Page 34 - Studio International - October 1972
P. 34

In particular, Fechner was interested in
      Can aesthetic                             language and concepts that are used to describe and   determining experimentally preferences for
                                                evaluate works of art.
                                                  In the scientific approach to aesthetics,
      preferences                               aesthetic phenomena, like other human     proportions in geometric forms and in line
                                                                                          division; and tried to relate these to the
      be quantified ?                           activities and interests, are considered as natural   aesthetic doctrine of the 'golden section', i.e.,
                                                phenomena which are subject to investigation by
                                                                                          that section of a linear segment which divides it
                                                means of empirical inductive methods. The   into two segments in such a way that the longer
                                                investigations themselves and their results must   segment is the mean proportional between the
                                                be open to the inquiries of others so that they   shorter segment and the whole segment.
     Maurice Yaffe                              may be validated and verified. In experimental   Apparently, the golden section (i :1.618) was
                                                aesthetics it is necessary to set up impartial and   supposed to possess some esoteric beauty by
                                                objective hypotheses as far as possible, so that   philosophers and aestheticians. Unfortunately,
                                                observations and inferences may be controlled   subsequent investigators (particuarly Lightner
                                                systematically, rather than attempt to formulate   Witmer in the United States) found that their
                                                exact quantitative laws based on mathematically   subjects came near to choosing the golden
                                                precise measurements, as in the natural sciences.   section, but no one actually chose it ! Results like
                                                Experimental aesthetics (cf. philosophical   these impressed researchers not to place too
                                                aesthetics), as a field of inquiry, encompasses a   much weight upon averages in search for an
      Traditionally, there has been considerable   broad area of investigation and cannot easily be   aesthetic form. Nevertheless, it was shown that,
      ambivalence in peoples' feelings towards the   delimited; over the years though, the main   in general : (i) the golden section and symmetry
      psychological study of art. As James Hogg   concern has been with the study, coordination   are pleasing; (2) a division very near the middle;
      points out in the recent book of readings he   and integration of facts and theories considered   and (3) one which makes the shorter line less
      edited on this theme, 'On the one hand the   to have relevance for the experience and creation   than a quarter of the length of the whole line,
      experience of art is felt to be so personal and   of works of art. It should be pointed out,   are displeasing. More recently, George Birkhoff,
      private, and so intimately related to our   however, that exponents of the scientific   an American mathematician, attempted to
      individual personality that no mere       approach in aesthetics do not consider the   organize this specific information under a few
      psychological theory, let alone one dependent   philosophical approach outdated or obsolete.   general principles in his book 'Aesthetic
      upon "objective" techniques, could possibly   Indeed, the use of scientific method is in no way   Measure', published in 1933. He made a bold
      probe and elucidate its significance. On the   incompatible with the philosophic aesthetics of   attempt to provide a general formula for the
      other hand the very fundamental nature of, and   empirical naturalistic philosophy.   measurement of all works of art : visual art,
      importance we ascribe to, such experiences   Throughout history great artists have from   music, poetry and literature. According to
      suggests that for any psychology to account   time to time contributed to an understanding of   Birkhoff, the amount of pleasure in any work of
      successfully for the relations we form with the   aesthetic phenomena. Some of them prepared   art, which he calls the 'aesthetic measure' of an
      world it must also say something about the   involved treatises based upon analysis of their   object, is given by the relation M =O/C where
      function art serves'. It is hoped that the   own or existing works of art. For example,   M represents its aesthetic measure, 0 the
      following discussion of these viewpoints will   William Hogarth examined many forms of   orderliness, and C the complexity. Birkhoff
      reduce any cognitive dissonance and contrariety   architecture as well as the lines of the human   claims these three elements are related to the
      in the reader's mind.                     figure, in search for a norm of beauty which he   three phases in the aesthetic experiences he
        General psychology provides a framework   thought eventually he had found in the   distinguishes as : (i) a preliminary effort of
      within which aesthetics can focus its special   serpentine line; and J. W. Goethe in his book   attention to the object for perception to occur,
      studies on the creation and appreciation of art   `Farbenlehre' developed a sophisticated theory   which increases directly with C; (2) the feeling
      and related sorts of experience; and various   of colour, relating moods and other psychological   of gratification or M which rewards this effort;
      aspects will be discussed to give the reader an   effects to different colours. The turning point,   and (3) a realization that the object is
      insight into one kind of psychological approach   however came in the 19th century.   characterized by a particular harmony,
      to the investigation of aesthetic phenomena,   In 1876 a German psychologist named   symmetry or 0.
      namely the experimental one (sometimes called   Gustav Fechner wrote a book entitled   Unfortunately, Birkhoff never put his
      quantitative, behaviouristic or psychometric),   'Vorschule der Aesthetik', considered by many   formulation to the test. Subsequent research
      with which a number of researchers have been   to be the first definitive text where aesthetics   workers, especially Hans Eysenck of the
      preoccupied over the past hundred years or so.   had been approached scientifically. Fechner   Institute of Psychiatry in London, have shown
      An outline of the present state of knowledge in   proposed that a scientific approach to   that the formula does not succeed very well in
      this area will be given, along with the lines on   aesthetics be substituted for the old abstract and   predicting aesthetic preference judgements of
      which future work is likely to be directed.   speculative one. He made a distinction between   large numbers of people. Three reasons are
        According to the Oxford English Dictionary   two different and opposite methods of aesthetic   given for this failing :
      the term aesthetics, derived from the Greek   analysis : Aesthetik von Oben (aesthetics from   1. Eye movements are not smooth, as Birkhoff's
      `aesthesis', came into modern usage through a   above) and Aesthetik von Unten (aesthetics from   theory requires. The eyes do not trace round
      series of involved discussions by eighteenth- and   below); in the former, which he proposed   figures systematically producing tension which
      early nineteenth-century German philosophers.   aestheticians ought to adopt, investigation   contributes to the complexity factor as Birkhoff
      Originally referring to the examination of   starts from general concepts and ideas and   would have us believe.
      sensuous perception, the expression is used   descends to the particular, and was labelled   2. The general formula appears to be wrong.
      nowadays more generally to mean the philosophy   `philosophical'. On the other hand, the latter   Eysenck has shown in a long series of
      of taste or the perception of the beautiful,   kind of aesthetics Fechner called empirical   experiments that the aesthetic measure appears
      especially in the fine arts, but also in nature (cf.   because one commences with particulars and   to correspond much closer to the product of the
      the expression 'noesis' which refers to the   ascends to the general. He saw these approaches   order and complexity elements rather than the
      science of the intellect, where the concern is   as complimentary to one another and proposed   ratio between them.
      exclusively with cognitive material). For the   that aestheticians should concern themselves   3. Birkhoff fails to take into account :
      purpose of this article aesthetics is defined as   with empirical study of observable data by   (a) individual differences, i.e., some people
      that area of philosophy which is concerned with the    experimentation and quantitative measurement.   appear to prefer aesthetic objects that are fairly
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