Page 46 - Studio International - May 1972
P. 46

The paradox of adn                        as identical with 'art'. The present argument is a      	is art.
     The final paradox is the paradox of the divided   second intentional form intending the
     entity; adn and 'ads' which, whilst discussed in   intentional 'art'.               Where the blank represents the 'art-member'
     first intention are identical, are on different   It is questionable whether or not the   which is implicitly proposing the definition.
     levels of discourse; i.e. adn discusses 'adn' in   argument is capable of study in itself (it is   The explicit definition of art is such as :
     a semantical metalanguage. The paradox    questionable whether or not any logical forms
     results from the necessity for self-referential   are capable of study in themselves). For an     art is
     consistency and an allegiance to the Theory   answer a fundamental distinction between
     of Types. The sole reconciliation of the thus   intentional and non-intentional entities is   Where the blank is represented by an
     stated prerequisites exists in the dichotomy.   required and for present purposes the distinction   `intentional concept' such as is here expressed in
     Thus to maintain consistency in set-theoretical   is equivalent to that between formal and   the present argument. In other words, this
     terms (as well as in semantical terms) 'adn' is   instrumental signs. To discuss the argument in   argument can only bear a relationship to art in
     defined as the sole member in the class 'art'   itself is to assign it the function of an   its intentional form (this is a relationship of
     of art-entities. In this way the definition   instrumental sign, i.e. a sign which signifies its   identity). In 'ads' a unit set was postulated for
     defines explicitly art and explicitly the relation   significatum by virtue of some human   the class 'art' of all artworks. Here—seemingly
     of 'adn' to art and thus explicitly the constitution   convention. In other words the sign must first   outside the domain of set theory and including
     of its art-status. The paradox remains, however,   be apprehended in itself before its significatum   mere intentions —it is enough to say that there
     essentially unresolved and so with it the   is apprehended; a formal sign however   can be no multiplicity of 'art's. There is only
     previous paradoxes. An implicit paradox   signifies its significatum by virtue of the natural   one art and art-entities are only of concern as
     persists in what is presupposed as art and what   properties of the sign itself. This practice of   second intentional entities.
     is defined as art in adn— namely the sole   treating essentially formal signs as       The question might arise as to why there
     membership of 'adn' in art. The final implicit   instrumental signs is a result of an inadequate   should be a relationship of identity between the
     paradox is in some ways similar to Duchamp's   distinction between the intentional and the   intentional form of this argument and its
     paradox in operating upon presupposition: the   `real', and all but the most recent mathematical   intention 'art'. The answer is availed in the
     difference is in the use of explicit definitions   logic has not formulated any such distinction   nature of formal signs, i.e. the intentional form
     of art and explicit means of establishing its   (holding that it is the study of pure form).   as a formal sign must be identical with its
     status with respect to art.               So it is thought to be methodologically   intention. The intentional form of the
       It is the last paradox (of adn) to which the    invalid to formally discuss the argument in a    argument is inevitably tautologous (or, if you

     following argument is addressed as a means to a   metalanguage which is to treat it as a 'real'   like, analytic); 'art' is said to be 'what art is'.
     resolution of this and thus of the other   entity. If such discussion were permitted by   The value of such an argument would be in
     paradoxes.                                virtue of there being nothing intentional   the degree to which it discloses art or 'what art
                                               in this second-order language a further   is in essence'. Once 'art' in intention is established
     Towards a Resolution                      metalanguage would be set up, and so on.   as the subject matter of such an argument and
     A proper resolution of the paradox of the   However whilst it might seem that an infinity   whilst remembering that such an argument
     divided entity must in itself be self-    of languages and logics is inevitable, this is not   must pertain to a relationship of identity to
     referentially consistent and thus make explicit   so because none of the languages contain   the intentional 'art' to remain an intentional
     its status with respect to art. The resolution   anything intentional : thus the languages   form, it is necessary to discuss what art can be
     must be based upon a clear distinction between   cannot be called formal. As Veatch has said :   in essence when its essence is established by
     the logical and the 'real', and must exemplify   `Hit is logic that one is concerned with, then it   such an argument. In other words art must be
     its intended relationship between 'art' in second   would seem that any account of the nature and   examined aside from what have been the
     intention and its manifestations or entities.   character of logical or second intentional   particulars from which the universal 'art' is
       The present viewpoint will not adhere to the   entities in general should pertain to those very   established by abstraction, i.e. apart from
     notion of an infinity of metalanguages (or an   logical entities which one has used to develop   presupposition. No such art-entities or
     infinity of logics) for reasons to be stated later.   one's account of logic itself.' (Henry Babcock   particulars of art are admitted (this examination
     The temptation is to discuss this for example in   Veatch, Intentional Logic, New Haven, 1970.)   should not be retrospectively descriptive but
     terms of 'real' art-entities, and whilst self-  Another way to view the transition from   prescriptive and by its very nature self-
     referential consistency will be maintained (in   dealing with art in extension to dealing with   referentially consistent). The concept of 'art'
     spite of Russell's 'Theory of Types') there is no   art in intention might be in the change in art   will later be established as the only possible
     need to talk at present of entities at all. In   method. The traditional art method has been   subject-matter for this argument (where the
     other words, whilst it is tempting to see this as   seen to conform to an implicit definition of art   concept of art is defined as the relation of
    solely a part of art it should in fact also be seen   such as :                      identity between the particulars of art and 'art').
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