Page 16 - Studio International - September 1972
P. 16

Correspondence                            (elements which may arguably be seen as being   connected with pluralism, but when these come
                                                 laudable in themselves). One is motivated,   up one acknowledges the situation as extreme.)
                                                 however, to engage in some stricturing of the   And concerning this mystical Jacob's Ladder
                                                 rather suspect notions he apparently holds as   of 'the gamut of personal artistic experience'
                                                 axiomatic praxis; (some may see this as a   that one is apparently obliged to climb if 'the
                                                 direct subsequential of an allegiance to the   artist is to start from the bottom', what and
                                                 material-character/physical-object paradigm of   where is it ? And when does one reach, or know
                                                 art); presumably in order to attain the equally   that one has reached, the top ? One suspects
                                                 dubious telos of 'master artist' ... (qua   that Piri sees that beast of burden, the art
                                                 Picasso ?).                               school, as providing the magic stairway to
                                                   A basic point of locution in that letter was   success—which is certainly compatible with
                                                 housed somewhere in ideology ... which Piri   bourgeois ethics, but reduces the artist to
                                                 sees as being commensurate with questions of   performing flea.
                                                 the nature of the artist in relation to society etc.   PETER WHITEBROOK
                                                 etc. (Co-existent with this is the idea that there   Hull
                                                 is available some all-embracing metaphysic of   Yorkshire
                                                 the art area.) And a note that can be made here
                                                 is that Piri also evidently holds some parley   Modern farming
       Francois Mathey                           with genius notions et al. Presumably in the   David Dickson in his article 'Art and Industry'
       Your attack on the Pompidou Exhibition may   art world (and probably in Piri's terms the   in your June number is mistaken in assuming
       well be justified but your correspondent is   same would apply to physics), 'intelligence'   that the ideas of the Council for the Protection
       ill-mannered as well as ill-informed. It cannot   (or what you will), is not one-to-one with   of Rural England relate to artistically perceived
       be maintained that 'it scarcely needs saying, of   opportunity. Romantic ramifications of this   environment rather than to the real thing.
       course, that the selection committee was made up of   artist/society business are mythological.   Many of us are practical farmers. We know,
       people who had proved their mastery of the   Nobody starves in garrets anymore. Any   perhaps better than most people, that the
       mediocre . .                              theoria based on this sort of thinking, whilst   countryside is man-made and that the
         Francois Mathey, whose name must be     being fairly sure on a superficial ontological   countryside not farmed is a wilderness. We
       singled out, is a man of true courage and true   domain, that is to say, one is pretty certain in   believe therefore that good farming is never
       vision; he has done more than any other single   this sort of situation what it is that one has to   ugly.
       `salaried official' (to quote your invective) to   do, the thing is to go ahead and act it out;   However, the current agricultural revolution
       keep the Parisian art scene before our eyes—nor,   answer the call as it were; (and [for Piri] the   differs from those in the past in two important
       indeed, is it his fault that only salaried officials   determination of aesthetics would come in   aspects; first of all new farm buildings no
       are in a position to devote their working lives   here); is in correspondence with an ideology   longer spring from local materials and design-
       to organizing exhibitions. Those who condemn   that is essentially vacuous. Ontology is a pretty   8o% of them are expected to be prefabricated
       him for one mistake, should, perhaps, remember   flimsy notion anyway. If the ontologist is   by the early 8os —and for the first time many
       also the triumphs of this supremely innocent   only some kind of world taxonomist (re. Quine),   farming activities are no longer related to the
       man.                                      there is the inference that over-consideration   land around them.
       R. C. KENEDY                              (to the point of a-priori fastidiousness) of the   The prefabricated farm building calls for
       Advisory Editor                           ontological domain is a very poor sort of   some control on colour and design at the
       Art International                         ideological responsiveness. As Atkinson and   drawing board stage and control of siting by the
       London W4                                 Baldwin have pointed out, COn the Material-  local authority. There is no reason why with
                                                 Character/Physical-Object Paradigm of     these safeguards farm buildings of the future, if
       Idle incoherence                          Art' I Art-Language vol 2, no. I, p. 52): `If the   not contributing to the landscape as well as
       Studio International was irresponsible in   inferred proposition turns out to be false, the   their predecessors, should not at least merge
       conjoining 'Educating Artists' with the   responsible offender will be suspected among   into it.
       maunderings of those in need of education.   the premises.' Ideology and ontology are in   Factory farming presents a very serious
         The most obvious deficiencies exist in Miss   this sort of relation here. Deontics enter here.   threat to the landscape—being unrelated to it,
       Juris's and Mr Marioni's conversation and in   One would suspect that Piri's association   its effect is nearly always disastrous. There is a
       Mr Stezaker's pastiche.                   with his work would be bourgeois/quasi-   world of difference between enlarging fields
         Miss Juris and her respondent have the sort   sociological ... (a sort of romantic/life-style   from 4 to 20 or even 40 acres to accommodate
       of talk that Art-School reflexive celebrities   interpretation), rather than anything else.   modern farm machinery and abolishing fields
       typically get away with. No one is helped.   Anyhow, it certainly seems well-bitten by a   altogether with the attendant loss of top soil.
         Mr Stezaker's article seems to have a   Wittgensteinian solipsism, and one would not   There is a world of difference between modern
       careerist overload. A more serious criticism is   be at all surprised if Piri asserted a sympathy   prefabricated farm buildings related to the land
       attached to the absence of an index of fruitful   with some of the observations of (particularly)   around them and food factories. This is
       antecedent theory. It is the case that everyone   Notes 14-16 inclusive of 'Art Teaching'   agribusiness as opposed to agriculture.
       struggles a bit. The situation is at best tentative;   (Atkinson and Baldwin/Art-Language vol r,   Bad husbandry and greedy farming do spoil
       we don't see why Mr Stezaker's deterministic   no. 4, pp 25-5o). Whatever Piri's association it   the landscape. That is why serious thought
       declarative posture should mess us about.   certainly seems to be pace life-style, and a   needs to be given to expanding planning control
       TERRY ATKINSON, DAVID BAINBRIDGE, MICHAEL   rather bourgeois one at that.           to farming. Why a factory producing eggs
       BALDWIN, IAN BURN, CHARLES HARRISON, HAROLD   And pluralism—(presumably that is to what   should not be subject to the same controls as
       HURRELL, JOSEPH KOSUTH, MEL RAMSDEN       Piri is referring when he contends that   one producing peas or beet sugar defies all
                                                 contemporary art is in 'a mess')—is not, and has   logic.
       Praxiomatic axis                          never been, a danger signal per se. In our case   JOHN R. H. YEOMAN
       Some of the sentiments expressed in J. Piri's   what may appear to be a chaotic babble is more   Assistant Secretary
       letter, (`Correspondence' pp 236-7, June),   healthy than the dogma of the few, or a mere   Council for the Protection of Rural England
       display obvious vitality, or enthusiasm    silence. (Admittedly, there are problems    London SW1

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