   city than any other in the world.' Last Autumn                                       material the artists provide to support their work.
   an innovation was an exhibition of sculpture                                         Clients who wish to make contact with specific
   where the sculptors were given the main                                              artists will then be given the artist's address or
   galleries and atrium of the Corcoran and, almost                                     that of his/her gallery or agent. Photographs
   acting as curators, were invited to create an                                        and duplicate transparencies are generally
   exhibition. Exhibitions increasingly appeal to a                                     available for loan or sale for publication,
   wider public, such as the work of Soleri,                                            compilation of catalogues, lectures, sales,
   concerned with arcology. This Autumn, the                                            promotion, etc.
   exhibition 'Wilderness', organized by the                                              AIR'S facilities include, on an advisory and
    National Endowment for the Arts, of the                                             organizational level, assistance with the
    American landscape, was also shown at the                                           setting-up of exhibitions, both in the UK and
    Corcoran.                                                                           abroad. AIR also maintains contact with art
      At the Henri Gallery, exhibitions of work of                                      schools, galleries, theatres, cultural
    Mary Beth Edelson and Ron Grow contrast                                             organizations, and many individuals—both
    surreal paintings at the Henri II with surreal                                      artists and others associated with the arts. It
    sculpture at Henri I. The Jefferson Place Gallery                                   issues a lead-line sheet of information relevant
    in December exhibited the crazy ceramic cows                                        to the arts, and operates an index of technical
    by William Lombardo.                                                                information for artists.
      At the same time outside the city,                                                  AIR has no direct interest in any commission
    Washington artists show their work. A major                                         from the sale of work but, if requested, will
    installation of laser beams by Rockne Krebs at                                      liaise between artist and client, in which case a
    the Delgado Museum at New Orleans creates                                           fee of 10 percent of the contract sum is
    a green beam which shines across the city. The                                      normally charged. AIR is supported by fees
    Museum of Modern Art in New York has given                                          charged to clients using its services, and by a
    two galleries over to the suspended canvases of                                     grant from the Arts Council, but it operates on
    Sam Gilliam.                                                                        a non-profit making basis.
      The National Collection of Fine Arts and the                                         Art Information Registry was set up
    National Gallery have had retrospective shows                                       because of the inadequate communications
    of twentieth-century American artists from                                          within the arts. It has grown in direct response
    John Sloan to William Johnson. All are                                              to the practical demands and needs of both
    exhibitions which bring attention to American                                       artists and art public. Apart from the steady
    art and provide an opportunity for scholarly                                        expansion of the Artists' Index, AIR has over
    research.                                                                           the last four years acted as a catalyst, assisting
      During the past year, among the many                                              a wide variety of activities, services and schemes
    museum exhibitions, diversity is indicated by                                       that have emerged within the art world.
    contemporary British painting and sculpture                                            Now that AIR is moving to a more central
    shown at the National Gallery, an exhibition of   Art Information Registry          office in Burlington House, it will advertise in
    Cezanne paintings and water colours at the   Art Information Registry, which began in 1967,   the UK and abroad, and hopes to introduce the
    Phillips Collection and a retrospective of the   provides two-way information between artists   Registry to a far wider field of clients. Artists,
    light works of Thomas Wilfred at the Corcoran   and organizers of exhibitions/events/   gallery or museum personnel, critics, collectors,
    Gallery of Art. Lecturers and visitors are also   performances, dealers and buyers, cultural   and art-related organizations interested in its
    numerous from Sir Kenneth Clark to Sol Le   organizations and art services. Its directors   facilities are asked to contact the Secretary at
    Witt. In the summer at an event on P Street,   include Andrew Forge, Bridget Riley, Prof.   the address below.
    artists worked with searchlights, dry ice, hay,   A. West, Peter Sedgley and Peter Townsend.
    burning wood and indicators to the magnetic   The secretary is Letty Woods.         Art Information Registry Ltd
    north. Many other exhibitions and events take   Open to all professional artists free of charge,   Burlington House
    place, numerous and varied, all reflecting the   AIR is building up an Artists' Index which is   Piccadilly
    emergence of Washington D.C. as a cultural   an extensive visual library of current and   London W1V 9AG
    capital within the world. LI              experimental work. At the time of writing, the    01-734 3604
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