Page 18 - Studio International - January 1972
P. 18

Varieties of                              attention today is not commercial in this   competition such as we have, when many strong
                                                                                         There is much to be said for a system of healthy
                                                 But much of the art that commands most
    industrial                                obvious sense, since its products are enormous   opposing commitments can fight and flourish.
                                                                                        Alternative systems of selection are paternalistic
                                              in scale, or auto-destructive, or are given away
    experience                                free, or are held to exist only in some noosphere   or worse. But we should be clear that many
                                                                                        self-styled radicals who detest the art-dealers are
                                              of concepts. The market becomes thin and
    Technology and art 32                     tight, or disappears completely. Economic   embracing career-paths quite as industrialized,
                                              analysis should now focus not only on the   in a different idiom, as are those of obvious
                                              physical commodities, if any, that are still   businessmen-artists.
                                              traded in, but also on the career patterns of   One artist, writer and editor in London
                                              artists and their promoters.              whom I respect, believes that artists should try
                                                 A similar analysis has been undertaken of the   to maintain their integrity by accepting
                                              career patterns of scientists in books such as   poverty. He has little in the way of material
                                              Jerome Ravetz's recently published 'Scientific   property but is very generous with his intel-
                                              Knowledge and its Social Problems' (O.U.P.).   lectual property. His ascetic path is surely
                                              Ravetz describes a scientific research pro-  virtuous, its disadvantage being that it constrains
                                              gramme resulting in publication as a kind of   his range of options excessively. For those who
                                              investment which if successful brings its   reject this path, for one reason or another, there
                                              owner specific rewards ranging from citations   are possibly other ways to avoid being part of
                                              in other scientists' papers (where a coded   the industrializing process.
                                              etiquette is observed) to grants, research con-  Most intelligent art critics are going through
                                              tracts, academic appointments and professional   a period of acute self-questioning (as are many
                                              honours. The scientific paper is accepted by a   artists too): this is testified by the recent
                                              learned journal on the decision of the editor   writings of men as different as Charles
                                              advised by referees who form part of the quality   Harrison, Jack Burnham and Jean Clay. Less
                                              control system of science. Though the scientific   penetrating writers are content to resort to
                                              paper is not a saleable or negotiable product,   eclectic journalism, scholarly catalogues, or the
    `The lot of the art critic today is not a happy one   being too specialized to earn literary royalties,   investigation of museum and gallery politics.
    ... Is he journalist or aesthetician, prophet or   it acquires a property-value for its owner which   For me one of the most promising approaches
    public-relations man, interpreter of tradition or   might even be assessed in financial terms on   has been, and still is, the rapprochement between
    adventurous iconoclast, fabricator of taste or   some actuarial basis. In our industrialized   art and science, a process which resists at least
    follower of fashion ?' So writes a reviewer in   society, according to Ravetz, science becomes   some of the industrializing tendencies of art and
    the TLS (26 November).                    industrialized and its practitioners fall into the   science alike, in that it challenges professional
      The principle of 'assertion of process' is now   roles of entrepreneurs, contractors and   demarcations, trespasses on intellectual property
    widely followed in art and is sometimes even   salesmen.                            and demystifies brand images. Unfortunately
    adduced as if this alone justified the artist's   Many artists are industrialized in a straight-  the quality of discourse in this no-man's-land
    activity. But what of the process of writing   forward way as producers of saleable com-  is poor as yet. One journal that should be doing
    about art ? Both the handful of serious critics   modities. But others are industrialized in the   something to improve it is Frank Malina's
    and the larger guild of art reviewers and   weaker but interesting sense suggested by   Leonardo, published by Pergamon Press, but
    journalists are accustomed to playing the role of   Ravetz in his study of scientific careers : they   its editorial policy is undiscriminating to say
    disinterested observers, part of the 'quality   are marketing their names, filing ideas like   the least. Having no wish to corner the valuable
    control' system regulating the release of art to   patent applications in art magazines, contracting   space that Studio International can spare for
    the public consciousness. Since this is the last   with galleries and arts councils, tendering for   the subject, I am glad to leave it free for
    of a regular series of monthly articles on art   grants or jobs. Yet there is no quality control   others. q
    and technology that I have written for this   system in art nearly as respected as that where-
    journal, no apology need be made for some   by expert referees assess a new scientific theory.   Counter-Technology
    reflections on the role of the art commentator.   Movements and opinions in art have   The 'Counter-Technology' branch of the
      He is often no more disinterested than is the   proliferated too much.            counter-culture is articulated in such American
    man of discriminating mien who announces on   Here the role of the critic-promoter-  publications as Radical Software (mainly for
    television that on balance, or according to the   organizer-curator-linkman is of special   `video freaks') and Whole Earth Catalog.
    latest research, such-and-such a brand is   importance. Such people are often more   Aquarius Project (P.O. Box 4013, Berkeley,
    preferable. Critics and reviewers are of course   verbally articulate than are artists. Their   California 94704) is interested in the possibility
    part of the marketing department of the art   economic ties with the art they are involved   of 'automated communes' using surplus hard-
    industry as much as they are part of its quality   with do not have to be based on an art-market   ware and the technical skills of drop-outs.
    control department. This would be a banal   to be intimate. Prestige, commissions, invita-  `Communes which are unafraid to adapt the
    point to make about the kind of art that is   tions, jobs, follow from the successful handling   whole range of modern technology to their
    bought and sold in private galleries, where   of their 'accounts'. The quality of their address-  needs might serve as an advance scouting and
    notoriously a single man can act as critic, as   books, and their presence in other people's,   experimental groping process, exploring the
    private collector and as consultant to dealers or   constitute professional property which is   possibilities of the re-formation and re-
    museums or other private collectors. There are   sometimes jealously guarded.       deployment of the physical plant of society, of
    commonly-heard allegations about specific   I see nothing particularly wrong in all this.   decentralization and de-urbanization, resulting
    individual careers which would be a worthwhile   People are standing up for what they believe in   in knowledge which will be crucial to a society
    subject for serious research, since some major   and doing their best to further the interest of   undergoing a radical social revolution, such as
    artists' reputations are involved. Allegations   those whose work they admire as well as their   the U.S. may be within the next decade or so.'
    about the corruption of art criticism form part   own interest. What are the alternatives ?   To judge from their policy statement this
    of the standard radical attack on the capitalist   Society must find some way of selecting out its   project is worth following. q
    art world.                                most creative people, if it is not to stagnate.    JONATHAN BENTHALL

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