Page 30 - Studio International - March 1972
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villages only to destroy them again.      potential. Hegel calls the art of this third period   appearance'.101 The freeing of painting from
        However, there are also certain similarities   romantic, realized in the highest art forms of   the three dimensional illusion is, for Malevich,
      between the theory of the additional element and   poetry, music and painting respectively, forms   an integral part of the development of the
      Hegel's evolution of the world spirit. Hegel   which destroy the sensual quality of art in   additional element towards Suprematism. He
      divides history into three periods. The first   favour of the spiritual. The immediate existence   admires Cezanne for his 'purely painterly
      represents the total 'immersion of Spirit in   of the classical form is reflected into   perception of phenomena' and for bringing
      nature',85   a period when man 'did not know   `self-conscious inward intelligence'.96  Rather   back painting to two dimensions 'thus
      that the spirit, or man as such, is free in   than the intuitive pagan Gods of Greece and   restoring to it its own true nature'.102  It is the
      himself ',86  a period of total unselfconsciousness.   Rome, the God is now Christian who can make   same two dimensional quality that Hegel
      In art, Hegel calls this period symbolic, for man   himself manifest through the Holy Spirit, for   admires in painting because of its distance
      begins to recognize himself in nature, and as   `Romantic art gives up the task of showing him   from massive or sensual attachments, its
      part of it, and he resorts to grotesque   (God) as such in external form and by means of   distance, as Worringer puts it, from the
      exaggeration in order to suggest the presence of   beauty'.97  Berdyaev extols this art form too   `unclarity' imposed upon the object by its
      the spiritual in nature. 'Natural objects are in   since it no longer 'believes in final attainment   three dimensionality. For Hegel, architecture
      the first instance left just as they are, while, at   of beauty here in this world is always   `possesses mass as operative in the properties
      the same time, the substantive Idea is imposed   that which speaks of another world... an   of heavy matter' while sculpture assumes 'the
      upon them as their significance, so that their   upsurge beyond the limits of the world'.    complete sensuous attributes of space'. But
      function is henceforth to express the same, and   But, most important, Hegel's romantic art   painting 'liberates art from the sensuous
      they claim to be interpreted, as though the Idea   appeals to the emotions, the soul and spirit.   completeness of space which attaches to
      were present in them'.87  In From Cubism and   It is the word 'feeling' that features so   material things by restricting themselves to a
      Futurism to Suprematism of 1916,88  Malevich   prominently in The Non-Objective World.   plane surface' .1°3   Malevich felt that if the
      talks of the art of 'the savage' as that which   Joost Baljeu points out that in the German text   Renaissance masters had 'discovered the
      `copies the real forms of nature'. Like Hegel,   of 1927 the word Erregung is used." It is not,   surface of painting',  they would have
      Malevich considers such art to be 'totally   then, simply man's emotional life that is   achieved something of greater value than a
      unconscious' and only 'the shape of a man or   affected, but his spirit as well, an excitation   Madonna or a Giaconda, for 'a picture is simply
      animal' can be discerned. As a result, the   that involves the whole man. In a long passage,   a plane' upon which is expressed 'the demands
      consciousness of the savage developed only 'on   Hegel describes the response derived from   of purely painterly-plastic, subjectless and
      the side of nature', by imitating, without   romantic art as just such an involvement:   objectless expression'.105  Thus Malevich
      creating new and superior forms of art.       `The object of art is free concrete   realizes what Hegel feels the true nature of
        Hegel's second phase shows a gradual        intellectual being, which has the function   painting to be, a moving away from the
      movement towards a state of consciousness, but   of revealing itself as spiritual existence for   material world, its mass and sensuality, towards
      nevertheless this initial separation from nature   the inward world of spirit ... it must   a liberation of the spirit. Only thus can the
      is 'imperfect' and 'derived immediately from   address itself to the inward mind, which   range of painting increase substantially,
      the merely natural state, consequently related   coalesces with its object simply as though   although for Hegel not as completely as poetry
      to it, and is still encumbered with it as an   this were itself, to the subjective   (the purest art form expiating 'exclusively in
      essentially connected element'.89   Historically,   inwardness, to the heart, the feeling,   the inner space and inner time of ideas and
      man becomes conscious of the possibility of   which, being spiritual, aspires to freedom   feelings' um) or philosophy (the highest form of
      freedom, while knowing that only some men     in itself and seeks and finds its     the self-conscious man). Nevertheless through
      were free and not man as such. Hegel calls this   reconciliation only in the spirit within. It   this new freedom, painting can express
      artistic period classical, suggested in the form   is the inner world that forms the content   `through coloured surface and line... whatever
      of sculpture, and characterized by the        of romantic art, and must therefore find   can find room in the human heart, as feeling,
      idealization of the human form, the removal of   its representation as such in inward feeling.   idea and purpose' for 'whatever is capable of
      all sensual defects, and the suppression, as   The world of inwardness celebrates its   shaping into act is capable of entering into the
      Worringer puts it, of 'anything that might    triumph over the outer world and in its   varied content of painting'.
      cloud or vitiate the directly convincing      medium manifests this its victory, owing
      expression of material individuality'.90  For   to which the sensuous experience sinks   3 NON-OBJECTIVITY
      Malevich, this second phase has been diverted   into worthlessness'. 100            In Malevich's theory of the non-objective
      by 'aesthetic taste ... from the realism of the   The combination of emotional and spiritual   world, there are certain similarities with Hegel's
      world' entering 'the blind alley of idealism'.91   response coupled with the subduing of the   Doctrine of Being from Logic of 1812-16, and
      Classical form unites the spiritual and the   material world which Hegel describes is also   with the dialectic method in general.
      sensual, the divine and the human, but the   the non-objective world that is portrayed in   Hegel describes matter as self-destructive
      unity is immediate and not reflected on; nor is it   Suprematism, an art so minimal that the   because it inclines towards its opposite
      self-conscious, despite, as Malevich says, the   physical world is eliminated in favour of the   searching for a unity outside itself. Malevich's
      portrayal of 'man is his complete form, both   simplest geometric elements.         `non-objective' world is a world where the
      inner and outer'.92   Berdyaev describes such art   Hegel's choice of painting as one (even   object has negated itself, destroying the
      as 'pagan' and 'the classical perfection of form,   though the least) of the romantic art forms is also   phenomenal content. The resulting state is a
      that immanent attainment of beauty in this   highly significant. Whereas architecture (the   paradoxical situation where both object and
      world, and by means of this world' but without   art form of the symbolic period) provided a   non-object join together in an awareness of a
      an 'upsurge towards another world'.       temple to enclose the spirit, and sculpture of   new reality. Jacob Boehme describes the
        Hegel's final period elevates the spirit from   the classical period allowed the spirit to   `supersensual' state as just such a fusion
      limited forms of freedom to 'pure universal   partially enter the form of man, painting,   between Nothing and All so that both acquire
      form... in which the spiritual essence attains   through its two dimensional quality, no longer   absolute status and defy rational definition in
      the consciousness and feeling of itself'.94  Hegel   aspires to mass or sensuality. As Worringer   totality.
      believes that the whole process of history is   says, painterly abstraction demands a type of   `Whosoever finds it (the supersensual life)
      directed towards rendering the 'unconscious   representation that 'reproduced the object   finds Nothing and All Things ... But how
      impulse a conscious one',95   where man as man   neither in its three dimensional corporeality   finds he Nothing ? Why, I will tell thee
      is totally free, a freedom that realizes his true    dependent upon space, nor in its sensible    How. He findeth it, findeth the
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