Page 26 - Studio International - November 1972
P. 26

interesting'. 17  If this issue is pushed even   proposition. But if it is asked how through a   art works. But by definition this procedure can
     further, towards the apparent relation of   formal (rational) language are levels of felt   extend neither the meaning of art, nor what is
     value to an 'ultimate' condition of 'felt   consciousness to be revealed, or how are felt   presented. Kosuth may be drawing attention to
     insight', then it might be directly claimed that   states to be referred to, then the analogy   conditions in art that tell us nothing significant
     art within this context commands conviction   collapses.                             about art as such, or that may simply be
      to either a greater or lesser degree.       Suppose it is possible to present a definition   defined as being irrelevant to art. In any event,
                                                of art in analytic terms. How is this definition   this strategy has little to do with Kosuth's
      3                                         to be presented or worked out as a tautology ? On   analytic claims for art. Nor, it might be added,
      One of the most active metaphors for defining   the most elementary level, within the context of   does the philosophical categorizing of abstract
      consciousness in art has become that of   our feelings or perceptions, if A= B there is no   terms through degrees of generality provide any
     abstraction. Modernist criticism has described   reason why A should premise B, or be subject   profound insight into the problems of
      the procedure of 'formal reduction' as the very   to any criterion of logical contradiction outside   abstraction in relation to thought, or for that
      means by which art has most convincingly   of the confirmation of phenomenal experience.   matter, the nature of abstraction in art.22
      defined its status in relation to other disciplines.   Also, if it is further argued that art's status is not   One only too apparent reason for this kind of
      By transforming the question What is Art ? to   to 'assert' but to 'reveal', then there is no reason   breakdown in dealing with abstraction in art is
     the question: what is the exclusive experience   why the use of language as an expedient should   its disassociation from felt consciousness. To
      provided by a form of Art ? it has on this level   not remain a-logical. To quote A. J. Ayer:   quote Morton Feldman, 'The abstract (in art) is
      clarified the progress of fine art, through various   `The view that the Metaphysician is to be   not involved with ideas. It is an inner process
     stages of figuration, towards the direct   reckoned among the poets, appears to rest on the   that continually appears and becomes familiar
      presentation of 'sense data'. But more    assumption that both talk nonsense. But this   like another consciousness. The most difficult
     significantly, the formal 'procedures' of   assumption is false. In the vast majority of cases   thing in art is to keep intact this consciousness of
     abstraction have also proved an effective method   the sentences that are produced by poets do   the abstract . . . . the abstract in the sense I use
     for disclosing or encountering new dimensions   have literal meaning. The difference between   the term has appeared in art all through the
      of felt consciousness. In fact, as I understand its   the man who uses language scientifically and the   history of art — an emotion the philosophers
      development, it is in this sense that Modernist   man who uses it emotively is not that one uses   have failed to categorize r 23
      Art may well claim to have produced by far the   sentences incapable of arousing emotion, and the   On one side this misunderstanding of the
      most original art.                        other sentences which have no sense, but that   nature of abstraction in art has led to the various
        From this vantage point, the recent move by   one is primarily concerned with the expression   assertions that abstract art is too removed from
      Frank Stella (influenced by Jasper Johns),   of true propositions, the other with the   the emotional reality of our everyday lives, or
      then followed by Don Judd, towards the direct   creation of a work of art .:. . . . If the artist writes   even that illusion as a representational form
      use of facts as abstract entities in order to   nonsense it is because he considers it the most   distorts our perception of things. But the
      liberate their art from associative responses, may   suitable for bringing about the effect for which   alternative of setting up an 'actual (or literal)
      be regarded as having effected a significant shift   his writing is designed'.21    state of affairs', for the purpose of eliciting an
      in our understanding of abstract form in    It might, however, be argued that this is to   emotional response, or for illustrating a mental
      relation to 'felt consciousness'.         confuse a method with its purpose (if this is   condition, is for this very reason inadequate.
       Within this praxis, Joseph Kosuth, apparently   possible in dealing with truth relations), but   Happenings, actions, situations, etc., that present
      pushing to an even further extreme of     even more open to criticism is Kosuth's   `literal metaphors' for 'life' may intensify our
      Abstraction,18   together with the possibility of   employment of concepts within the context of   responses to everyday existence, or they may
      using precepts (or ideas) to construct an   art. In Kosuth's activity, the ideas of objects   extend self-awareness through reflexive
      intelligible language, has argued for an enquiry   first as explicit verbal definitions (particulars,   consciousness, but it is here that they stop short.
      into art based purely on a conceptual level and   then generalizations), then as conceptual   Their form can provide no further insight into
      in line with philosophy. Art, in other words, is   categories implied by art language (synopsis   our internal (abstract) sense of being, nor for the
      to become solely a matter of thinking about art,   from Roget's Thesaurus), then as structural   same reason can they take us any further outside
      or thinking about thinking about art. Further,   systems referring to thought, are presented   of ourselves. However they may shift or
      Kosuth has maintained that an artwork is only   within the art context as 'investigations'.   re-articulate our immediate experience of life,
      meaningful if it is analogous to an analytic   According to Kosuth, the sorting out of this   the fact remains that they can neither transcend
      proposition19  (that is outside of the    information is not the art, nor is its presentation   or get around 'overt behaviour' or 'material
      indeterminate realm of empirical experience),   as such, which is 'neutral'. How, then, does   consciousness' as such. (Obviously this doesn't
      which in turn implies not only an intelligible,   Kosuth's work function within an art context   apply to any particular choice of subject matter
      but also a rational use of language; 'Fundamental   (or as art) ? Presumably as a context for drawing   (or facts), but only to a particular treatment of
      to this idea of art is the understanding of the   attention to a certain order of thought in art,   them.) The criticism, in short, is that as a form
      linguistic nature of all art propositions, be they   which in circular fashion directs attention in   of revelation these modalities remain banal.
      past or present and regardless of the elements in   turn to the nature of art as 'idea as idea' (much   On the other side, when art is pursued as a
      their construction'.20  However, it is precisely in   like Duchamp's readymades). But it is exactly   purely formal (abstract) concern, then
      this form that abstract thought in art is most   this 'demonstrative' use of the art context that is   `cognition' in art inevitably slips into the
      open to question — if not to outright derision.   dubious. (I don't see how else an investigation   universal realm of analogy, where its method or
        The analogy between art (or any contribution   can function in this context as a strictly   purpose can easily be confused with that of any
      to art), and an 'analytic proposition', is useful, if   analytic procedure.)        other discipline. For example, what does it add
      art as an enterprise is seen not only as a continual   By presenting 'verbal' definitions within the   to our notion of abstraction in art to quote the
      effort to clarify the painful formal contradictions   art context, for example, Kosuth may be   following as an 'indication' that in this respect
      within itself (ie figuration and theatre,   drawing attention to synonymous pictorial   art is still 'ludicrously primitive'.24
      abstraction and identity, experience and   representations, or indicating that words as   `I see no a-priori reason why even such an
      cognition, etc.) but also as an effort to recover or   generalities are more abstract than the   important concept as that of a physical object
      expose new levels of felt consciousness within   presentation of sense precepts. Or, in presenting   should not be regarded as indispensable. Might
      ourselves. Similarly the internal coherence of a   related art concepts, he may be drawing   not substantially the same facts be expressed in a
      type of consciousness (its formal consistency)   attention to the semantic aspect of language in   language reflecting a universe of discourse in
      may be thought of as a kind of a-priori    `art', or the use of words in the understanding of    which the basic particulars were momentary
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