Page 14 - Studio International - November 1972
P. 14
intended transmitted meaning as containing News and notes Rühm, Schmidt, Schnitzler, Sedgley and
value judgements. The more generally accepted Wewerka. Six contemporary Israeli artists
the statement is, the more a collective are scheduled to show from November 24.
agreement of what those words mean occurs.
The furthest limit of meaning (cognition) with RAT-ART
universal acceptance is with the fact statement, An artist/teacher, Eric Moody, concerned
its opposite is the individual's interpretation, The Artists General Benevolent with research into the use of communications
which has the personal value system of the Institution is a long-established charity media in education, from wall charts to
individual sieving and making personal meaning which helps artists who find they are unable, VTR apparatus, is currently inviting
of incoming 'personal value judgements'. through old age, sickness or other misfortune, people from all walks of life to personalize or
The sculptor presents his personal value to help themselves and their dependants. customize a RAT-ART poster, and is exhibiting
system when he gives form to materials. He If you are in favour of artists, maybe you the results; copies of the poster and more
gives shape to his prejudices. His selection is would like to help the AGBI by making a information can be obtained by sending a
biased, otherwise he selects without meaning at contribution, however small, to carry on this stamped addressed envelope to Eric Moody,
random and no 'intended' meaning is essential work. Cheques or postal orders c/o Ely Teachers' Centre, Ely,
transmitted. No overt statement is discernible. should be made out to the AGBI and sent to Cambridgeshire.
But the way the statement is read need not be, 3a Greville Place, London NW6 5JP
and often is not, the same as that consciously (Tel : 01-624 0525). If you wish to pay £2 Environmental Art
intended by the sculptor. The constructionists or more, you may like to enter into a 7-year Project: Peeling Project
and minimalists in their search for plastic Deed of Covenant. Details of the scheme will Completion: August 1972
Best Products Retail Centre,
freedom sought to 'purify' and reduce the be gladly sent on request from the above Place:
anthropomorphic associative elements in their address. The Independent Steward of the 540o Midlothian Turnpike
Sydney Lewis, President of
work. Yet even then how far did they go ? Could organization for the year 1972/73 is Sponsor:
they have gone further ? You cannot completely John Hutton. Best Products
Site Inc. Cynthia Eardley,
remove associative factors, whatever they are. Artists :
How much then was honestly interpreted A giant play-sculpture has recently been Project Director
from Mr Dalwood's sculpture, without bias ? inaugurated in the Kiryat Hayovel Materials : Brick, steel, stucco
Because there are precedents of style which he residential quarter of Jerusalem by Niki de Description: The Best Products South Side
professes not to know, this does not make them Saint-Phalle. The project was originated Building was an anonymous, rectangular,
not exist in his work. 'To close your eyes does and sponsored by the Israel Museum. brick structure on an asphalt parking lot
not make the outside world disappear. It only The sculpture is 24 ft high, entitled The when Best's President Sydney Lewis retained
darkens it'. I did not suggest that he had Golem. It is situated in a middle-class Site Inc. to visually improve the site. The
consciously picked a style or mode of housing area, and children (or anyone else) resulting project - a series of peeling corners
construction, but that these exist in his can climb through the back into the top of the distributed throughout the building facade
sculpture, however they were arrived at. head and slide out down the tongues. Niki and adjacent property - is intended to transform
Also the point I made about alienating style de Saint-Phalle was helped by Jean Tinguely the site from one of routine utility into a place
from the belief that made it, is a criticism I made and assistants. It took a year to build. of visual fantasy. The sculpture elements are
before of Mr Dalwood's piece. One can only site-oriented, in that they are developed as an
make a statement of a kind at a particular Gallery House has an exhibition 'The Berlin intrinsic part of the building and land surface.
moment if it is to be seen as a creative act. Of Scene 72' till November 19. There are 17 By using the inherent materials
course one can repeat the statement or style at a artists involved: Arakawa, Brehner, Brus, and special nature of the existing structures,
later date. But unless it is added to, in that it has Girke, Gosewitz, Grützke, Hoeicke, Kahlen, Site'suggests new alternatives for the use of
invested into it the new and imminent, it Kobberling, Kowalski, Lüpertz, Radowic, visual art in an'urban context. (Illus. below.) q
becomes a repeat, an academic exercise, without
the vibrant dynamic that comes from urgent
creative need at the time of its emergence. In
fact it is then stillborn.
I think Mr Dalwood's piece had academic
idea rather than urgent belief built into it. And
if I've attacked the 'apparent' integrity of a few
other artists, it is because we make up what is
probably the most complacent, the most
self-compromised artists and gallery situation
that any society has ever produced. It lacks
truth and honesty on all levels. As for elevating
`prejudices to eternal verities', isn't that what
anybody of any artistic integrity has always
done ? In fact being mortal leads to no other
I'm pleased however to have extended Mr
Dalwood's vocabulary, and suggested a
forerunner (Rusconi) to whom he might find
some allegiance. And as for the laughter he has
been hearing it does seem as though someone
somewhere shares my sense of humour.
London SW