Page 39 - Studio International - October 1972
P. 39

(Left to right) First Ilya Mouromets 1915, plan and elevation of Mouromets, Sopwith triplane being looped 1915

         prevalent misunderstanding of aircraft design.   Flying boats are especially rewarding to   younger cousin, the Mosquito. Equally, the
           Clearly, speed, power, lift, flight itself, are   connoisseurs of aeronautical baroque, largely as   Junkers Stuka and the Blohm and Voss 142
         only means to ends. The primary function of   a result of the contradictory demands made on   were regularly found ugly, for all the rough
         flying is not to fly, but to perform a variety of   their fuselage by air and by water, where the   analogy between their cranked wings and a
         tasks each of which requires a diversity of   lower fuselage becomes a hull. At rest in the   seagull's. Insofar as aircraft configurations
         capabilities. To take an obvious example, a light   water, it must provide buoyancy and balance   incline to aerodynamic economy, their forms are
         aircraft used mainly to give its owner the   longitudinally, while at take-off it must move   relatively easily detached from all other
         aesthetic pleasures of the joyride, wants to be   fast enough for the wings to gradually take over   considerations to lend themselves to a
         very low powered to make it economical, and   the aircraft's weight. But the ideal hydrodynamic   minimalist sensibility. They remain hospitable
         rather slow so as to permit an intimate   shape would resemble an inverted wing, which   to this mode of contemplation even when,
         relationship with the landscape of which it can   would have submarine tendencies, so the   strictly speaking, other factors should rule it out.
         then provide a bird's-eye view. Birds, after all,   designer must break it by the 'steps' behind   Thus such configurations as the tail-unit or
         fly as a means of relating to the land, where they   which air builds up, making lift-off possible.   wing-root cross-section-and-dihedral can
         seek worms or fish. The last two are sub-surface   The flying-boat fuselage cross-section is also   attract, and satisfy, a kind of consciousless
         animals — just as aircraft created subterranean   susceptible to contradictory hydro- and   contemplation, and maintain it throughout their
         air-raid shelters and are particularly suitable for   aerodynamic demands, while the general shape   relationship with one another, despite the
         spotting submarines. The antithesis of the   may be dominated by the need to lift airscrews   presence of analysability, function, and all the
         screaching jet is the glider, which flies without   and tailplanes up on high out of the spray.2  A   other hairs in the minimalist soup. The relative
         power in a very important aesthetic alternative   twenties airliner like the Handley Page Hannibal   simplicity and blandness of aircraft structures
         to post-futurist and pseudo-functionalist   class may seem staid, even ungainly, with its   and surfaces have much to do with it.
         power-fetishism.                          built-in headwind, but one's initial response is   More often, however, the pure visual tensions
           Even such 'hard-edge' functional        modified on learning that the eight aircraft of its   of aircraft form are sufficiently complex to
         specializations as fighter, bomber, patrol-boat,   type, designed to a policy of slow but sure, flew   exercise a full sculptural vocabulary. The
         airliner, force the designer to balance various   many million passenger miles, at about half the   photograph of the Supermarine Southampton
         desirable but often antithetical capacities : high   speed of all their competitors, with never a   displays the beautifully bowed hull (part fish,
         maximum speed or high cruising speed or low   fatality. And then its lines acquire a quality of   part boomerang). Its biomorphic form contrasts
         landing speed; manoeuvrability or stability;   moral beauty, of motherliness, contrasting not   with the open oblong box sketched by the wings,
         range or payload; high performance or duration   merely with the holocausts of the jumbo-jet era,   and that, in turn, with the dihedral on the outer
         and safety or structural strength or crew   but also with the homicidal haste of motorists.   lower wing, and the aerofoil cross-sections. The
         comfort. A large wide wing confers lift but   Surprisingly, perhaps, aesthetics are of great   struts and braking wires induce a sense of
         obstructs speed. Fuselage shapes ideal for cargo   concern to the technically-minded aficionado of   visible physics — the air pressures on the wings,
         stowage impede speed. Speed at high altitude (in   aircraft design. Thus William Green3  observes,   the need for strengthening above the floats, and
         thin air) favours lean, lengthened wings. Speed   severely, 'the specifications issued in the late 20s   the clustering connections between wings,
         at low altitudes (in thick air) favours clipped   and early ios by France's Service Technique de   fuselages and engines. The engines, albeit the
         wings. The helicopter (surely, since Vietnam, as   l'Aeronautique for so-called Multiplaces de   energy-centres of the whole construction, are
         significant a symbol of our times as the jet) was   Combat enabled French aircraft designers to   visually isolated in the interior space of the
         evolved to provide near-stationary speeds. A   perpetrate more crimes against aesthetics than...   flying network, upthrust on stalks like flowers,
         requirement for all round visibility and good   every other aircraft manufacturing nation   and ensconced in the lower angles of the central
         fields of fire for variously-placed machine guns   combined'. The Fairey Fantôme and the   strutting 'W'. These  gestalt readings are
         produced such remarkable shapes as the    De Havilland Albatross were widely referred to   complementary rather than mutually exclusive,
         Handley Page Heyford. Aircraft functionalism   as the most beautiful aircraft of the inter-war   and the economy of aircraft form clarifies their
         normally requires a network of non-extremist   years. And only a long analysis, for which   co-existence. Flying boats owe much of their
         compromises, and their rationale must be   aesthetics itself is not altogether prepared, could   special fascination to their biomorphic hulls,
         understood before the elegance (or otherwise) of   begin to explain why the latter had the edge over   particularly as their nearest equivalents, ships'
         the solution can be enjoyed.              its also beautiful stablemate, the Flamingo, or its    keels, are normally hidden from view.

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