Page 38 - Studio International - October 1972
P. 38

(Left to right) Bristol Box-kite 1910, A. B. Roe's Mark i triplane 1909, same Mark i triplane (crashed)
        From box-kite to Concorde                                                           emotionally moving activity, partly for real and
                                                                                            obvious reasons, partly for specifically visual
                                                                                            ones (the aircraft is apparently unsupported),
                                                                                            partly for unconscious connections (Freud on
        Raymond Durgnat                                                                     the significance of flight in dreams). One must
                                                                                            also allow for the play of all the hopes and fears
                                                                                            bound up in technology. These are obvious in
        By and large, discussions of form in fine arts and   facto beautiful. And it may bear a deceptive   wartime, when life and death are in the scale,
        design remain distinct fields. Each has its own   resemblance to a rule of thumb which was   but even civil aircraft can be potent symbols,
        idioms and publications. It is rare to find in   common enough among aircraft designers in   whether of patriotism or of the human spirit. It's
        fine-art magazines serious coverage of    early days, when design was largely still   certainly arguable that the public's sensitivity to
        technological products. Yet their visual appeal to   intuitive: 'Nit looks right, it is right'. But the   form is moulded very much less by the influence,
        our myths and values, their obvious sculptural   two propositions are not equivalent. The first   whether direct or 'percolating down', of the
        potentialities, and the general cultural relevance   depends on one of two notions : either, that any   Bauhaus, or of Futurism or Constructivism, or
        of principles as diverse as those of the Bauhaus   given object has only one function, or, that there   indeed of any other fine-art movement, than by
        and Buckminster Fuller, ought ideally to prevail   are no contradictions between these functions.   the technological processes which so many
        over what is not so much the William Morris   The most elegant functional compromise   avant gardes have had merely to recognize as
        glorification of pre-industrial craft as the inertia   between various desiderata is not, however,   already dynamic and then relate to a new
        of habit. It's sad how rarely we allow our   necessarily the gestalt most pleasing to the eye.   context. The influence stems initially, directly
        sensitivities their natural expansion outwards   It is surely vain to wish away other aspects of a   and continuously from certain technological
        from the finesse of minimalism towards    spontaneous response — whether empathy or   totems, of which the aeroplane, for obvious
        technological objects, which, for good    that general projection of emotions and   reasons, presents a visually pure and striking
        traditional reasons, have pre-empted the   associations which, perhaps more than anything   form. This is not to question that artist and
        aesthetic interest of the general public. The   else, forms the basis of the common and   engineer may reach similar general forms, by
        Futurists' enthusiasm over racing-cars was   understandable habit of thinking of beauty as   different routes, but it's worth remembering
        perpetuated by that popular interest in speed   something other than functional requirements.   how far the influence on the general public is
        records which endured until the late forties. Not   The careless equation of functional fitness   less the former's than the latter's.
        that a rather boyish avant-garde faith in the   with functional simplicity has been largely   Not that the aesthetic influence of aircraft has
        spiritual power of technological form is   responsible for the current monotony of bland   been altogether happy. A second great class of
        adequate to the complexity of the public's   box shapes, derived, with depressingly   totemic object, the motor-car, owes too much to
        interest. Vintage and veteran cars also have   impeccable logic, from the simple 'functional'   it. Automobiles have sprouted tailfins, even
        ready access to the public's imaginative nerve,   fact that so many things, from slide projectors to   tailplanes, and back-seat passengers have been
        like the mixtures of diffuse erotic fantasy and   toasters, number among their functions the one   forced into cramped crouching positions by
        social image-mongering noted by Ernest    common function of containing other things.   forms which at best are relatively pointless
        Dichter, too rapidly dismissed as mere    Among the first welcome signs of a reaction one   (streamlining making negligible difference
        vulgarisms by purists of form. Certainly ships   may include not only recent outbursts of   below 8o mph) and at worst dysfunctional
        have always possessed their aesthetic aura.   psychedelic and biomorphic forms, but, in the   (streamlining the roofline but not the body
        Jean Guitton' cites Samuel Pepys's remark   sphere of industrial design, the perspex covers   profile approximates an aerofoil cross-section,
        about Charles II's new yacht, 'She will be a   which allow TV sets to display their   i.e., a wing, with a significant deterioration in
        pretty thing . . .', and goes on to urge the   multi-coloured innards.              road-holding at speed) One might excuse the--
        importance of aesthetics even in warship design:   On first impression aeroplanes might seem   streamlining of hairdryers, as some kind of
        `the warship is not always at war, and there is the   more suitable to a mixture of futurist and   external illustration of inner process, but the
        duty of showing the flag'.                Bauhaus aesthetics. We still associate flight with   streamlining of prams effectively expresses the
          We're all familiar with the pious hope — or   precariousness, and therefore the single-minded   poverty of modern myths. An equally irrelevant
        dogma — to the effect that the functional is ipso   tour-de-force of speed. Flight is certainly an    emphasis on speed is largely responsible for
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