Page 12 - Studio International - November 1972
P. 12

When he saw Edward Albee's play Baby Alice,   Correspondence                      Tim Craig writes : The Editor of Studio
       Warhol's response was eloquent: 'It's tiresome',                                    International has been kind enough to call my
       he said, 'because it's so long and drawn-out, but                                   attention to a letter lately received from Mr
       I love boring things. It appeals to me because it                                   Graham Brown of 4 Cricketers Terrace,
       is absolutely without content. It doesn't say                                       Leeds 12. Mr Brown in his letter seeks
       anything'. Similarly, the canvases and Pop Art                                      information touching the life, work, and
       films made by Warhol do not say anything.                                           performances of 'John Fahey, the American
       In the film titled Empire, one side of                                              sculptor/performer who . . . together with an
       New York's highest skyscraper is shown for six                                      Italian cybernetic sculptor, built a
       hours. In the film Sleep, the audience watches                                      computer-controlled machine that performed
       the stomach of a sleeping man for several hours.                                    amputations upon Fahey himself.' Questionless,
       The films Flesh, Trash and Kiss are full of filthy                                  Mr Brown has confused John Fahey, an
       scenes which depict with revolting naturalism                                       American guitarist of surpassing technical
       the daily lives of drug addicts, prostitutes and                                    skill, with the only person who could represent
       the other flotsam of the city.                                                      the real target of his interest: John Fare, Art's
         `This Narcissus', wrote the Paris weekly                                          Gingerbread Man or, if you like, the Stepin
       L'Express about Warhol's films, 'has placed his                                     Fetchit of self-slaughter. (Strange to say, each
       mirror in a urinal, and the characters which he                                     of Fahey's long-playing records has included
       contemplates are remarkably ugly'. Such too is                                      the word death in its title.)
       Warhol's first play Pork (which in the author's                                       John Charles Fare was born in 1936 in
       original scheme was to last two hundred hours !)                                    Toronto, Ontario. These exciting facts were
       in which various tedious perverts talk about their                                  always made available to members of his
       sexual problems while showing their naked                                           audiences, for whose benefit Fare's birth
       behinds to the audience. The London Daily                                           certificate was always displayed under glass at
       Telegraph described this production as 'deadly                                      the entrance to each of the theatres where,
       dull'.                                                                              over the years, he conducted his 'appearances'.
         Removing man from art by any means                                                Portions of this document have been blatantly
       available — such is Warhol's main aim. Why does                                     deleted, a circumstance which, in light of
       `the father of Pop Art' find this necessary ?                                       Fare's own highly edited state, I find very
       Primarily, to affirm in artistic terms the ideals of                                suggestive. It is more than simple tidiness,
       bourgeois society, to present the artist as the                                     I think. As a theatre programme, it seems quite
       unthinking accessory of the present-day                                             perfect. It says : 'I went fishing once, but
       `affluent and leisured society'. Warhol's                                           tonight I cannot do that.'
       smoothly-running 'factory' of modernism is a                                          Fare attended Forest Hill Collegiate in
       clear proof of the deep crisis in avant-garde                                       Toronto, and in 1959 he came to London,
       art. q                                    [The letter below, and the attached comment by   where for a time he remained as an imperfect
       Translated by Alasdair Beaton             Tim Craig were held over from earlier this year   student at the Bartlett School of Architecture.
                                                 from motives of distaste, and for checking. — Ed.]   Disappointed, he left London for Copenhagen.
         This article first appeared in Literaturnaya                                      Owing to his financial independence, a condition
       Gazeta, Moscow, No. 24,14 June 1972. It   John Fare you well                        from which he was never perfectly relieved, he
       carried one illustration with the following   Presently I am researching my thesis and badly   was free to spawn novelties, including the first
       caption: ' "The Father of Pop Art", Andy   require information on 'John Fahey' the   of his 'appearances'. The notable events of his
       Warhol, in the soup can which brought him
                                                 American sculptor/performer who died      tirocinium are perhaps less well known than
       fame. What an expressive self-portrait !'    knowingly as a part of his work, as I   they ought to be. Nor are facts concerning this
                                                 understand it to be: and all this is hearsay :   or any other period of Fare's career as generously
                                                 together with an Italian cybernetic sculptor,   imparted as one might be led to expect by an
                                                 Fahey built a computer-controlled machine   organization calling itself the John Fare Vital
                                                 that performed amputations. Fahey was the   Information Bureau, West 56 Street, New
                                                 patient — the computer functioned in a    York. A vital telephone call which I put through
                                                 completely random way. The performances   to them early this morning yielded nothing
                                                 were advertised and tickets sold at £5 a throw.   beyond the swirly gobblings of a certain
                                                 These performances took place in England.   `Jenkins' who, possibly owing to the distance,
                                                 In total there were 6 amputations on Fahey   resembled a ventriloquist in a Waring Blender,
                                                 by the machine. The final one being his head.   and an unidentified pre-adamite whose
                                                   Do you have any information about these   continual laughter sounded like pieces of iron
                                                 performances (they took place two years ago,   thrown into a bathtub. As publicity agents, they
                                                 the death of John Fahey was mid-November   are just one step ahead of the Tarbaby.
                                                 1970), John Fahey, his life and/or his work ?   I have nevertheless been told by others that
                                                 Failing this could you please let me know of   Fare's earliest 'appearance' gestures consisted
                                                 anyone whom you think may have ? Failing   in the public removal of his clothing,
                                                 that could you please print my request in your   accompanied at times by such trimmings as the
                                                 magazine asking for any known material on   pressing of 'his bare arse' against the
                                                 Fahey to be sent to me at the address given ? I   street-level windows of particularly genteel
                                                 do hope you may be able to help.          restaurants. These high deeds nearly always
                                                 GRAHAM BROWN                              led to his arrest and/or hospitalization, if only
                                                 4 Cricketers Terrace                      because it never, apparently, occurred to him to
                                                 Leeds 12                                  avoid consequences, however predictable or
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