Page 27 - Studio International - March 1972
P. 27

Suprematism                  To no 7 must be added the form 7A in which   Further we see the development of the third
            The domination of pure abstract and non-   appears the union of two squares namely black   circular Suprematist element in the direction
                         objective art               and white.                                of appearance of a circular Suprematist element
                   Phases of its development                                                   together with a square.
                                                                      no 7A
          The appearance of Suprematism must be     The next development appears in the different
          reckoned to have occurred in 1913. The first   forms of the elongated squares, and in no 8
          Suprematist form was in the shape of a     we see the appearance of the curved shape,
          quadrilateral shape which in everyday language   which later destroys itself and does not play
          was named a square. See
                                                    any part and does not enter into
          This was the chief element from which      any compositional relationship. In no 9   we see
          developed all Suprematist groups and the whole
                                                    a particular composition of the suprematist
          system of Suprematist relationships and   state of the square dividing into several forms,   In the fourth phase of the development of the
          elements.                                 which later does not evolve. no 10         Suprematist element we see the following forms.
          From the point of view of colour, the
          Suprematist system is divided into three colour
          phases-black, coloured: that is to say, the   So, from the above illustrated forms of the
          primary colours of the spectrum predominate,   quadrilateral we see them developing
          and white.                                 principally into different forms and taking   One part of the element begins to dissolve into
          From the point of view of the mutual       different states; that is to say, they express   a sensation of total non-existence.
          interrelationship of elements, Suprematism   different sensations, primarily dynamic and   And in the fifth phase there appears a white
          can be divided into various categories The   static, in different and complicated compositions   Suprematist element which gives the sensation
          Static, The Dynamic, and the Mystical etc.   as in the following drawings :          of absolute non-objectivity. 1-1
          The basic shape of the square is divided in its
          first evolution into two forms of a quadrilateral
          and one form of a quadrilateral with the corners
          moved round.

          Basic squares

          and in a further development out of the square a
          circle is formed    as the second basic

                                                                                               Notes on the manuscript
          Suprematist element and the fourth position.   So here we see several examples of dynamic   by Simon Pugh
                                                     Suprematism-flat forms evolving from squares
                                                                                               BRIEF HISTORY
                                                     from 1913. But from 1915 we see the appearance   Malevich travelled to Europe in 1927 with a
          no 5 is the cruxiform shape (developing from the   of Suprematist forms with a third dimension   one-man exhibition which was hung first in
          breaking of the square   1st Stage         which reached their full development only in   Warsaw in March and then in Berlin between
             2nd Stage and becoming the third basic   1919.                                    the end of March and June'. He returned to
          element). These forms, as it will be subsequently                                    Leningrad before the Berlin exhibition was over,
          seen, are the basic forms of the development of                                      and certain manuscripts and notes (including
          the whole system or culture of Suprematism.   In 1923 they evolved into an architectonic   this manuscript) were left with Malevich's hosts
          The development of Suprematist square no   form as a new system or motif of architectural   in Berlin, the von Riesen family. This manuscript
          must be shown in every set of its variations in   development.                       was purchased by Annely Juda Fine Art,
          sequence. First the square divides into two eaual                                    London, and is reproduced with the translation
          squares           no 6 coloured black and                                            by courtesy of them.

          in its second form      no 7 there are two   Thus we define static and dynamic       NOTES ON THE MANUSCRIPT
                                                    Suprematism, through the operation of the   (i) The square. In the manuscript, Malevich
          squares, one coloured vermilion red, the other   elements of the square giving both static and   dates the beginning of Suprematism from about
          black. In the third form   there is an irregular   dynamic sensations. But we discovered yet a   1913. Although suggestions of the first form, the
          non-equiangular one                       third sensation-the magnetic gravitation of one   square, can be detected in his designs for the
          in lower part with a                      Suprematist element to another.            Futurist opera Victory over the Sunt which was
          dynamic inclination.                                                                 performed in St Petersburg in December 1913,
          Appearing here is the first indication of the                                        his first Suprematist work was not shown until
          dynamic inclination. The fourth view                                                 exactly two years later, in the exhibition `0.10.'
          has an inclined square in a static                                                     In May 1916, in a letter to the symbolist
          phase, with several elongated forms of the square   Further we see the development of a second   Benois, Malevich defined his square as follows :
          giving dynamic sensation. The form of the   basic cruxiform Suprematist element-a cosmic   `You will never see sweet Psyche's smile on
          elongated square resulted from a progression of   and mystical sensation.                          my square.
          the square     which then divided into                                                 And it will never be a mattress for love-
                                                                                               At this stage Malevich saw his square as a
          smaller and smaller surfaces    nearly
                                                                                              revolutionary idea-later the square became an
                                                                                               `axiomatic point of departure'4, the basis from
          always breaking into irregular parts.
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