Page 29 - Studio International - November 1972
P. 29

Aspects of art education 2

         Gear's view, the initiative must come from the   relevance in a teaching situation. They are in   two days a week. Perhaps the students
         community and not the Art and Design Centre.   some cases disheartened by the necessary   themselves will conduct the course. They are
         It is interesting to note that many staff avoid   compromises they have made to achieve   certainly sceptical of the intentions of their
         living in Birmingham if they can and      security and a reliable income, once the   elders and betters. Art Theory entails a
         disagreement over part-time evening classes   prospects of success on the national and   concentration on the techniques of logical
         strains relations with the city council.   international stage have receded. The weak]   analysis, into the terms of which art
           Birmingham offers a post-graduate year in   and hesitant figures which they cut during the   propositions are transformed and tested. It
         both painting and sculpture. Derek Southall,   sit-ins (except for the part-timers) made them   follows that students who specialized in this
         the Senior Lecturer in Post-Diploma Studies,   lose credit in their own eyes and weakened their   area are unlikely to have a folder of
         who has run the course since its inception a few   authority. It is ironic that the educational aims   conventional artifacts for their assessments.
         years ago, left in July and his place has been   which they currently embrace derive in effect   To judge from correspondence this year with
         taken by Tony Underhill. It is too early to   from the events that weakened their position.   the NCDAD, it looked in some quarters as
         predict what sort of changes he will        The uncertainty which undermines the    if Plummer was seeking confirmation that
         introduce. Southall insisted that a clear line   positions of members of staff is not only a   written texts would not by themselves be
         should be drawn between Diploma and Post-  question of educational aims and/or a crisis of   admissible. However, after negotiation, it
         Diploma work. 'The course gives you a chance   personal or artistic identity. It is also reflected in   turned out that they would be and Plummer
         to come to terms with the indoctrination of the   the varying policies which are adopted towards   claims the credit for this victory, since he raised
         previous three or four years of art college   full- and part-time staff. Even when allowances   the matter in such a way as to ensure a
         training', he told me. He cultivated an   are made for local variations, it is probably more   conclusion satisfactory to the Art Theorists.
         egalitarian bottega atmosphere where the course   difficult for an artist to find part-time teaching   In the event they did well and were all
         tutor was simply a primus inter pares.    posts in the Midlands than it was five years ago.   awarded good second-class honours.
           The examples of Birmingham and          It is all the more important to find a full-time   The letter of protest concerning the
         Wolverhampton (to step back for a moment   job and avoid unnecessary risks.          diminishing role of conceptualism at Coventry,
         and draw some general conclusions) show that   To return to fundamental educational   which was published in Studio International
         within a framework of broadly similar     principles, there are those who argue for a   (October, 1971) included the signatures of most
         educational principles, there can be wide   firmer and more rigorous approach than at the   students in the Fine Art area, many of whom
         divergences of academic practice and staff   two Polytechnics so far considered. The   were personally unsympathetic to Art Theory.
         attitudes. It is also evident that the ideals of   Fine Art department at Coventry is a case in   Plummer feels that the significance of the
         structural flexibility and the breakdown of   point. Members of staff, and in particular   letter, although serious at the time, was
         categories are given a mixed reception and when   Terry Atkinson and the Art-Language group   exaggerated, on the grounds that 'students
         put into effect produced mixed results.   which briefly dominated the scene a year or   will sign anything'. But those to whom I
           This is partly because of ingrained traditional   so ago, wanted to offer a disciplined   talked (by no means a representative sample,
         attitudes and financial and administrative   alternative to the easy habit of laissez-faire.   but introduced to me by the Dean) believe that
         problems, but also, I suspect, because in some   Robin Plummer, the incoming Dean of the   the administration is playing a waiting game.
         hands these ideals are, quite simply, too   Faculty of Art and Design who took up his   When the last 'Art Theory' generation
         idealistic. That is, they frequently derive from   post a year ago, is widely credited with   graduates, work in that field will silently be
         good intentions rather than the specific   dismantling the Art-Language course, and at   wound up. According to this interpretation,
         requirements of individual students.      the least permitting the sending away of the   the authorities are practising a real-politik of
           As for 'personal development', the courses at   part-time conceptualists, or, more precisely,   public assent and secret demolition. Plummer,
         Birmingham and Wolverhampton (and, to     the non-renewal of their contracts. Nevertheless,   however, categorically denies these suspicions.
         some extent, as we shall see later, at Coventry   on this general point, both he and Art-Language   Whichever side is telling the truth is perhaps
         and Nottingham) offer a wide degree of    are in agreement. 'I think the object of the   less important than the objective probability
         effective freedom. This is, of course, a   course should be to study the fine arts, not to   that Art Theory at Coventry is on the way out,
         consequence of new thinking about educational   produce artists', he told me.       if only because it is difficult to find people
         and aesthetic aims. But not entirely so: visitors   What then is the current policy of the course ?   willing to teach it.
         to the leading Midland Diploma shows will   It is hard to say, for the new régime has not yet   Other new developments include a
         have been struck by the amount of self-   settled in and strong undertones of conflict   reorganization of the five Art and Design
         indulgent and slack work on display. It may be   between staff and students still persist.   departments into four. As far as Fine Art is
         that there is something rotten in the state of   Different sources offer contradictory glosses.   concerned, an internal working party whose
         English art, but a more plausible explanation is   As far as Art Theory goes, there is to be no   terms of reference were to re-define the
         that a deterioration in the relations between   change, claims Plummer. It will continue to   educational aims of the course
         staff and students and in the concept of an art   receive the same (if not more) support as in the   recommended a two-term common course
         college as a community of shared interests has   past. This may very well be so and Terry   where freshmen spend equal amounts of
         led to a collapse of critical standards.   Atkinson confirmed what the Dean said;   time in four different areas — painting,
           This deterioration can be traced back, in the   however, it is perhaps relevant to observe that   sculpture, art theory and print-making Its
         first instance, to the events of 1968, but they   he was unwilling to answer my questions   purpose is diagnostic and careful readers
         should also be seen in the larger context of an   except in his presence. More significantly, how   will realize that we have returned to the much
         (apparently) fragmented artistic tradition and of   is one to interpret the undoubted fact that the   travelled territory of 'personal development' and
         the continuing economic difficulties inherent in   Art Theory teachers have been decimated ?   the 'breakdown of categories'. The course as a
         an artist's career. Artists in their middle age are   Only Atkinson and a local part-timer are left.   whole is project-based (group and
         out of sympathy with the aspirations of the   And now comes the news that           individual) and the tutorial system lays
         young and their technical skills have lost their    Atkinson himself is planning only to teach    emphasis on the year tutor.

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